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Status Updates posted by Shivertongue

  1. Yes, and no. If handled correctly, keeping your identity a mystery can be just as - if not more - useful in terms of gaining Influence. People will be thinking about you, even if they don't know your name, and nothing spreads like a good mystery.

    1. Moroten


      Hi. Sorry very random this. But I have registered but cant post anything even though I have validated my account. What to do?

  2. Well, I am pretty awesome. ;)

  3. I did, yes, because firstRainbowRose forgot to give it to me herself several months ago.

  4. It is very nice. More people should put that in their signature. :D

  5. I approve of this, despite the lack of waffles.

  6. That would be awesome. I was actually working on my own Mistborn RPG, basically converting the rules and system of Paizo's Pathfinder RPG to work with the various metals and abilities. It was rather difficult, and I'm very, very anxious to see what you guys have come up with and how you figured out how the various powers work.

  7. Welcome! Wish i could have been part of the interview, but I had to work that day. Sad that the resident tabletop gamer among the site admin wasn't able to join into an interview with a tabletop gaming company... Regardless, I look forward to the Mistborn RPG. ^^

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