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Everything posted by Binsosk

  1. If harmonium is an alloy of lerasium and atrium, would it be possible to split the alloy into its respective metals some way? I found this while looking into splitting alloys to see if actually splitting alloys is possible http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/58709-separating-alloys/
  2. Binsosk

    Atium mistings

    Thanks for those hyperlinks btw they were very helpful.
  3. Binsosk

    Atium mistings

    I’m still wondering though, why would you even even need to be a misting to use atium? Also if someone would ingest harmonium ( if it was possible) or even rayseium or tanavastium (or some other god metal for that matter), would they need to be a misting for that specific metal as well?
  4. Binsosk

    Atium mistings

    Why should that be though, shouldn’t they have the same amount of investability?
  5. Binsosk

    Atium mistings

    If Elend was able to use Lerasium without being a misting, that should mean that people could use Atium (or any god metal for that matter) without even becoming a misting. So when Preservation (aka Fuzz) affected 1/16th of the population, was that just to give them a hint as to what he was doing or did he actually need to make them into mistings? (Unless Elend was actually a Lerasium misting which destroys the whole question)
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