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  1. Let me start of by saying that I've only read TWOK and am about 1/4 the way through WOR. But I have a theory that's been floating around in my mind. In WOK, we learned that Gavilar is obsessed with the Parshendi, as well as the Radiants and the Ten Heralds... In Gavilars Palace, the night he was assisinated, Szeth notice in the hall that there were statues of the 10 Harold's. The statues were described as very detailed and life-like. One statue, however, was missing. At the end of TWOK we meet one of the Harold's, Talenal. My theory? Gavilar is a ghostblood, who also are evil and promote the desolations. The reason the ghost bloods want to obtain information on the desolation and the Voidbringers is to destroy any evidence of them, hence trying to kill Jasnah. The reason the parshendi broke the treaty? Because they are trying to prepare to fight off the voidbringers, which they have a rich history of war with, and they knew Gavilar was a threat to this. That is why gavilar was obsessed with the parshendi. The Harold's have been Stone Cast, and that's why there are life-like statues in Gavilars Palace. One of them somehow broke through the spell though (maybe Jasnah did it during her first soul casting in the hallway of WOR?) Gavilar is evil and is bringing forth the next desolation!!!! Thoughts?
  2. I'm on chapter 60 and nearing the end of tWoK. I know Tien died in Amarams army, but did we ever experience it? I don't recall Kaladin ever seeing Tiens death? If so, what chapter?
  3. Im at the first interludes, so if the answer is still to come, please don't spoil it. So far I'm lead to believe that he deserted the army? Have i missed something?
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