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Posts posted by Steeldancer

  1. 2 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

    I’m here, kind of. Not fully for another 40ish hours, and I actually mean that this time, it won’t be like when I say I’m busy, I’m actually busy :P

    I’ll do Archer’s job for him


    On a different note, I’m finally village, so that’s cool >>

    RP will be once I get home.

    Edit: I have just discovered that the turn ends in 40ish hours. I guess I’ll find time to take the vote off before then, but I won’t promise it’ll end up somewhere else.

    Sounds like something e-mat would say. Mat

  2. Steel, the wandering bard, walked into the bar. 

    On his back, he had slung a large string instrument of unusual make. 

    Sitting down, the barkeep walked over. "Your usual, please" he asked. 

    As he waited for his drink, he glanced around. With school about to start, he had figured there'd be a few more people. But apparently not. 

    Regardless, he'd probably still try and do some songs later. If he could figure out what was going on with a minimal amount of effort. 

  3. Glowpaste is a thing you do during the day, which then tracks the player during the night. Bit weird imo but it's fine. 

    Yeah no duh I'm not cleared, I've been inactive the whole game it'd be suspicious if somehow I WERE cleared. That being said I'm not lying. I targeted illwei because she was on the list of people who possibly submitted the kill. That's why I was hesitant to mention the item, I didn't want to obfuscate my results by anybody knowing what I was going for. 

    Anyway yay I did one whole thing. 

    Beware, I cannot guarantee my activity after today. Tears of the kingdom is coming out and I am fully anticipating it eating up any and all of my time lol

  4. 2 hours ago, Kasimir said:

    On re-reading, Ash's assumption I got hit and it was Alv is interesting. We all definitely assumed I got hit at the start while grappling with the rules of the game, but I'm surprised the natural inference for Ash is Alv rather than Mat, who wrote a whole essay urging his team to N1 me in Araris's game.

    Slight protective Mat vote, and this. 

    Also potential distancing on Mat's end? IDK, throwing thoughts out.

    I admit I'm giving most playstyle claims right now the benefit of the doubt until I have the SAN for it.

    Edited to add:

    Is there some reason you expected to go insane?

    Expect? No. I just wanted to because I think it would be fun. 

  5. Dangit I didn't go insane. My terrible plans have been foiled! 

    No deaths? I can't decide whether thats just hilarious or really bad. It's really hard to parse any information without anybody being dead. It basically ends up being the same issue that I have with day one, I have nothing to work with lol. 

    I'll try and find some time in the next day or so to actually read thread. But fair warning I'm in the middle of starting a YouTube channel so I'm busy with that. 

  6. Ooh someone voted on me anonymously, I feel special

    Don't care about it though. If you've played with me long enough you know I hate day one. If you take issue with that, so be it. I should be more interesting during the next day. 

    I still don't remember all the ins and outs of the mechanics, so instead of trying to memorize everything I'll assume that your guys's interpretation of what happened was correct.

  7. hasn't properly read the rules

    forgot it was starting today, got distracted by skyward sword

    and you guys have already written 4 pages. Lovely. Have I ever mentioned day one is the worst? Because day 1 is the worst so I'm going to sit back and watch for now. 

    Edit: alright low key I kinda want to go insane because I think it could be funny to just speak gibberish for an entire day and see if anyone can make heads or tails of it

  8. 2 hours ago, Alvron said:

    It had been years since Navor had somehow managed to flee from the Forest of Hell.  Those cowards had just thrown hi to the Shades simply for trying to help.
    Okay, maybe they did have their reasons and he was caught trying to steal from one of them and if Navor was completely honest, which he tried to avoid being, he did also cause the death of an innocent person but still, that's no reason to feed him to the Shades. Right?
    As it was it had cost him his entire right arm escaping from the Shades.  Navor the Hand was now handless and almost penniless which is how he had come back to the one place he really didn't ever want to see again. Out there in that forest of death was the last of his stolen goods.  Hopefully enough to allow him to live what was left of his life out of the gutter.

    Navor the Begger swallowed hard.  Somewhere out there the Shade of Kasir still waiting for him to return.

    Edit: Also I'll sign up as Lord Momo of the Momo Dynasty, His Momoness (you can just call me Momo)

  9. Oh hey the game ended during the week where I had 3 midterms LOLLLL

    Surprise surprise I was evil wow much amazing

    Next time I'd like to know if I was walking into an activity black hole in advance. Those mechanics, as I said during the game, were brutal on my poor school schedule and my mental health. Was fun while I was alive though. 

  10. 14 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

    I spy a new profile pic :P




    So I scanned as an elim. Well something must have gone wrong because I am most definitely not an elim. Not that I'd really mind just dying so I wouldn't have to pay any attention whatsoever. I'll drop a vote on Fadran in the vague interest of self preservation, but I kinda just don't care either way. 

  11. I'm so confused right now

    I mean, I get and understand that the scan clearly didn't work, but I'm completely lost as to the motivation behind this. It feels like so much effort to throw sus onto a player who is barely even paying attention anymore. Speaking of which, I have another midterm that I'll be spending the next 2 days dealing with, so it's not like my activity is going to be any better during this turn either. 

    Well whatever. Im going to bed. 

  12. Just now, The last Fae in the Woods said:


    Good, though you could be lying and actually are an elim and are using this as a lie to throw us off your tracks.

    I mean, yeah, I could be lying. This is SE:P
    But it sounds like I'm getting scanned tonight so you'll know tomorrow whether I'm a dirty liar or not. I might not be active, but I'm not lying

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