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Everything posted by ceskykure

  1. I think that something that we have to look at in Training Squires. is the purpose or main ideal for them. Kaladin and the windrunners are all about protecting people. that is a common desire among soldiers and people who've been through traumatic or spirit breaking experiences. it would make sense that Kaladin who is around a lot these kinds of people has a multitude of people to try and train as squires. I don't know enough about the other orders to say, but Lightweavers are about Truths and lies, and according to a WOB if i remember it correctly that they usually have some kind of artistic talent. not many of those in war. and she really isn't seeking any out. her new Spymaster apprentice, i don't remember her name, could become a Squire Truthwatcher....... no idea, really just no idea Elsecallers....... Logic, i think the elsecallers main ideal is about logic. Skybreakers...... Justice, Nale has had many squires, probably not too hard to find people devoted to justice when you've been around as long as he has. Dustbringers....... destruction probably not. no idea Willshapers.......... who knows Bondsmiths..........no squires. that we are aware of Stonewards......... haven't seen any besides Taln, Edgedancers...... not really sure. they were said to be very graceful and elegent, don't see how it translates
  2. This would be ideal, but i have a feeling that Odium would either renegotiate or put some limiters on it. like only those married before we made the deal, or only born within so many miles of the center of the city.
  3. if they are healed and can regain their connection, they would definately side against Odium, I think Odium is trying to hedge his bets and take the heralds out of play. Every other Desolation, the heralds were a major part of what stopped him. He probably has a little bit of hate for them and imprisioning them in gems and doing .... who knows what with them, would probably make him very happy
  4. Also when referring to the Void, they were merely stating that Humans didn't have the Rhythums which to the Singers would be reminiscent of a void, or an absence
  5. Didn't seem like hemalurgy to me because of the gem that was on the end of it. it seemed more like the gem, that was used to bind the "Thrill". As if Odium was trying to contain the Heralds and the benefits they could provide.
  6. As i understood it, the spren that are bondable, or more influenced by People, Honor Spren, Ink Spren,.. Etc, were more influenced by the shards, either cultivation or honor. but i could be wrong
  7. i was contemplating on how Brandon Sanderson said that magic systems on Sel, were a mixture of Devotion and Dominion. It occurred to me that Dominion's intent isn't to control or govern but talking about an area where certain lands or domains are subject to sovereignty or control. All of the magic systems on Sel, are focused on Devotion. Elantrians/AonDor, it is devotion to an ideal. Dakhor monks its about devotion to obedience and/or their country. Chayshan users devote time and energy, they devote themselves to it. Forgery takes a lot of devotion to master, Bloodsealing, i don't really know a lot about bloodsealing, but i'm guessing that it takes some devotion to something. The aspect where dominion comes into play is that each Magic system is based on its dominion or central area. AonDar gets weaker the farther from Elantris, i think i remember reading something that Forgery doesn't work as well the farther away you get from their spot. Bloodsealers powers don't seem to have a farther away you get weakness, but they also have to renew their seals everyday, and its more of a location that is "sealed" rather than everywhere. For Dakhor and Chayshan i really don't know how it would work, but i think that because the investiture of these systems is focused more on their bodies, Dakhor mutates their bodies and Chaysan focuses their bodies. I hope this makes sense its my first post and its kind of hard to put into words. Ceskykure
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