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Posts posted by Draginon

  1. 12 hours ago, Taliax said:

    Apocalypse Guard and smaller books like that likely take much less time than most of his other books, and at risk of being obvious, Stormlight books take the longest. I'm not super sure about things in between but I'm pretty sure Brandon said Stormlight books take about 3 years? And I think the original Reckoners each came out a year apart.

    I meant if there were any books that normally would've been, say, 3 months but for some reason took longer than that, not counting when he can't write on the cruise, tours and conventions.

  2. 13 hours ago, Taliax said:

    I've lived in Utah for about a year and that's about all I know too.  XD Also it has some good places to go skiing.

    Ah yes I'm sure that will work wonderfully. XD It's okay at least I've already convinced my boyfriend to read Stormlight once he finishes his mission. (And if that doesn't work out I will probably just convince anyone else I date to read Stormlight & the rest of the Cosmere, so there's that. By the time they know what they've gotten into it will be too late. XP ) Completely kidding... mostly.

    Plus my dad's middle name is Wayne, so I always have that excuse to put a Cosmere name in my family if I want.

    I didn't realize Ace was actually someone's name in that game, that's great XD

    I thought Utah was flat?

    You could also trick him with a shortened version, like Wax, before revealing after the naming the full name.

    There isn't anyone named Ace in the game, it's just the name of the series. Some of the names in the games are April May, Redd White of Blue Corp, Jack Hammer, Wendy Oldbag, Detective Dick Gumshoe and one later on in the series that's a little on the nose, Deid Mann.

  3. In the story I'm writing there's a sort of duel magic system going on. One is the magic the people can use that is pretty limited to stuff like fire and healing. Healers aren't that common since to make Healing work the healers body has to be in tip top shape, meaning they themselves can't be sick, have injuries either present or ones that left evidence of one, have cancer or missing any limbs/organs.

    The other magic is far more unpredictable since it's the magic of the Goddess Herself emanating from the planet. You could have a swordsmith make 1000 swords exactly the same but the magic would cause one of the blades cut anything like butter. It caused a mutation in a species of creatures to become a minor race of the planet that no one knows where they came from. It even affected the main characters hair to never settle on one color so he always wakes up with different color hair. But this magic is dangerous if anyone managed to tap into it because a planet is barely able to contain it so if a human try to use it, the magic would flow through them and not stop until it destroyed everything since only a deity or their planet can harness that type of power. The magic the races use is a safe trickle off-shoot that the Goddess put in them so that they can take care of themselves.

  4. 2 hours ago, StrikerEZ said:

    I'm fairly new to Sanderson as well, but from what I've heard and how many books he's been able to write in the little over a decade since his first published book, I'm gonna go ahead and bet that the first Apocalypse Guard book will be done by November at the latest. I'd probably say late September/early October at the earliest.

    I do wonder if any took longer than normal 

  5. 2 hours ago, Taliax said:

    That's very true haha.  Especially since I'll be living in Utah for a while and Utah has a stereotype of people naming their kids crazy things (though I can't claim to know how accurate that stereotype is).

    I would be very likely to at least give my kids middle names of characters I like, though I suppose that all depends on how much I can convince my future husband :P

    As much as I love dumb puns, I feel so bad for people who have to live with them as names.

    All I really know about Utah amounts to: mormons, a salt lake and home of the greatest writer ever.

    You could always strongarm him or do the old "heads I win, tails you lose" trick to get your way.

    I like pun names as well, but only in fiction like Ace Attorney 

  6. 24 minutes ago, Sami said:

    Good point :wacko: there are some pretty strange names out there. But who would name their kid North West?

    (BTW, anyone hyped for Infinity War?)

     I had half expected them to name their son South when they announced she was pregnant again.

    Who isn't?

  7. Are there any items from entertainment that you're excited about and can't wait to get or watch in theaters?

    For me it's:

    Digimon Adventure tri. Determination coming this August

    Lego Dimensions Wave 9: Beetlejuice, Powerpuff Girls and Teen Titans in September

    Denji Sentai Megaranger coming in October

    Oathbringer in November

    The Dark Tower movie next month

    It Part 1

    Star Wars Episode 8

    Kingdom Hearts 3 next year!

    Whenever Series 10 of Doctor Who gets released

  8. 12 hours ago, Shqueeves said:

    Romeo and Juliet

      Hide contents

    Two teens meet, get married, and commit double suicide and 4 other deaths




    A tale of smitten at first sight and teens making dumb choices after knowing each other for less time than a Disney Princess romance


  9. 14 hours ago, Taliax said:

    Lol as much as I would want to I would probably feel like I was dooming my kid to a life of teasing if I named him Kaladin XD (Unless maybe he could just go by Kal then it might be fine :P)

    Kaladin is pretty tame compared to some other names out there like the fruit names and the flowery names or even the dumb pun names (like North West)

    You know how many times I've thought of when I get kids to name them after characters I like?

  10. 16 hours ago, Taliax said:

    Haha XD She has a brother named Brandon which I guess is kind of close, if you stretch really hard? Or maybe it was just because Spider Man's parents are already dead too?

    I haven't read any of the comics but are his parents usually dead or he's just living with Ben & May because his parents doing things overseas and want him to have a normal childhood?

  11. 8 hours ago, Taliax said:

    Me and my Dad wanted to name my brother Peter, unfortunately we didn't get to, Mom disagreed with that idea :P  (I was 10 and really wanted them to name him Peter Pan Parker, probably because I was a terrible person XD)

    That's sad that your mom vetoed the idea. Did she have a brother named Ben and didn't want to take any chances?

  12. I thought of one where the properties and aspects are based entirely on skin color. Like red skin would give fire and heat related spells, white skin Ice and cold related magic, green skin healing magic, etc... I thought of this system because I wondered if there was a way to be legitimately racist because if one skin color gave that person extremely dangerous magic. It would be a catch 22 situation since those with that magic can control it if trained, but no one will train them and thus they can't control their magic and that in turns causes potential teachers to pass them up.

    I was kind of inspired as well by the different systems Brandon uses like the geography base of Elantris, the stamps of the Rose Empire, the breaths/colors of Nalthis and the unseen sickness magic and wondered about physical appearance being the trigger.

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