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I think I am here.

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Posts posted by I think I am here.

  1. 5 minutes ago, The Ward's Guard said:

    “If you want a fight, then I can give you one."

    Jassir just lifted his hands, unafraid of death, though the possibility he could nick a nifty scar did unsettle him a bit.

    “Oh, no,” he said, raising a hand to his head and stifling a laugh. He glanced towards the minor nobleman who’d stood up to Caden before.

    “Hey!” He called out. “Where‘s my muscly saviour? I think I deserve one, too, frankly.”

    @Shard of Thought

  2. 3 hours ago, The Ward's Guard said:

    "if you weren't a jester, I would have killed you long ago. Go pester someone who doesn't want you dead yet."

    “Coincidentally,” Jassir said. “That just so happens to be one person in the entire kingdom, and the last person you’d expect.” Did the Raveness want him dead?

    He glanced towards the King’s Lady laughing and he grinned. What was a performer without an audience?

    “Of course, I would never dare you call you a dog now,” Jassir said with fake solemnity.

    “You’re very powerful, of course, barking orders at young attendants, howling at the enemy. I’m sure the idea of fighting in the ball was very fetching for you, too.” 

  3. 7 minutes ago, The Ward's Guard said:

    That's ah . . . that's fascinating timing.


    :P #JustJesterThings

    And then... the fight was over. The nobleman continued to their seats without even a scratch.

    “Come on!” Jassir said, throwing his hands up. He looked to General Caden.

    “Caden! Not even a light shove? A slug across the face? Tsk tsk, you’ve tamed since last ball. Was it because I called you the king’s dog last time? I promise, if you get in this brawl I will never sully your poor, noble name like that ever again.”

    Jassir smiled.

  4. 4 hours ago, Dannex said:

    Do you have anything for his character besides that he’s just chummy with the King? I’d be interested in playing a character that someone else made, could be fun.


    Just spitballing here: maybe he’s secretly even worse morality-wise than the king :P A super loyal sociopathic best friend? Perhaps a secret lover of the King but is sad the king can never reciprocate? Maybe some cool thematic role like the Head of Religion or something? (No idea how much power the Church has in Mendahar or what religion they follow, though it can still be interesting). Or going the other way, he might be Ivian’s moral compass, and see the king as a younger brother, feels protective over him?

    Jassir watched a scuffle happen from a distance and cursed under his breath, hopping off his staff and glancing back to the Raveness with a look of sudden seriousness.

    “Apologies,” he said. “I’ll be back.”

    With that, he dropped his staff and cartwheeled over to the group, a rush of colourful tassels and intricate flips as he bounced energetically between Caden and the minor noble he was going against, tiny between two giants.

    “Hey, gentlemen!” He said with a sickly grin, the bells on the side of his hat tinkling.

    “While there’s no greater pleasure to me than to see two ‘civilised’ men brawling like animals in the middle of a ballroom, maybe... actually, never mind.”

    He jumped back suddenly and clapped his hands. Why should he have to break up fights? It was their fault for starting them!

    “Everyone! Take a look at this!” He called out, pointing to Caden and the minor noble. “General Caden’s getting into another fight! My money’s on the noble.”

    “No way,” a young nobleman whispered from next to him. “Jester, do you see General Caden?”

    Jassir just smiled back. “If Caden loses this fight,” he said. “Then I’m taking your shoes. If he wins....” he paused. “I’ll tell you the Raveness’ favourite colour.”

    Now this ball was shaping up to be something fun.

    @Shard of Thought

    @The Ward's Guard


    Ahhh, ninja’d. What can I expect with such a long post? :P Also, love the poses in your drawing, Thought :D 


  5. 5 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

    Jared looked distastefully at the knife. "We're upstairs," he responded, motioning for Nekri to follow. "We should be away from prying ears- this is sensitive information."

    Nekri followed.

    “I guess, but it’s not like anyone would believe you even if they did hear, right? They’d probably just think we’re religious... or cultists, talking about magic.”

  6. 8 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

    Jared grumbled but did as he was told.

    After Jared had gone inside, Nekri approached the man and masked himself in another illusion - a stereotypical criminal, big and burly. After a moments thought, he conjured the image of a large knife.

    Then, he went to work.

    The mugging was relatively straightforward. They often were. A little bit of intimidation and some handed-over monies, and he’d let the victim go free. It wasn’t like he could actually do anything.

    After a moment Nekri entered the inn again, tossing a coin to the innkeeper. He realised he still looked like a muscly criminal but was too lazy to change it, so he just winked at Jared and assumed he’d understand.

    “So,” he said. “What room did you get us? Maybe you can tell me something about this ‘silence’, too. I’ve gotten you to Dox-Marina, after all, haven’t I?”

  7. 8 hours ago, Shard of Thought said:

    “Well, you never know," said Riva. "Perhaps I'm partial to a lemon yellow or obnoxious pink. All my dresses come from the king, so I have little say in the matter. For as stunning as I may look in a colorful gown, I'm afraid Ivian has more on his agenda than to make me look stunning."

    “Shame,” Jassir said, looking around at the bustle of activity as more nobles joined the ball. “You seem to accomplish that well enough already, though, so I wouldn’t fret. My, my, is that Lady Hvenkar? Tsk tsk, poor thing.”

    He kept his eyes on the noblewoman. That was someone who’d had her mask, their safety as wife of a powerful Lord, ripped away, and now she was back. Months later. Jassir had to commend the tenacity of that, and he almost decided he wouldn’t mock her. Not tonight.

    “Well, I best get back to my theatrics,” he said, turning to the Raveness and winking at her. “Don’t you worry, I’ll make sure all of Mendahar knows your colour preferences by the end of tonight. Meanwhile, you just stay here, do your thing. Look intimidating.”

    He paused. “Must get lonely, not being able to interact with anyone normally,” he mused. “Though I suppose that goes for me, too.”

  8. 16 minutes ago, Shard of Thought said:

    Riva chuckled. "My job is to intimidate, not to threaten, Jassir. And - to anyone but you, of course - walking up to someone and starting a conversation is a massive threat in and of itself. Besides, my work is for unprecedented breaches of conduct, not ambitious noblemen. If that were the case, why then, everyone here would fall under my knife!" 

    “How dreadful,” replied Jassir, feigning horror. “All of these nobleman, suddenly disappearing? Who would I have to make fun of? Why, I’d have to resort to mocking the King, and then it’d be me under your knife!”

    Though he smiled and joked, he watched her reaction with interest. Indeed, while everyone wore a mask, some wore more layers than others. Underneath that intimidating demeanour, that sharp black, who was the Raveness? It was a mystery that never failed to allure Jassir.

    “I notice you’re sticking to your brand,” he said, gesturing to her dress. “Black dress, black mask. Why not embrace a little colour? I’d find few things more frightening than the Raveness herself in a technicolor shawl.”

    He tilted his head and pretended to be deep in thought. “Would you even be the Raveness, then? More like the Rainbow Lorikeet... of Death.”

  9. 10 hours ago, Shard of Thought said:

    "Well, Jassir, you'd make fun of me no matter what I wear. The fact that you noticed my shoes means that they were a good choice. So-" She curtsied, fluttering her fan. "-thank you for the unintended compliment. You have an eye for fashion, despite your uniform."

    “Excuse you, I’ll have you know my garb is the peak of Jester fashion,” Jassir said, twirling around on the spot, sending his multicoloured tassels spinning about.

    “This vivid orange and purple didn’t come cheap, you know. And the best part? The King paid for it all. Maybe I’ll destroy it in a brawl so he’ll have to pay for another one.”

    He held his staff vertically and perched on it with sudden spryness, balancing on it and looking down on the Raveness with a grin. He should have expected she’d bend his words to seem like a compliment.

    “And speaking of eyes...” Jassir said, tilting his head towards the main seating areas. “Young Lord Karoban over there, by the banner? He seems to have an eye for the king’s new agricultural lands. Very ambitious man, that. Outspoken, too.”

    He smiled at the Raveness, a twinkle in his eye. Speaking to her was like flirting with death herself, and it was thrilling.

    “Maybe you should visit his table, hmm? Show him his place? Not that I’d dare tell the Raveness what to do...” he smiled. “I’m just a lowly Jester, after all.”

  10. 49 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

    Jared hesitated, looking into the mist, then sighed. "Fine. We'll sleep here."'

    “Great,” Nekri said, then pointed at the inn. “You go inside and book us a room, I’ll get us some money to pay with since you clearly have none.”

    Already he spotted a lonely looking man walking down the street. Nekri sighed. He hated muggings. They were all so easy.

  11. Jassir found it amusing that most attendees of tonight’s ball would be wearing two layers of masks.

    Of course, there were the boring masks, the physical type. Jassir noticed them when he emerged onto the ballroom floor in a flurry of movement and colour, the nobles with the green or gold or purple masks, thin and flimsy and yet worth more than a peasant’s monthly allowance. Those were the tedious masks, the ones which didn’t really obscure anything.

    And then there was the second layer, the one much harder to spot. Jassir moved between the tables of socialites, flamboyantly twirling his staff, which was decorated with ribbons. The second layer was the one that hid beneath skin and flesh, that resides in the core of a man.

    “Careful there!” he called out to Lady Berick, making his way over to the table where she was seated with her husband. “That’s your third cup of wine, dear, and the ball’s just begun! Although...” He took a long glance at her husband, then patted the Lady on the back. “Nevermind, I understand completely.”

    “What’s that supposed to mean?” The Lord snapped, standing up. Jassir raised his hands in the air, though the grin that danced on his face never ceased.

    “Nothing! It’s nothing, except, well, my, my, Lord Berrick, that’s a nice mask you have. Tell me, what animal is it? Snake? Rat? Pig?” Jassir slapped his forehead. “My mistake, that seems to be your actual face! My apologises.”

    A lord sitting with them spat out his drink, and the Lord fumed. Even the Lady seemed to hide her smile behind her wine. The Lord moved to say something but Jassir waved and left for another table. Indeed, beneath the obvious mask there was a deeper, more subtle masquerade, the one that continued even after ball’s were over. The kind of masquerade that inspired betrayals, that hid corpses underneath rugs.

    Beneath Lord Berrick’s strong-man facade, for example, there was an insecure child. That was hardly a fact to disturb the king about, but Jassir noticed it all the same. He moved to intercept another table when a lady entered and caught his eye immediately, making his breath catch. But it wasn’t just any lady. It was her. The Raveness.

    “My, my,” he said smoothly, pulling up beside her with a grin. Unlike most of the court, he didn’t fear the Raveness that much. Only a normal, healthy amount. He knew the king would never betray his most well-hidden spy. “How long as it been since we last met? Seems like an eternity since I last made fun of your shoes. I notice you’re wearing different ones now, by the way.”

    @Shard of Thought

  12. Just now, xinoehp512 said:

    Jared scowled. "Of course it is. I'm sure."

    He didn’t seem sure. Nekri said nothing.

    The next few minutes were silent as they finally approached the town in the dead of night. Nekri introduced themselves as travellers to the weary gate guards and they were let in without further comment. Inside Dox-Marina itself, a sweeping mist covered the streets and back alleys, and the sounds of the town were... mostly silent.

    Nekri hopped off his horse, looking around.

    “I guess we could look for your sister now, if you want,” he said, frowning. “Though, the fact that it’s nighttime and everyone’s inside... plus the mist, it’s not going to help. Or, option two,”

    He gestured to a squat building which advertised itself as a bar and inn. “We rent a room, sleep, then start searching first thing tomorrow. Maybe get a drink or two.”

    Nekri shrugged. “What do you say?”

  13. 38 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

    Jared bristled. "She's not hiding from me. Her memory was wiped, and she doesn't remember me anymore. That's all."

    Nekri glanced back at Jared pensively, bringing his horse out of the forest and back onto a paved out path again.

    “That’s... gotta hurt,” he said with sudden thoughtfulness, then looked back in front of him. The sun had dipped below the horizon and night was spreading across the sky.

    “Not having your own kin remember you... I mean, I have no kin so I can’t relate, but that’s gotta hurt.”

    He rode a little more in silence.

    “How’re you going to fix her memory? Is that possible?”

  14. 7 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

    "No," replied Jared. "Sister."

    Nekri nodded, stifling a stab of annoyance. He didn’t talk much, this Jared, though Nekri supposed that was typical for someone who practised ‘Silence’ as a literal magic.

    The grey, dreary town of Dox-Marina appeared in the distance. Apparently run by a corrupt lord, the place was a perfectly boring town. Which made it great for someone to hide in it.

    “And she’s hiding from you... why?”

  15. Quote

    As soon as I saw the thread I knew what type of character I wanted :P


    Name: Jassir Avander (mostly just known as “Jester”)

    Role: Royal Court Jester

    Appearance: Tall, always dressed in flamboyant and colourful clothing with a uniquely unfashionable hat to tie it all together. Very unimposing Green eyes and black hair.

    Details: Ever since the previous Jester was tortured and executed two kings ago, he’s been in service, always allowed to say and do the things normal nobles can’t. The reason he hasn’t been executed yet is because he also doubles as a spy on the nobles to let the king know if anything suspicious is brewing. Since people underestimate him he can often intercept conversations.

    Personality: He puts on a loud, energetic, and mischievous show so that people underestimate him. In reality, he’s quite observant. He’s also hopelessly in love with the mystery and danger of the Raveness and the King’s Ladies. :P

    Skills: Skilled orator, able to weasel himself in or out of situations, not afraid to speak his mind because he isn’t afraid of the king or assassins, very skilled at acrobatics.



  16. 35 minutes ago, Wyndlerunner said:

    "Using it as a cure? Who's to say the Voidbringers' use of magic is any less willing or natural than ours? Until I can know for certain that Voidbringers are 'infected' somehow, I can't cure something that isn't necessarily an ailment..."

    Rob paused.

    “But... they kill people, don’t they?” he asked. “They attack us all the time. Surely that’s a sickness, right?”

    But James’ words made sense, and they only added to the gnawing feeling he had, the one that told him that the Voidbringers were people, and that it was just as much the Radiants’ fault as it was the Voidbringers that this war continued.

    He remembered Shana’s words. Change the board. Disturb all of it so that no one even wants to fight anymore.

    He looked back at James. The Bondsmith was smart, that was for sure. Rob had expected everyone to see the Voidbringers as he did: monsters needing slaying. But James saw them as something else, something natural. He could see different perspectives, and that was a quality Rob respected.

    “Would you say, then...” Rob said carefully. “That as natural beings, they deserve to live just as much as we do? If there was a group of Radiants targeting and hunting Voidbringers like they hunt us, for example, would they be villains in your eyes?”

    He tried hard not to mention the other Seattle Radiants he and Shana had found out about, the ones that had sent letters to Doc and who were aggressive in their methods, instead posing the question as a hypothetical.

  17. On 30/01/2021 at 10:04 AM, xinoehp512 said:

    Jared nodded impatiently and followed.

    The two set off.

    Through the experience he’d had in the bounty business, Nekri had found that it paid to know the local roads. While the commercial route would have taken upwards of three days, the path they took now cut straight through thick marshlands — but they’d be at Dox-Marina by sundown.

    “So,” he called out while they rode, avoiding branches that were too low. “Who is this woman you’re looking for anyway? Lover?”

  18. 16 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

    Jared hesitated. Teach Nekri Silence? He'd never taught someone before... even if, in theory, he knew how to do it. But he did need Nekri's help...

    "Fine," he replied. "I will teach you. Now, can we go?"

    @I think I am here.

    “Sure!” Nekri said with sudden cheerfulness, happy the deal had gone well. He walked out of the tavern and gestured Jared follow him to the stables.

    “We’ll need to be quick,” he said, bringing out two horses and hopping onto one. It didn’t look too happy, but when he changed to look like the stablehand it calmed right down. Nekri looked to Jared. “There’s two roads to Dox-Marina, a commercial one and one that’s... a little rough, but it’ll get us there faster. I suggest the second one.”

    Nekri smiled. He might have gotten something out of this town after all.

  19. 2 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

    "I told you," replied Jared, "I don't have money on me. I can pay you later, once we get back to my... place of residence."

    “I’ll need more than the word of a desperate man,” Nekri said, then paused in thought.

    “How about this?” he proposed, moving from the wall and walking towards the door, an illusion of a hat forming above his head.

    “We’ll do an exchange. I help you, and along the way you tell me everything there is to know about that funny voice of yours — and what I can do with it. Deal?”

  20. 22 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

    Jared looked at the image, intently, lost in thought. He shook his head, snapping himself out of it.

    "We should check, then." he replied. "She'll be moving on soon... if she hasn't already."

    “Not so quick,” Nekri said, leaning against a wall and making the illusion of her face disappear with a snap of his fingers.

    “Who’s the ‘we’ in this?” he asked, grinning. “I’d suggest you check Dox-Marina yourself, but... oh that’s right, you don’t know where that is.”

    Nekri shrugged, feigning helplessness. “And it seems like your magic is dwindling, too. Whatever will you do?”

    The grin vanished.

    “If I’m helping you, I want something in return.”

  21. 3 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

    "Have you seen her?" asked Jared intently.

    “No, but I don’t need to, see?” Nekri tilted his head up and recalled the photo Jared had shown him, waving a hand and manifesting it in illusion-form in front of them.

    “See, if she wanted to hide, looking’ at her eyes and hair, the best place to blend in would probably be Dox-Marina, south of here. Judging by the people in the background, it could also be one of the surrounding towns.”

    He looked up and smiled at Jared.

    “See? That’s what you get when you ally with a bounty hunter who’s also a local.”

  22. 2 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

    "Well that would be almost too lucky to imagine," muttered Jared. "Hmm. Can you feel anything different when you talk like that?"

    “It feels weird,” Nekri said, then shrugged again. “I’m not too good at descriptions.”

    The sudden inquiry into himself and what he could do made Nekri frown. He looked to Jared firmly, an illusion colourful smoke swirling around him.

    “But enough about me, I doubt my voice is important anyhow. The only reason I came up here was because I thought you might offer me money to track that lady in the photograph. See, I’m not good at descriptions, but I am good at hunting.”

  23. Blue focused on his papers and sat in the seat he’d been assigned, spreading them across the table. He eyed the three new people who’d entered but didn’t move to greet them. They were Zarokhavan. That scared him, especially with the knight so nearby.

    Mainland Zarokhavan come in two types, he remembered his brother telling him. You have the poor sods being manipulated, and then you have the happy, maniacal sods manipulating them. If you ever see a Zarokhavan who looks like they’re nice, think again. There’s a reason their colony doesn’t speak to them anymore.

  24. 3 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

    "So... you copied it from me?" Jared frowned. "That shouldn't be possible..."

    “According to most people’s understanding of the world,” Nekri said, switching to a different voice. “Summoning a blade from thin air and being able to toss people people aside with wind shouldn’t be possible either.”

    He tilted his head to the side.

    “Well, the only reason my illusions work so well is because nobody thinks it’s possible. If you went to someone and told them you saw a shape-changing man I’m sure they’d lock you in an asylum over believing you.”

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