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Indigo Weasel

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Posts posted by Indigo Weasel

  1. 2 minutes ago, Onyx Flamingo said:

    @Salmon Meerkat As I am also a worldhopper, I agree with your theory.

    @Indigo Weasel This also could explain why the sympathizers didn't swing the lynch; they might have just rolled very few lynch manipulating rolls. (Also as someone who wasn't on the first day due to Christmas things, that could have contributed as well).

    @Saffron Iguana I really don't have any major suspicions. I still need to read day One (with Ivory in mind now).

    That is all for now.

    I'm also a worldhopper, so it looks like Meerkat's theory is correct.

    8 hours ago, Fifth Scholar said:

    Edgedancer Messages
    “You are sneaky, little bird. The reptiles are scaly and the frogs are slimy. Kill Odium, my friends.”



    %96C6 2C6 D64C6ED :? E9:D 82>6] z:== E96 v|D]”

    The first message doesn't seem to make very much sense, IDK what it's talking about.

    The second message has some sort of cipher. I don't have the time to solve it rn. Can anyone else crack it?

  2. 19 minutes ago, Saffron Iguana said:

    Indigo weasel

    Three posts, only contains some directly game-related content, though that one was very vague as well:

    @Indigo Weasel, what exactly is the conclusion you're drawing here? It seems like on teh one hand you're clear ing people, adn then immediately retracting that statement again because you think the lynch was suspicious.

    No read, but the post I linked kinda gives me a bad gut feeling is it seems like ti could have been designed to give weasel flexibility to jump either way with his read, without outright stating uncertainty.

    I wanted to say that they were cleared, but I also wanted to comment that it was kind of strange that they didn't swing the lynch. I wasn't trying to state an absolute position, I just wanted to create discussion on the topic.

  3. 6 hours ago, Emerald Falcon said:

    This is a bit of an embarrassing question, but...what's an Odium Sympathizer? You say it like it's a bad thing but don't understand how you can have a hateful sympathizer. Isn't that an oxymoron?

    They're people who love to hate others!

    BTW, you seem to be using a strange font. Perhaps you'd like to join my devotary?

    2 hours ago, Emerald Falcon said:

    Sein's eye dimmed. He sank towards the floor, ignoring most of the kid's chatter. "No Sol. No Traveler," he muttered. "Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore."

    What's Sol, who's Toto and where's Kansas? What're you hiding?

  4. Noah Dim Me walked down a hallway, muttering about anagrams and secret identities.

    2 hours ago, Opal Lion said:

    Taking a look at the rules, it seems that this game will be pretty standard.

    Taking a closer look, the roles of this game seem to be exactly identical to those of QF32 (with a small modification to the Mistborn role).

    This game was only 17 players, so it won't provide a perfect example, but it might help give a general idea for how many of each role exists.


    Well, of course this is standard. LG1 rules are pretty much the definition of standard.

    The other four AGs with this ruleset would probably be a better source for role distribution than QF32.

    1 hour ago, Sage Kangaroo said:

    We of the Devotary of Truth seek to observe the world for what it truly is

    Sounds like that Devotary and mine are natural enemies!

  5. I'm really sorry. Just so you all know the state of my life right now, I got a really stressful task from work yesterday, and I have until end of today to finish it before school starts. It's not within my skillset, and... yeah. That's going to be tough.

    Yesterday I meant to post when I got home, but instead I ended up just taking a break from reality, which I think I needed.

    Rollover is before lunch break, so I cant even take that to work on this.

    Really quick before I get back to work:

    2 hours ago, Cream Tuatara said:


    @Indigo Weasel Cycle 2, you said this:


    I don't really want to lynch Emerald... first because I think the lynch against them doesn't make any sense, and second for selfish reasons. ; )

    What did you mean "for selfish reasons"?

    In every anon game I have played so far, I have ended up working closely with the player behind the account of Emerald Falcon.

    Emerald then PMed me C1, and I thought that was too amazing of a coincidence. (Dont spoil this for me by saying Emerald PMed everyone C1 : P)

    Anyways, that's pretty much it. : )

  6. 27 minutes ago, Cream Tuatara said:

    Weasel: 8 posts - 2 cycle one, 5 cycle two, 1 cycle four. Has shared a few suspicions here and there, though could do with finishing their lists.

    Yeah... I'm really sorry about that. I keep saying next time I sit at a computer I'll get it done, but I have been really struggling for motivation to do... anything, really, this week. Even my minimal posting has been a bit of a struggle for me.

    Honestly, if I died, it would be a bit of a relief to me. :'(  

    30 minutes ago, Cream Tuatara said:

    Interstingly their suspicion list here are all dead now other than Mouse

    Wait, really?
    Well, sort of. I mean, I did only look at 4 players total, and looked at them in order of the player list, but that is pretty funny.

    What would people think of lynching Mouse to complete the murderation of everyone on that list? xD

  7. Sorry everyone, I've been pretty inactive the past couple days, and I'm going to work on changing that.

    We are at... 9 people left I think.

    With 18 players, there are probably 3-4 elims. I'll start with 4 as we have still yet to see evidence of a neutral or third faction.

    D4: 5-4 (lylo)

    Ok... that's pretty bad. So looking at 3 elims.

    D4: 6-3 (-lynch, -kill)

    D5: 4-3 (lylo)

    So basically we have used up our extra lynches. When I get to a computer, I'll sit down and attempt some analysis.

    Just a note, I understand why no one is posting, it feels like there is nothing to analyse. But if we post anyways, then we will create things to analyse, causing us to post more.


    Wait a second, how am I so bad at counting? With 15 players, there should be 2-3 elims. 2 is a little low though, so my guess is 3. Ignore the part about 4 elims then.

  8. Wow, sorry to do this last minute, but this is a elim/village game. If Scorpian was an elim or even a third faction, they have showed they are playing this game, so their faction should be defending them right?

    But no one is. So I think they are innocent. 

    I don't really want to lynch Emerald... first because I think the lynch against them doesn't make any sense, and second for selfish reasons. ; )

    Looking at the other players, a quick read through of them is:

    1. Amethyst Scorpion - Village
      Been leading the lynch for a while. Up by 2 votes, so Soothing won't save them, if there is Rioting, that isn't even guaranteed to save them either. Elims or a third faction should be defending them. You don't bus an active teammate this easily.
      On top of that, they aren't fighting for their own survival.
    2. @Azure Mouse - Neutral/3rd FactionWhy did you think we would learn more about the factions this cycle? You also haven't placed a vote today. Have any opinions?
    3. @Charcoal Hyena - Neutral
      Have one post so far this game, containing a poke vote that was never retracted. I see you online right now, who do you think should be lynched?
    4. @Chartreuse Penguin - Slight ElimWhy do we have to kill an inactive? In a non-blackout non-anon game, we wouldn't be killing inactives right now, because it diminishes the amount of info we gain. On top of that, you were last online an hour ago, around the same time Amethyst showed they weren't inactive. If you want to lynch an inactive, why not change your vote.

      Ok, these are the people I have yet to look at:
    5. Coral Swan
    6. Cream Tuatara
    7. Emerald Falcon
    8. Fuchsia Ostrich
    9. Indigo Weasel
    10. Ivory Dragonfly
    11. Magenta Albatross
    12. Mauve Crocodile
    13. Melon Dingo

    But I don't have time if I want others to be able to see this and change their vote. So I'll keep looking at them, but my vote is going on Penguin.

    Amethyst Scorpion
    Chartreuse Penguin

  9. 5 hours ago, Melon Dingo said:

    But Mint Heron got killed and revealed as a member of the village, didn't he? So if Emerald falcon and mint heron where a team, that would make both of them village XD

    But maybe something like the opposite was going on? Falcon was a wolf voting on mint heron who was village, but he didn't want to risk the attention from being on the lynch of a  villager? If that is so, then it would mean that the others up for the vote probably weren't wolves, as Falcon would have wanted to protect those, I think?

    I guess I'll vote on Emerald falcon for now, as this feels like it makes a bit of sense.

    This sounds rather convoluted to me. All of that only works if we assume Falcon is evil, but we dont have enough data to make that assumption yet.

    I dont have a lot of time right now, but I should in an hour or 2. I'll look at things again then.

  10. Mint Heron hasn't been online since just after the game started, so they can't have been the ones to Soothe the vote off themselves. I personally don't see people trusting inactives on D1, so I am inclined to believe that they are both either evil or another faction. Heron's teammate probably either wasn't up for the lynch, or Heron has a more important role.

    The exact same can be said for Scorpion as well.



  11. Hello everyone! Sorry I'm late!

    Hmm, good catch Dragonfly. The public rules do seem like they are possibly trying to mislead us.

    5 hours ago, Amber Vulture said:

    I agree with Coral Swan and Ivory Dragonfly and Mauve Crocodile. Blackout rules and suspiciously-phrased wincons look to me like there might be third factions or more or maybe sstretching it a bit to say 'third faction' maybe its just a lone wolf with a separate special wincon

    Idk how many factions there would be though, as anyone in a non-public faction would immediately understand the nature of the game, where the people in the two public ones would have to figure it out. It would make more sense to me if there was a third "neutral" faction (like some people have already mentioned) which would win/lose independently of the other 2. It's also possible that instead of a third neutral faction, there are many neutral roles, each having abilities that would affect the other two factions.

    I don't feel like it will just be a single lone wolf though. As the wording of the public wincons are:


    The Heritage Faction: A new threat has arisen against the Heritage Faction’s hold on the Rose Empire. The leaders must unite and remain strong if they wish to keep their hold of the empire. To win, eliminate all threats against your faction.

    The Glory Faction: The Heritage Faction has been in power for far too long. It is finally time to carry out years of planning. It’s time to bring down their reign. To win, eliminate anything that threatens to thwart your plans.

    Emphasis mine.
    It would seem to me that both groups likely have more things threatening them than just each other. A single neutral could do this, but it would imo, make more sense to have 3/4 neutrals instead.

    My picture is cute... But not as cute as my last one. ; )


    30 minutes ago, Chartreuse Penguin said:

    There's no way I can really find out. I received an item as of this cycle that didn't originally belong to this body, but it could have been from the lynch or from another player passing it to me.

    On second thought, Chartreuse Penguin. I think their pickpocket ability must take a random item, if they don't know if it worked or if it was something else. I'll vote on Oxblood Beagle, because they left us to decide the lynch without adding analysis to the discussion or a reason for their vote. I think they might be up to something this cycle with the lynch.

  13. 24 minutes ago, Ivory Dragonfly said:

    Tuatara(3): Falcon, Zebra, Weasel
    Mouse(3): Albatross, Toucan, Tuatara
    Toucan(1): Mouse

    If we're not lynching Tuatara, there's a lot of people who would have to remove their votes. While there's no reason to lynch Toucan, I can say that lynching Mouse would be bad for almost everyone. Last night, Mouse was protected by Devotion, which means that an attempted lynch will bring GLaDOS one giant step closer to victory, assuming we're right about their win condition. If they're willing to expose their membership by actively pursuing a Mouse lynch, it would mean that GLaDOS is uncomfortably close to winning. I don't really have any great lynch alternatives, though. Would anybody like to suggest one?

    And no, we're not that close to winning.  This game has been a giant string of setbacks for us. 

    What I'm worried about is faction number 5's wincon.  They are the only one I know nothing about.

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