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Everything posted by zakotheshadows5

  1. No way!! I though I read that that is forthcoming. Did Martin Skreli buy the one copy lmao?!?
  2. Fellow Cosmerians, aside from Aether of Night and the first few chapters of the Liar of Partinel, are there any other unpublished cosmere-related books/novellas?? Not including everything in Arcanum Unbound. Thanks!!
  3. Understood, thanks for the advice on protocol!! And thanks for the response! I see now the imagery of the materials pertaining to his story. Is the Liar of Partinel accessible?
  4. Thinking more on this, the sand and metal shavings he's dropping have to be low-key shoutouts to sand masters and allomancers huh? (If that coincides with Hoids chronology of appearances)
  5. Your speaking of secret history right? when Kel sees him grab the bead in the cognitive realm? Must just be a coincidence that Hoid drops ripped pieces of paper with writing on them haha. I haven't finished warbreaker, so maybe the materials Hoid is dropping during his story to Siri will he explained.....? Or it's just for effect of the story he's telling and has no significance what so ever lmao!! Thanks!
  6. Sup everybody, first post on the site! For those who have finished mistborn era 1 and warbreaker. When Lightsong introduces Siri to Hoid, he's telling a story about the past of Hallandren. Anyway, Hoid is dropping sand and metal shavings as he's explaining his story. Hoid also drops "ripped pieces of paper with writing on them". Am I thinking too hard, or are these the corners of sazeds and tindwyls hero of ages manifest that Preservation was ripping to give Sazed clues to not let Vin release Ruin at the well. Thoughts?!?!?
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