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  1. Yeah it doesn't kill the spren, but Kaladin would definitely be dead! So it is like what some people are saying about when the Radiants gave up, it was going to be either the Spren or the humans dying. And how many of those Radiants had spoken the final ideal?? So killing themselves would have killed the spren regardless at that point.
  2. It wasn't the fact that humans were the invaders that broke up the kingdom alliance, it was the combination of things that were revealed at the same time. It was finding out that Dalinar had actually met Odium and then didn't tell anyone, or finding out that Elhokar had sworn to Dalinar as a High king, etc. Each kingdom reacted badly to a different revelation, that is why The old crazy king revealed so many. The invader tidbit was more to break the Radiants than anyone else, specifically people like Dalinar and Bridge Four who are trying to be honorable and just. However, Kaladin realized the same thing you pointed out, that they can't just lay down and die either. He didn't like it, but he did realize it. I also just remembered that Kaladin, Shallan, or Szeth are going to destroy them (from the back of Way of Kings). And now that Szeth is on the their side, no matter who it is, it is going to be awful.
  3. I loved it, just like the first two. I loved Shallen's journey, Wit helping her, everything. I almost couldn't keep reading after Kaladin froze, all I could think was: Oh no, Poor Kaladin! T_T And the Kaladin/Shallan pairing has been destroyed. I can fully admit that that part was my absolute least favorite part of this book. I actually really loved the idea of these two, and I think Shallan doesn't realize how much Kaladin understands her. I think he could get her even better than Adolin if she had spent more time with him. I definitely agree with some of what I read in the earlier posts in this thread, Brandon would not have drawn it out this much to cut it off so sharply. Despite what Kaladin says to Syl, I think he really liked her. Granted, the differences in their spren, oaths, and Radiant Orders might have become a problem in the future, Kaladin is bonded to an Honorspren after all, but DARN IT, I liked that pairing. And while socially, as a ward with Jasnah, it would be easier for Adolin and her to have a relationship, considering Kaladin's position, abilities, and constant time in battle, I just liked how Kaladin and Shallan interacted better. Not that I don't like Adolin, but I agree with Shallan's thoughts from Words of Radiants, about how he doesn't respond to her quips, intelligence, and teasing like Kaladin and she is kind of disappointed. There are even a few moments in this book where she is thinking the same thing. Ok, done with that rant, sorry. I was so sad about Elhokar, especially when he was just about to get so much better. I'm worried about the secrets Rock from B4 is keeping. I know I am in a minority, but the idea that the humans were the invaders actually took me by surprise. I could honestly see why the Radiants would have had a problem with this, especially considering what their history tells. The twist that they actually brought Odium with them and not Honor, yet the two shards are on completely different sides now was also very surprising. I'm sure there is much more to that story, just like there has to be more to why the Radiants abandoned their oaths. I wonder how the spren would react if they found out that the Radiants were worried about completely destroying the world. If that would change how some of them felt about what they did. Also: Kaladin's Homecoming was perfect. He honestly could not have wrote that better. From him seeing his parents, to showing his eye color change, to his big dramatic exit, I completely enjoyed every bit of it. And some more Warbreaker people! I was trying to figure out Azure from the first moment we met her, she seemed so out of place somehow. It was awesome to realize exactly who she was, let alone who the old sword master is. I have to reread Warbreaker now, I can't remember what those two were doing at the end. I loved learning Dalinar's history, it was so interesting to see just how he turned into someone who would give up a shardblade to keep his word from the battle hungry soldier from his youth. The slaughter of the Rift city part just killed me, he was trying to do the right thing, trying to do what his wife suggested and they turned on him. It was horrible, but I can understand why he snapped as badly as he did. I would have been just as angry, but without a lifetime of battle and habit to push me to such extremes. I'm sure the Thrill didn't help things either. Yet he tried to get better. And with help, he did. I am horribly glad that Taravangian and his madness keep getting thwarted, that was very nice. And I have a feeling that he is going to really regret the deal he made with Odium. I feel like this mostly is a book about the grey areas, how people change, and no one is all good or all bad. And I love that about Brandon, how he slips those things in there, making the story so much richer. Anyway, loved it, Words of Radiance is still my favorite, but I still loved this one and I am going to be so glad when the next one comes out!
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