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Posts posted by go_go_gragdet

  1. I've been listening to Shardcast, lately, and I've heard Eric aka @Chaos say "KENTON? KENTON?" in a cookie monster voice a few times. The tone cracks me up, but I'm wondering if there's a meme I missed somewhere. An audiobook, maybe?

    I read the White Sand bit in Arcanum Unbounded, but that's all. Haven't felt like reading more, but I might if it means I'll get more layers of funny.

  2. On 22/01/2019 at 6:31 PM, teaspoon said:

    @go_go_gragdet those are some good questions and I'll do my best to answer them.

    1) Hoid is the one character who fascinates me the most, but that is probably because of the little information about him and his appearances in so many places. I also really like Kelsier.

    2) This is a tough one. Until now I never thought about it, but I'm leaning towards TES even though it is just a short story.

    3) A regular teaspoon.

    4) Windrunner. I don't say that because liked Kaladin more than the other radiants (I don't really), but because I value keeping oaths and despise lies.

    Kelsier <3

    Good characters in TES too. Shai and Gaotona <3

    Thank you for your answers. People know you a little bit better now. :) Hope you enjoy yourself here!

  3. Welcome! I was wondering why no one had replied yet.


    People are usually quick to welcome new users, to offer them cookies (some of which, apparently, contain hemalurgic spikes... but don't quote me on this) and to ask them a few questions.

    To answer your question: I agree. It was easy to read TFE many times, but I haven't read WoA and HoA more than twice. I did it after reading Era 2 and Secret History, as it was fun to look for hints I had missed here and there. Tbh, I still like WoA and HoA better than Elantris, which is the only book I haven't  read twice.

    I don't usually do this, but since nobody else posted:

    1) Who's your favorite Cosmere character?

    2) Which is your favorite Sanderson book?

    3) Are you a regular teaspoon or a shardspoon?

    4) If you were a Knight Radiant, from which order do you think you'd be?

    Once again, welcome!

  4. On 17/01/2019 at 6:26 AM, EddieB said:

    In between which 2, WOR and Oathbringer?

    Yes, exactly!

    From Mr. Sanderson website (https://brandonsanderson.com/edgedancer-is-out/):


    For those of you who don’t know, the events that take place in Edgedancer occur between the closing of Words of Radiance and the forthcoming Oathbringer and is often referred to as Stormlight 2.5. The new release of Edgdancer also includes Lift’s interlude from Words of Radiance as a prologue so you can read all of her story in one place.


  5. 11 hours ago, Valk said:

    Some of Mistborn era 2, and haven't read Warbreaker yet.

    Well, though I prefer all of Stormlight Archive and some books in the Mistborn series (The Final Empire, Shadows of Self), I highly recommend it. IMO it is much, much better than Elantris (I'm quite sure most people here would agree), and it is very rewarding in terms of Cosmere-knowledge. The characters are a lot more interesting, memorable (and loveable) too.

    I bought my copy of Warbreaker because I didn't know any better, but apparently, the ebook can be downloaded for free:


  6. Congratulations on noticing the problem and taking steps to correct it. May this road lead you to inner peace.

    I mostly lurk, here, but I haven't witnessed nasty behavior such as can easily be found on Reddit without looking for it.

    I guess the worst you'll get here are quasi-flamewars about SKA, but even that is pretty mild by Reddit standards.

    I do not know if 17thSharders are naturally polite or if they fear the banhammer, but either way, they are pretty well behaved.

  7. Chapter 120, page 1179 of the ebook:


    “Soulcasting is a practiced art,” Jasnah said. “Up, up. Keep walking.” She sliced the steps off as they walked. “Remember, you mustn’t order stones, as they are more stubborn than men. Use coercion. Speak of freedom and of movement. But for a gas becoming a solid, you must impose discipline and will. Each Essence is different, and each offers advantages and disadvantages when used as a substrate for Soulcasting.”

    Given context, I don't think "coercion" is the right word. If you "mustn't order stones", then coercion is even less likely to yield the desired results. If you must "speak of freedom and of movement" to convince them to change, then the proper word would be "persuasion"... or maybe "cajolery".

  8. It's not a typo so to speak, but there are a lot of "try and"s instead of "try to"s in the first era of Mistborn (like in Elantris). Even the narrator uses "try and", so it can't always be chalked up to a character's speech in an informal setting (and pretty much every character says it anyway, including well spoken ones like Elend or Breeze). There are far fewer instances in era 2 and Stormlight, so I guess you're all aware of it.

  9. I like "Serial Thrilla" by Nergaoul The Prodigy:
    Damage destructor
    Crowd disruptor
    You corruptor
    Damage destructor
    Crowd disruptor
    Taste Me, Taste Me!
    Succumb to me, Succumb to me!
    Taste Me, Taste Me!
    Succumb to me, Succumb to me!
    Serial Thrilla, serious killa!
    Serial Thrilla, serious killa!
    Serial Thrilla, serious killa!
    Serial Thrilla, serious killa!
    Damage destructor
    Crowd disruptor
    Taste Me, Taste Me!
    Succumb to me, Succumb to me!
    Serial Thrilla, serious killa!
    Serial Thrilla, serious killa!
    Serial Thrilla, serious killa!
    Serial Thrilla,
  10. 25 minutes ago, Journey Before Pancakes said:

    I doubt Navani would ever become radiant.

    She might be damaged enough that it's theoretically possible; but I don't think she will.  Mostly because her primary interest includes trapping spren, which would likely make honorspren uncomfortable.

    The only exception I can think of would be if for some reason trapping (lesser) spren is seen as a virtue by some other spren.

    I think I've read a discussion between Jasnah and Shallan, where Shallan seemed somewhat outraged by the idea of trapping spren (even lesser ones), whereas Jasnah seemed fine with it (at least where lesser ones were concerned). Perhaps inkspren aren't as uncomfortable with the idea as honorspren might be. I also recall Captain Ico's comments about using shardblades/deadeyes as tools, and referring to himself as "pragmatic". I think some higher spren could indeed be "okay" with it.

  11. 19 minutes ago, MountainKing said:

    Jasnah and Ivory were already bonded at that time.

    I think Naurock meant "prologue" and not "epilogue". Here's the bit in the WoR prologue:



    [...] several distant shadows—originating in an intersection up ahead—stirred to life. Her breath caught. Those shadows lengthened, deepened. Figures formed from them, growing, standing, rising.

    Stormfather. I’m going insane.

    One took the shape of a man of midnight blackness, though he had a certain reflective cast, as if he were made of oil. No . . . of some other liquid with a coating of oil floating on the outside, giving him a dark, prismatic quality. [...]



  12. 10 hours ago, Naurock said:

    Taln seems to be operating under the assumption that the remaining Heralds had stayed to guide humanity.

    Right, perhaps he's in for a disappointment.

    That being said, given how bad things were during the last desolations, humans do seem at a much better starting point this time around. Not as good as they might have been with four thousand years worth of proper guidance, but still much better.

  13. Quote

    Now the desolation has started and nobody, including the world's foremost scholar Jasnah, knows all of the incoming dangers. As it seems there's several Unmade that have yet to be freed, most of Odium's best fighters have yet to be awakened, and the Heralds that were supposed to be there to help them are long insane and useless.

    Well, I know "all the Heralds are crazy", but didn't Taln think they were actually better off this time around, given that four thousand years had passed since the last desolation?


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