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Sherlock Holmes

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Everything posted by Sherlock Holmes

  1. Wha..." Ax said, looking off into space, confused. "I proposed? So we're kind of married now? Does that mean..." He trailed off, thinking of what Jace had told him a few years ago. "And, well, we're married, so." He looked at Jace, grinning. "Can I call you horrible married-people things now?"
  2. "Well, good," Tena said. "I'd hate to have to watch you try to kill yourself again. And you'd better not kill anyone, okay?" She tapped her foot, irritated. If her sweet, idiotic Ani got taken over by a bloodthirsty killing machine, she'd be very peeved.
  3. Ax woke up thirty or so minutes after Jace. "G'morning, babe," he called, sitting up and yawning. He stretched, his muscles complaining somewhat. Didn't work out yesterday, I don't think. Wait... He remembered yesterday in a flash. "Well then," he mumbled, then raised his voice a little. "Babe, what did we do after we missed prom?"
  4. Tena swore. "I watched Hellbent die, dammit. She sighed. "If you dare to go crazy again, I'll kill you and whatever little beast inside of you that makes you like this." She called this to him, irritated, cradling Solace after Ani had apparently forgotten about her. @Ark1002
  5. Tena bolted up to her feet, fast as a jackrabbit, and just stood, confused at what she should do.
  6. She looked up at him calmly. "No. That's not the point. The point is that Silas, my son, the kid I hid from Space Marines when he was twelve, the man who married Ambrosia and had kids with her, is there and I'll be gorramned if whatever you are tries to throw him away so you can... do what? Kill more people? Wow." She rolled her head. "Such priorities. And what is even the point of killed a middle-aged woman, her husband, her daughter-in-law? And, also, her son? You have to kill him last, do you? Well, tell him that he's a good guy and I believe in him, tell him that. Tell him that he's stronger than whatever you are, and that his mom thinks he's worth the time and tears spent raising him." She glared up at the thing, and a tear trailed down her left cheek. "My son is a good person." Then she looked over at Ani and moved her arm around his massive shoulders. "Honey. I'm here." @Ark1002
  7. Ax nodded and got up, then went to the bathroom and showered.
  8. Ax hugged Jace tightly and kissed him again for a second. "You... are the... greatest..."
  9. 'Twas. When Ax was done dancing, he pulled Jace over to the bed.
  10. Ax danced with him, head spinning somewhat while he smiled and watched Jace's face.
  11. Ax stared up at the ceiling while Jace ate, just grinning and feeling like a puddle of happiness.
  12. Ax nodded and obligingly ate the pizza he was offered, thrumming with happiness and nervous excitement.
  13. "Nah, I want to be your husband," Ax said. "As soon as possible." He kissed Jace again for a second.
  14. Ax stopped the kiss after a minute and grinned at Jace. "So... you're my husband? Or do we have to do something extra for that?"
  15. Ax grinned wildly, then kissed Jace, his heart soaring. He hugged Jace as tight as he could, a sudden strange fear of having someone steal him overtaking him. I can't let someone steal him, he's my-- my husband? He felt another insane roil of emotions rise, and shivered.
  16. "Uh..." Ax felt his calm break, a lot. "W-well... uh... will you marry me?" He blushed deeply, torrents of emotions that made no sense sweeping through his chest.
  17. "Do you?" Ax said, dead serious as he looked into Jace's eyes.
  18. "It's been two years, right? Or three?" He paused. "We could get married."
  19. Ax nodded in total agreement and took a bite, still spaced out.
  20. Ax picked Jace up around the waist and sat down with Jace on his lap.
  21. "Three," Ax said resolutely, determined to eat.
  22. Ax pulled away from the kiss after a moment and said, "Love you."
  23. Ax did the romantic catch option, and immediately pulled Jace up for a kiss.
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