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Bobby The Sheeth

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Everything posted by Bobby The Sheeth

  1. So with confirmation from Brandon that the humans that originally arrived on Roshar fled the cataclysm of Ashyn it paints an odd timeline. Correct me if I'm wrong on any of this. Sometime long ago, there were humans on Ashyn and Odium was the shard on that world (?). At some point, a cataclysm happened and humanity fled to Roshar and were given the space known as Shinovar (Ashyn-->Shin) to live in. Then, eventually a human discovered Honor (The Girl Who Looked Up?). Honor liked the humans and the spren bonded with them. Also, at some point Odium shows up on Roshar. Or maybe Odium wasn't originally on Ashyn with humans at all and he just kind of showed up at Roshar post Ashyn cataclysm... I don't think that humans using Honor's power could have been the original voidbringers because of the nature of their oaths being tied to their abilities, so... Original Voidbringers were humans infused with Voidlight from Odium(?) and they laid waste to the original Parshmen. Odium and original voidbringers kill Honor. Honor splinters into heralds and the Oathpact is created. But then that leaves even more questions like: What is Honor's relationship to the original Parshmen? At what point did the roles reverse so that Odium favors the Parsh? What are the fused exactly and how do they persist beyond death? How does Braize fit into all of this? Did Honor or Odium arrive on Roshar first? Too many questions...
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