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Waylander last won the day on June 6 2012

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  1. Book came today Lets see what happens now... (By the way, it's funny how someone gives me bad reputation when I'm just asking a normal question. I'm also a great fan of the mistborn books, why are you so mad? )
  2. Thanks a lot for your posts, guys I have orderd the book already (at full price ) and can't wait for getting it on Sunday. Your posts were very helpful and letting me calm down. Now I'm very excited to see what happens and maybe, who knows, maybe some day we will see a good made movie? It's very cool to see how many responses I've got in that short period of time. I guess I will come back to this forum and tell you what I think about this book once I'm through.
  3. Hey guys, at first, please don't spoiler me :-). My Question is: Today the german version of the new mistborn book "Alloy of Law" is being released over here. Since I finished the last book two days ago I almost can't wait for ordering it, but I'm a bit confused. Why does this book "only" have around 400 pages (332 on english, 416 on german)? This is kind of confusing me, since the other book always had around 900 to 1000 pages. I hope this isn't just a book release for making some money without doing effort by the author (I really don't think so, that wouldn't be the way I think about Brandon Sanderson). What are your experience? Did you also stumble upon the much shorter length of the book? Is it still worth buying and reading? (I hope so!) Thanks a lot every answer :-)
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