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Posts posted by FelCandy

  1. On 11/17/2021 at 6:58 PM, Robin Hatter said:

    I love your art! I've got a piece as my wallpaper, hope you don't mind : )

    Also, I spent all my upvotes here :o I forgot the upvote limit was twenty.

    I am glad you like it! Which piece are you using if I might ask? :)


    Here is a drawing of Cord that I did a little while back


  2. On 12/11/2020 at 8:39 AM, Sishal said:

    Just found this thread and am totally blown away by all these amazing drawings. 

    I'm not even trying to pick a favourite, those drawings are just all to good for that! 

    Thank you so much!


    On 7/5/2021 at 11:12 AM, Honorless said:

    More Devotion and Dominion fanart!

    I will try to do more Elantris pieces in the future, I love that whole story and world!


    On 7/10/2021 at 5:37 PM, Cheyenne Sedai said:

    100% agree. I feel like we don't have any other ones.

    I was inspired by the Cosmere Shard drawing challenge going on a while back, but didn't have the time to complete them, *sadface*


    On 7/18/2021 at 0:37 AM, AonEne said:

    ...as I was reading what you were titling them, I legit thought gay at Azure and Rushu because wow are they attractive why would you do this to me Fel 

    Seriously all of them are awesome though! 

    EEE thanks Ene, I love this comment.


    On 7/18/2021 at 0:49 PM, Oltux72 said:

    The spikes on the pauldrons are supposed to stop a blade from glancing off towards the throat. Hence they need to be as close to the neck as you can get away with in terms of moving your head.

    Thanks for checking out my work, but keep in mind, there is a "no unsolicited critique" rule in this section, see below!





    And here is a new sketch I did the other night, had some free time and was trying out a new style. Sorry it is so dark.



  3. Thank you so much for your kind comments! Sorry I haven't been too active, I started school in January and haven't had much time for art this year.

    Here is a little sketchdump:


    (not sure if I've already shared this here, because I drew it late last year.)


    Cosmecember1Devo (2).png







    Very recent sketch of Azure


    I have some more RoW drawings, but I won't post them for a little bit.





    Oh wait, I did share that Vin. Okay let me make it up to you and add this:


    Rushu sketches!!

  4. The mouse one was just a picture of a Reod Elantrian trying to catch it for food. I just wanted to draw it. Thought it would be a fun illustration to try! (Also the "normal" inktober prompt for that day was Rodent, so it fit both challenges well.)


    Day 8. DRAMATIC (spoilered for the very slightest RoW Prologue reference, nothing plot related)




    Day 9. KNIFE



    Day 10. BOOK



    Day 11. BEAUTIFUL (Mercystar)


  5. Thank you, all, remember that just like developing any skill, art takes practice. I have come a long way from where I began and I still have a very long road to follow to get to where I want to be with my art. Some people are naturally talented, but most people just work really hard.





    6. BLIGHT



    7. CRYSTAL


  6. Wow thank you, everyone, for all the kind comments. I really appreciate you looking at my work. It is tough putting art out there, especially fanart, but Cosmere Fandom Still Best Fandom!



    Here is a crossover fanart in my sketchbook. Corvo Attano from Dishonored, and Vin from Mistborn! I've been playing Dishonored again and it really feels like Scadrial.


    Another Vin, this time in ink wash on watercolor paper for my Secret Sazed target! Hope it gets there safe.


    And this is just a quick sketch in my trashbook (junk sketchbook) of sisters, Vivenna, Fafen, and Siri!

  7. On 8/11/2020 at 11:52 PM, Honorless said:

    Looks good! Unfortunately Dark One isn't currently available in my region

    Oh no, what a bummer! Hopefully it will be picked up in other regions for distribution soon! Its worth a read, imo.


    On 8/14/2020 at 0:26 PM, Chinkoln said:

    Those Parshendi sketches that you posted originally are great! Until I saw those sketches I kind of envisioned them as looking like Ultron. That is how my mind works, I connect people to those I know in real life or have seen in real life. 

    Thanks! I do the same thing, but I also like to mix and match features from other creatures to make it fit my headcanon. I had some fun Mass Effect feels for Eshonai and Venli.


    Okay here is a Skyward doodle that I couldn't decide on the background. What do you think?









  8. On 7/22/2020 at 11:58 PM, Emi said:

    Woah! I’m just looking at your art and I can’t believe! It’s amazing, looking almost like a photo! I love it! You prefer drawing people or animals?

    Thanks so much! I dont draw a lot of animals. I should do some more! Thanks so much for your comment.



    Here is a (not spoilery) drawing of characters from Brandon Sanderson's Dark One graphic novel, I highly recommend it. Its so goood!



  9. 4 hours ago, Lunamor said:

    Your phone skills keep improving like crazy, it’s ridiculously impressive how you can draw stuff like that on such a small screen!

    Thank you so much! I have been getting a lot more comfortable with the different tools in Autodesk, which helps a lot. Before, I was struggling a lot with the interface and it just made me so frustrated. Hopefully my newfound knowledge with the app will translate once I have time to do a big drawing on my computer!


    4 hours ago, DramaQueen said:

    So I am very late to this thread, your artwork is incredible!!! Any tips on how to improve on basic sketching of people? I have some good pencils, not so much anything else, but I would really like to be able to sketch my characters in different positions and different styles such as making them look more realistic or make them look like someone who's actually good at drawing sketched them.

    I find the best way to improve is to DRAW DRAW DRAW and don't stop drawing! Stockpile some references, make a folder of inspirational artwork that you want to learn from, and get a private sketchbook that you can just mess around in without being afraid of judgement. I only start improving once I practice with intent. As far as poses and styles, find references similar to what you want to draw and use them to help with the framework for your own art. With enough practice, I know you will be very happy with your sketches!


    Here is a bonus Szeth



  10. Thank you so much, so glad you like it!


    Here's some doodles I've done recently



    Rashendi, based on @Comatose fanfic! Go read it, its awesome: 




    A perpetually unfinished Azure that I was using to practice digital art on the Autodesk app on my phone.



    A very quick doodle of Veil, sketched late last night because I couldn't get the idea out of my head.

  11. IMG_20200429_232132_813.thumb.jpg.6cfa1d9ac95deafea0d776c9a34668aa.jpg

    Translation for the men:


    "Queen Mother Navani Kholin"


    Thanks for commissioning this, @Argent. I had a blast playing with markers and drawing this beautiful woman.


    Coloring stages for the skintone, plus my practice sheet, since I'm very new to marker. 


    Lots of blending, and trying to get her age right since i usually draw youths.



    Trying to get skintone correct



    My practice sheet Haha 



  12. Thanks so much! I haven't been doing a lot of digital because my computer is acting up, but I've recently been playing around with cellphone drawing apps, so here are a couple doodles on that.



    Brandon during his recent livestream and the real star of the show, Magellan.



    And best boy of the Cosmere, Yalb. Which I might color, not sure.

  13. Thank you both for your kind words! The skyeel is one of my favorite cosmere creatures, so I am glad it came out good.


    I'm sick today and was prompted on the 17s discord to draw Marasi snuggled up with some cocoa



    I've been playing around with journaling and scrapbooking along with art, so I am filling this sketchbook with different book characters and other fanart. Other fandoms are going to be posted about on instagram, but I'll continue posting the cosmere ones here

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