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Everything posted by kalamitous_emoashions

  1. So - been reading through stuff about the Unmade while I wait for mates in a pub, and something just struck me. We know that Honor created the Heralds and poured part of his power into them. Based off what we know about how Odium and Honor can enter into pacts regarding the use of champions, what if something similar happened originally. Honor created the Heralds and Odium reacted against this by creating his own set of Heralds. Something changed his mind, or he wasn't happy about putting his power into them and he went back on this, in effect, be Unmade his Heralds. However, as we know, emotions, forces, perception of reality create Spren. What if after being unmade the memory of these Heralds produced them in their current form. Hence them being an abberation and something weird. They weren't originally Spren, but became Spren. Now - please rip this theory to shreds. I haven't had time to look through the WOB to disapprove myself. Is this a conceivable theory?
  2. Three points to counter the argument that Voidbinding is solely of Roshar: 1. We have already seen that magic systems go beyond just Roshar within the Rosharan system. There is something funky/cognitive shadowy that happens with the Heralds and the Fused involving Braize, so is it that much more of a step to consider that Ashyn, which is simply on the otherside of Roshar to Braize, (go check the Arcanum Unbounded Rosharan system map if you can't picture what I mean) would have been unable to have Voidbinding acting upon it. 2. Magic systems can operate outside of their home world within the Cosmere - we have already seen evidence of this in Stormlight regarding the use of Breaths, Allomancy, potentially Hemalurgy, and a host of other things through Mraize. 3. Have you got any definitive proof that states that Voidbinding originated on Roshar? Brandon has kept particularly quiet on the topic, and given that magic systems are developed through shardic intent (either a shard acting alone, or together with another shard) this would suggest that Voidbinding being 'of Odium' makes more sense and has more realmatic theoretical evidence than Voidbinding being 'of Roshar'. So I guess it boils down to the fact that: We have seen magic in the Rosharan system interact on multiple planets simultaneously, we know that magic can be used across world in the cosmere and lastly from evidence across the Cosmere generally we can be fairly certain I believe (Someone show me a WOB of me being wrong if I am) that magic systems are more linked to Shards than they are merely of the physical planets.
  3. Hey team, I apologise in advance if this post isn't particularly well laid out - I have little time at the moment and a thought just struck me so I wanted to get it down before I forget about it, and I don't know if this has been discussed before or already theorized (I had a quick look and couldn't find a mention of it). I agree with @Calderis that there are three specific magic systems that operate in three different ways. I also agree that the fused have not been Voidbinding currently. Essentially the theory is that how magic on Roshar works is that: A) Surgebinding is the system of magic through which the fundamental forces of nature are manipulated through the filter of Honor and Cultivation Fabrials is the system of magic through which these forces of nature can be trapped, stored and then used (this one I am less confident about and would be interested C) Voidbinding is the system of magic through which the fundamental forces of nature are manipulated through the filter of odium. This, especially the Voidbinding postulation, I base on the WOB below. Linked to this, if we consider that Voidbinding is the accessing of the fundamental laws of creation and forces (as per the quote) through Odium, then because humans were originally of odium, and we know that they destroyed their previous home, I believe that humans used Voidbinding to destroy Ashyn. This fundamentally would suggest that humans were the original Voidbinders. This would also tie in nicely to them being the Voidbringers. So to conclude quickly: Voidbinding is the accessing of the forces of creation through the filter of odium and humans were the original voidbinders who used voidbinding to destroy Ashyn.
  4. Okay - maybe my question can be rephrased to: was odium one of the original 16 shards, or did something happen to create 'Odium' post-shattering? Have we ever got confirmation if he is an original 16?
  5. Hey all, So I have been having a think about what we know about Shards, their intent, and the ability of the host to 'shift' their intent, or identity to some extent - and then it occured to me that this might fit with what we know about Odium being 'broken'. So if we take this WoB from London: Questioner [PENDING REVIEW] We know <Ati chose how Ruin was interpreted, in that he was> a card-cackling maniac. Could someone so differently interpret a Shard as to change its name to be something different? Could someone pick up the Shard of Ruin and think I'm the Shard of Change? Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW] Yes. To an extent. The interpretation, what you call a thing... I think it would be arguable either way in-world, regardless of what they call themselves. There are those who would say the core intent is still there and you can't shift it that far, and others would argue you can shift it far enough to change the definition to a synonym. You see evidence of someone claiming this in the books. I'm not gonna confirm or deny for you whether that is actually a thing or not. We know there are people that 'follow the passions' on Roshar, and we know that Odium speaks a lot about passion - is there the possibility that the name of the Shard has changed from a wider 'Passion' and into 'Odium' and this change could be considered a form of breaking. What I really want to know is has anyone ever asked Brandon if Odium was always the name of the Shard? Or if anyone has ever asked if the intent being Odium has ever slightly changed due to an event - essentially - has Odium always been the same power/name that he is currently. We know from WoB that something happened to him which changed him - but I am interested if it has to down with his intent/name. Thoughts?
  6. Thanks Ookla! But yeh - had great fun at the signing, especially in the queue at the start meeting people and discussing the cosmere - many of who are active on here. So hey all! Here is what I asked: following from these answers: Interested to hear what everyone else asked and was told.
  7. Just got back from the signing and want to post what I asked - as got some interesting answers, but I don't know how to do the hidden content thing, and don't want to spoil for anyone. Can anyone let me know how to do it?
  8. Hey Team! First day on here, but long time follower of everything Sanderson related and have read everything published within the cosmere. For a while now I have been interested in the potential use of Hemalurgy on Roshar. We know inquisitors can have 9-11 spikes (I believe) and Hemalurgy is of Ruin, the only other Shard, apart from Odium that seems that have directly try to kill/splinter another Shard. Given there are 10 surges in surgebinding, and 10 is an important number on Roshar, it might well be that there are 10 voidbinding surges. We also know that Honor was pushing Dalinar towards forcing Odium to chose a champion. So I have a few questions and wanted to know peoples thoughts regarding them, or if any interviews with Brandon have said anything about this - or alternatively if this has been discussed before. Firstly will we see hemalurgy on Roshar, secondly could either a radiant/voidbringer hold all the surges through spikes, thirdly would Odium be able to use hemalurgy to form a direct connection to someone like ruin, and fourthly, if so, could these be viable champions for each side? What do people think about this?
  9. Hey all, It will also be my first signing and I want to ask a question about the interaction of magic systems across the cosmere - so would love your help wording it/letting me know if it has been asked before. Essentially I'm interested in the used of Hemalurgy on Roshar. We know inquisitors can have 9-11 spikes (I believe) and Hemalurgy is of Ruin, the only other Shard, apart from Odium that seems that have directly try to kill/splinter another Shard. Given there are 10 surges in surgebinding, and 10 is an important number on Roshar, it might well be that there are 10 voidbinding surges. We also know that Honor was pushing Dalinar towards forcing Odium to chose a champion. So my question I guess is made up of a few parts. Firstly will we see hemalurgy on Roshar, secondly could either a radiant/voidbringer hold all the surges through spikes, thirdly would Odium be able to use hemalurgy to form a direct connection to someone like ruin, and fourthly, if so, could these be viable champions for each side? Thoughts/is it a dumb question?
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