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Image Comments posted by Hoiditthroughthegrapevine

  1. Oh, so emo!

    He's totally got airpods in, listening to Elliot Smith's "Oh well, OK" as he shrugs and says "So I guess I'm the savior or whatever".

    Your drawing has super nice line work, that's a great pose, the color is fantastic, and the composition is really good! Cool outfit too!

    Nice work!

  2. 28 minutes ago, Koloss said:

    @Snorkel Thanks! :D

    @hoiditthroughthegrapevine Thank you hoid! I can never quite decide whether I'm imagining these art work for a show or a game, because the photo realism of doing artwork for shows kind of bores me, even though I would love to see roshar visualized for a show :D

    Well, at a certain point concept art is concept art. You could just do the conceptual work (like Amano for the final fantasy series or Toriyama for the mega man/Dragon warrior series) and have other artists create the sprites/3d models/props/sets.

    Your work is really good, if you're not already a concept artist at a game studio or a production company your portfolio is well on the way to getting you there.

  3. Those are are really nice, but I think 1, 2, and 3 look the best. Those color schemes look the most alien.

    If I had to pick, I'd probably pick #1.

    These are really well done, is this concept art for a real time strategy game? Looks like you are drawing in isometric, and the details are top notch. I love the lavis farmer, the little wooden cart and the banner on top of the orchard hill (which looks like it's designed pre-everstorm with only one leeward side). And of course the fauna is great too!

  4. 41 minutes ago, The Forgetful Archivist said:

    Absolutely amazing! I declare you an honorary Ghostblood.

    Thanks brother.

    I'll take your honorary title if you listen to one of the best songs ever made, 9th and Hennepin by Tom Waits which has the lyric that inspired this bit o art.


    and the girl behind the counter has a tattoo tear, one for each year he's away she said.
    Such a crumbling beauty. Ahh, there's nothing wrong with her that a hundred dollars won't fix.
    She has that razor sadness that only gets worse with the clang and the thunder of the Southern Pacific goin by


  5. 2 hours ago, Ark1002 said:

    Would you be okay if I added this image to the RP section of the gallery?

    Do whatever you want with any of this artwork, total greenlight for whatever you want to do. If you put it on diapers dont give me an attribution though, that would be embarrasing...

  6. 2 minutes ago, Ark1002 said:

    Join the Alleyverse. The Ghostblood symbol is there plenty...

    Hahahaha, it was your signature picture of the ghostblood symbol that got me working on these.

    Let me know if you an alleyverse specific version of the ghostblood symbol that you would like, I might be able to make it happen.

  7. Art Nouveau as a style is characterized by juxtaposition of the angular forms and idealized curvilinear forms, with highly geometric and symmetric backgrounds and design elements. Sounds like you know about Mucha.

    Erte is Art Deco, which really is a kind of graphic stylization of Art Nouveau, but the emphasis on idealized forms and geometric designs is held over from Art Nouveau and taken even further down the road of idealization and simplification.

    Your style seems like a mix of Art Deco and Expressionism (Gustav Klimt, Egon Shciele). There is a very nice mix of idealized forms and emphasized angularity in your poses that straddles those two art movements. Your work is really good. I realize this is a lot, but I am a big fan of all of these art styles, and I think your artwork is amazing.

    If you want some positive criticism, let me know, I think I have a good eye and I think well meaning critiques given with the understanding that your work is amazing, but things can always be slightly better, is useful.

  8. This is a really cool drawing, but he looks like too nice of a guy to be Odium. I would buy a slice of apple pie from this guy, Odium it seems should look a little sketchier...A little shadier...

    Really nice drawing though, I love the line work in the hair.

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