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Everything posted by Otakon

  1. I have the aggravating ( to others) ability to re-read books, re-watch movies, and re-listen to music 10-12+ times and not only enjoy it each time; but also see something new each time in the experience.
  2. Lame superpowers? Hmmm: Physical Oversensitivity: Because of my ADHD my the filters in my brain for my physical senses are less effective than a 'normies'. As such I can't goto a club because of the contrasts of loud music, bright lights and so on. But it leads me to write in a very sensory sort of way, giving descriptions that others don't think of because I experience life in a more over-ridingly detailed sort of way. Alien Creatures: I seem to have this weird ability to take inhuman beings and making them relatable even when they shouldn't be. Some how I have broken the writing formula down to be able to make aliens and monsters completely inhuman and still understandable enough to write about.
  3. *Warning, short story is 16+ due to nudity. I know this short story is in trouble, the scenes are somewhat out of order, and I am stuck on a major description that the story depends on. The description is of a massive globular machine used as a calendar, celestial map, event predictor; seasonal, tide, and herd movement calendar, as well as many other tracking functions. There are huge gears and rings and projections leading to the center of the device and the description is falling flat. The views of the two non-human characters will probably need touching up. I probably have too much fluff prose and writing into character in the scenes, but so far I seem to need it all. Any and all help will be appreciated. Do not fear tough critiques, I do not feel there are bad critiques. All opinions and advice are beneficial in some way. Please help! I Love... (?).doc
  4. I'm really not too sure what this is doing here--whether the author was looking for a critique or whether (s)he meant this as words of advice or what. I'll leave the post up for now in case the author wants to access it again, but close the topic. ~ Silk Read on It is through words that we share It is through words we say we care It is true that words can reach It is true that words can teach Knowledge through words we will show Because of that knowledge we will grow So go, go pull out your quills, partchment and chance Fear not the sweat, blood, ink and dust upon your pants Fear not the written word Fear not the many 'Ideas Absurd' If you open your ears you will hear the many say Opinion and snide remarks to do it their way Write on These words you should not ignore Surprisingly, these words can help all you know even more Words of hate offer many strange clues Do not allow them to give you the blues The hate of others, strange lessons they teach From those new ideas, concepts, knowledge shall you breed and reach Do not ignore them or run and hide Do not take their words as a hurt inside Read their words and have the courage to say: "It is interesting how my ideas are viewed that way." So fear not new ideas and those with foul cries Use such views to see your work with fresh eyes Ever Learning Take the time to consider your pride See how strong it is, do you need to set it aside? They say: 'Pride Goeth Before the Fall' Not only true for the one, but for the all Throw not away any advise, the bad or the good All provide your thoughts with a very fertile food New ideas, New Views, New Directions to go See were they take you, see how you grow My lessons for you now are done Now go, go and have your fun Just a last bit of advice you should know; Pass on your knowledge, help others to grow. Have the courage to read on Allow new ideas to write on Never forget we are forever learning
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