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  1. Thanks for the reply. Really good points and I think you are right. Good question regarding his expectation of having all other orders there with him. I’d be surprised if at some point we didn’t have a POV character of each order, of varying levels of main characterness.
  2. Gotcha...totally missed that. Pulled some long reading sessions late at night. Here I was thinking I found a plot hole lol...that no one else was talking about. That should have tipped me off ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. Hmmm, makes sense. I don’t remember that being explicitly said but I probably missed it. Thanks.
  4. So, long time lurker, first time poster. I’ve searched for answers to a couple of questions that have been bugging me since reading and haven’t seen an answer (granted, there may not BE an answer at this point) so here it goes: 1- At the last battle in the book where the Radiants (+2 Heralds) gather, Dalinar looks at Szeth and Lift and thinks as he is counting them off “Skybreaker” and “Edgedancer”. So the question is, how does he know Szeth is a skybreaker? Maybe is I missed something, but as far as he knows, didn’t Kaladin kill Szeth? 2- Dalanar pulls Venli into one of his visions. Had he met Venli before that I don’t remember? If not, why her? Why would he just happen to pick the one Listener who just happened to be in the process of being “courted” by a spren to bond? So not big questions, but to me are kind of nagging and obvious plot holes that you”d think some of the alpha or beta readers would have picked up on. thanks in advance.
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