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Status Updates posted by Rage

  1. Would this be OK for an character for the Role playing game? (I Haven't written short story yet



    Name: Phoenix


    Phys Des: Tall, 20 years old, has blond unkempt hair, hair and hazel eyes. Always has a cigar and tends to take it out before a fire blast. Male

    Des: Generally a good guy. Tends to be arrogant.


    Weapons Summoning: Can summon two flaming katanas.

    Fire-Blasting: Can shoot fire out of hands and mouth.

    Incorporeal: Can change body into fire reflexively and on command.


    Chemical Burns

  2. Would this be OK for an character for the Role playing game? (I Haven't written short story yet


    Name: Phoenix


    Phys Des: Tall, 20 years old, has blond unkempt hair, hair and hazel eyes. Always has a cigar and tends to take it out before a fire blast. Male

    Des: Generally a good guy. Tends to be arrogant.


    Weapons Summoning: Can summon two flaming katanas.

    Fire-Blasting: Can shoot fire out of hands and mouth.

    Incorporeal: Can change body into fire reflexively and on command.


    Chemical Burns

    1. Rage


      Also could you fill me in on what has happened in Salem so far. (I don't have enough time to read it all) Sorry.):

  3. I have found out why I put Rage as my name...

    I am one of the four horsemen that obliteration saw.

    (If I was in the Reckoners then my powers would be Invulnerability and Super strength.)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rage
    3. Darkness Ascendant

      Darkness Ascendant

      If I remember correctly.

      The four Horsemen are War, Pestilence, Famine and Death iirc.

      And Wrath is the closest to Rage, and they're one of the 7 deadly sins.

    4. Rage


      Have you seen that anime?

      It's AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I just realized that your profile pick is Maka!:o^_^

    1. StormyQueen


      Yes! I love Soul Eater and Maka is definatly my favourite character, partly because we're quite alike. We both hit people on their heads with books if they start being annoying :P

    2. Rage


      In that case don't hurt me please.

      My favorite character is Death the kid.




  5. Should I change my picture to this?




  6. Dos your name refer to these two? Because if it does...





  7. I would like to join the Dark alley...

    1. Szeth Son-Son Mallano
    2. Rage


      Don't let him he hasn't kil- I mean sold any pasteries!!!

  8. Sorry I all of a sudden stopped talking to you but my parents forced me to go to bed.

    ...Also what is your favorite Pokemon.

    Choose wisely...

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