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  1. Hello all, New to this community (though not to the Cosmere) and can think of no better first post than one that is eclectic as hell; still, I am curious to hear thoughts on the matter. As readers of the Stormlight Archive will be well aware, the nobility (or lack thereof) of one born in Alethkar is dictated by their eye color. Within the Lighteyed subculture, delineation of social rank is represented by (I believe) 10 dahns. Growing up around "Pennsylvania Dutch" areas, I became accustomed to hearing the word "down" pronounced as "dahn," so I found it humorous that the word "dahn" in the Stormlight Archive made sense to me: e.g. "4th down on the nobility scale." Upon thinking about it more, I turned to Google to see if "dahn" had a definition indicative of its etymology as it pertains to the Stormlight Archive. Apparently "dahn" actually does mean "down," in a way of speaking called "eye dialect." Eye dialect is the use of nonstandard spelling for speech to draw attention to an ironically standard pronunciation. I would find it overly coincidental that the ranks of the social hierarchy from the top down are named using a word that only makes sense deffinitionally if viewed through the lens of a type of speech whose name describes the very system in question - but I am curious if anyone else has reached a similar conclusion, of if I had one too many and am reaching a bit too far.
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