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Image Comments posted by StrikerEZ

  1. 9 hours ago, dnavenom said:

    damnation, hope I didn't spoil you...I have to remember to say less than I usually do.

    Oh, don't worry. I've read OB three times now. I meant that I went back to that scene and flipped through a bit until I thought I found what I was looking for. 

  2. Dude. I will say though, she had let the illusion of her dress go, so she was wearing Veil's clothing during this scene. And her non-safehand was wearing a glove.

    Otherwise, this thing is freaking terrifying and glorious and amazing. Good job.

  3. This is so cool! I'm sorry that I'm already out of upvotes for the day, though you should PM me or something tomorrow so I'll come back and upvote this, because it is definitely upvote worthy.

    Also, this is kind of funny, because I just discovered your short film on YouTube last night, and now you've posted this.

    EDIT: I came back and I realized that I said it isn't upvote worthy. Whoops

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