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Posts posted by supersmith

  1. The ships could be used has bombers or something. Fill them up with big rocks or whatever is the closet thing to a bomb they have, and then use some of the windrunners to protect the ships, or just giant lances on the deck. Or some soul casters could soul cast the air into rocks and drop them on the troops below. Or turn the inside of the those rocks to oil and then light them up. Dang that would be cool.  

  2. So i've been thinking about duralium and it's affects. so we know if you you use it with steel you get super pushes, and all that stuff, and atium lets you see the future. So what about other metals? like if you use it with bronze? can you find every allomancer in like a 1 mile radius? Or copper? how do you hide yourself more? what about Gold/Electrum? would you maybe become your past or future self for a little while? what about nicrosil? Do you give the boost to someone else? What about bendalloy/cadmium? could you maybe travel to the past or future respectively? and what about lerasrium? you would already need to either be a misting or a mistborn, so would it like double your power or something? 

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.  

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