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Lord Mistborn Bondbreaker

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    Lord Fullborn Skybreaker
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  1. I may be going out on a limb here... but I think that Sanderson names the Shards...
  2. Well, of course she didn’t say anything. Cultivation has Shardic Sight above most shards. It is not a stretch to say that if this theory is correct, She would know what she is supposed to say, to get him to where she wants.
  3. Granted, you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, and you eat waffles, over and over again until your stomach explodes from eating to much waffles. I wish for the highest, best quality, freshest Sushi in the world.
  4. Ok, here we go. I was thinking last night about the end of Oathbringer and couldn’t get over the fact that Dalinar is able to talk to Evi at the end. Now, the three possible answers are as follows. 1. The first idea was that the realms were so close at the end of Oathbringer that Dalinar was communicating directly with the Spiritual Realm. However, this causes greater implications for the Cosmere as a whole, since at this point Evi would have passed “beyond”, which is said to be a different place than the Spiritual Realm. Yet, here you have Dalinar being able to talk directly to someone in the Beyond? 2. The second idea is that Cultivation knew that Dalinar needed to hear Evi forgive him, so kept her around. Kind of like (MISTBORN SPOILER) 3. The final idea is that Evi is actually an Avatar of Cultivation. It is further possible that Cultivation saw with her future sight how Dalinar’s life would unfold, so she created a body (we know shards can do this, look at odium) and came down to help prune him to were he needed to be. I feel as if it is not that big of a jump for Cultivation to see so far into the future that she starts setting pieces in motion that fast. This explains why Sanderson won’t reveal the name of Cultivation, we all know it, and he wants that reveal for later. (You could go a little deeper, and say that the reason Evi feels so much for Dalinar is that he is so much like Tanavast, her old lover) TL;DR Cultivation created an Avatar of herself (called Evi) to come down to Roshar to help prune Dalinar to were he needed to be. I am sure this will get shredded to bits, but there really needs to be some explanation of Evi talking to Dalinar at the end.
  5. Moash is going to eventually become a Skybreaker, I think. Think about it, in WOR Syl tells kaladin that he shouldn’t kill Amaram because he is not a Skybreaker. Obviously he doesn’t, however Moash took the direct opposite approach here and killed Elhokar. Meaning that Moash believes in the same peverted Justice that Syl compares to the Skybreakers. In addition, Moash agrees with Nale that the Singers are the rightful owners of Roshar. And, like Nale, Moash has sided with the Singers and with Odium in this conflict. In terms of the story, this makes sense, as Moash has always served as a “Dark Kaladin.” This while further add to this balance as Kaladin represents doing the right thing, while Moash represents vengeance. Eventually I think that Moash will take up the Shards of Honor and Odium, and take on the mantle of “Vengeance.” The attribute that has governed his life. TD;LR: Moash becomes a Skybreaker and eventually the Shard of Vengeance.
  6. 1. Only if you are working under the assumption that it’s the person who died talking; and not an unmade. 1. Look at Sanderson’s answer, it wasn’t SOMEONE ELSE talking, because it wasn’t a Death Rattle. (Ps. I can’t find a WOB were Sanderson answers a question about if the death rattles are actually the person talking. I think his answer was RAFO but maybe an Arcanist will be of help @RShara @Calderis) 2. This might not be completely literal, it could be nothing more than a poetic way to talk about murder. 3. I honestly think that on such a harsh world as Roshar, most people would be okay with the Machiavellian collection of the death rattles.
  7. This death rattle is referring to the members of the Diagram killing people off to receive more death rattles.
  8. I like seeing the various Magic decks that people have come up with, so I thought I would make a place for people to post their various decks. I’ll post mine below. (Hidden for size) The deck above is a combo deck revolving around the interaction between Izzet Guildmage, Training Grounds, and Manamorphose. It can also serve as a Aggro deck that beats down with Delver of Secrets, and Burns your opponent out with Lightning Bolt and Shock (Which makes it a Hundred times more Consistent). Mana Leak and Swerve included to protect the combo/slow down your opponent. JTMS helps set up the combo by brainstorming, and can also serve as an alternate win condition. Also, the interaction between Ludevic’s Test Subject, and Training Grounds is pretty epic. Anyway, enough rambling. What decks are you playing in Modern MTG?
  9. I was not saying that MTG knows the next Oath. What I was saying is that the idea behind it, (admitting to not being able to protect everyone) sounds like it “could” be an Oath.
  10. If someone does die, I hope it is Moash. However, it will most likely be a core member of Bridge Four. Probably Rock or Teft.
  11. Granted, Sanderson has such a spike in popularity that he stops the Cosmere, and only writes Skyward sequels. I wish that pineapple on pizza becomes illegal.
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