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Posts posted by Straw

  1. In item E I mention that Odium never took the time to develop planets like the other shards did. This would have given him a big head start on the other shards in terms of figuring out what shards can do with their powers. I personally thought that A was the least likely because we have a WOB saying that odium didn't pick up other shards A was relying on the fact that that may not extend to splinters of shards.

  2. I actually have several different theory's on why odium is stronger than other shards.

    A. Odium takes up tiny splinters of other shards.

    B. Odium's holder has a personality the complements the shards intent.

    C. Odium's power is increased when people feel hate.

    D. Odium got power from a outside source/already had investure.

    E. Odium has more knowledge about shardic power.


    A. Odium may take up small parts of other shards i.e. part of dominion that will increase his power but not change his intent to something "good" for example a small part of dominion would increase his power but not change his intent.

    B. A shards power might be increased if the shardholder's personality matched the shards intent. In the letter it said that Rayse was already hateful.

    C. Most people will feel hate at some point in their lives thus increasing Odium's power. This may also be why shardplanets have religious systems focused around that shard's intent i.e. Vorin religion focuses on honor/honor, the shin treat farmers like lords/cultivation, elantrians have many holy places/devotion, fjorden focuses on besting others/dominion, halladren focuses on endowing others/endowment, pathians focus on meditation/harmony this spreading of the shards intent may increase their power.

    D. Odium gained power from some unknown source/other shard or already had power from before the shattering.

    E. Odium didn't spend time creating species, terraforming planets, helping society because of this he had a lot more time to discover new abilities/find more power.

    Please give feedback/say what one you think is correct.

  3. I have to write a 2500 word rhetorical case study and i have no idea how to do it

    My professor is just like "I'm not giving a rubric because I want it to be from your thoughts!"


    Is your professor Hoid?

    *troll voice*

    Hello, class. Today I have a very important job for you. You must go find me a depressed bridgeman who also happens to have superpowers.

    *ends transmission*

    This thread is lacking in upvotes,so have some spik- cookies, sticks, and upvotes

  4. Stick had just fallen out of a tree after escaping the strange girl "I am a stick" he said (he was showing all others in this strange woods that he was

    in fact, a.... stick!) As he rolled across the ground he noticed another stick "you are a stick" he said. Looking off into the distance he saw a large

    wall. Looking behind him he saw some strange creatures appearing from the trees."Well I guess I should head for the

    wall" he said and started rolling away in the direction of the wall.

  5. Fallen nightmare. Let's help him up!

    Hellfire privilege. I don't think that's a privilege...

    Large vigorous. Is "vigorous" some sort of food? *announcer voice* "large vigorous is half price today"

    Citizens of the hopeful. *news guy voice* "recently the nation of hopeful was destroyed by a baconing narwhal."

    Secret of the horse. The secret must be how to sleep standing up.

  6. Lash doors to the wall so nobody can open/close them.

    Lash sheets to beds so nobody can get in bed.

    Make a lifeless with the command color. Then give it the command to fart if someone says color. Then sell the lifeless for a low price in halladren. Watch as the lifeless farts repeatedly at everyone who says color.

    Awaken snowmen and tell them to throw snowballs at random people.

    Commit suicide by compounding tons of age thus turning yourself into a embryo.

    Beat angry birds by using atium to see the result of every move.

    Use aon eshe in the winter so you don't have to wear a coat.

    Use aon aha in the summer to cool your self off.

  7. Due to it's name a believe that the seventeenth shard was founded by Hoid and was allied with Hoid before odium started killing shards. Here are my reasons:

    A. Hoid was there at the shattering and thus if there had been another shard he would have taken it thus becoming the 17th shard.

    B. Hoid seems to have a abnormally good knowledge of the 17th shard and vice versa.

    C. Hoid knows the leader of the 17th shard.

    D. Hoid has knowledge about the workings of the cosmere thus making him a perfect fit for a job involving shards and the cosmere.

    I think Hoid and the 17th shard parted ways because of odium killing other shardholders which the 17th shard saw as a thing irrelevant to the state of the people of the cosmere but Hoid saw it as a direct threat to the people of the cosmere thus causing the two parties to part ways.

  8. I wonder what would happen when severely drunk Feruchemist taps zinc and bronze. (I know that tapping gold would burn alcohol away, but I want him to be simultaneously drunk and clearly thinking - would zinc and bronze do it?)

    Zinc doesn't make your thoughts more clear it just speeds them up.

    Bronze makes you stay awake for longer so why would it solve being drunk?

    Together those powers would just make him think more drunk thoughts and have him stay awake longer. The powers would change nothing about his state of mind and would just act as if he was not drunk.

  9. Could a spike that can take alternative attributes be used again to steal another, different attribute (we'll say atium, given its apply-all nature)

    See end of secret history for answers

    kelsier comments on spook having a "pile of spikes" that he can use to make new allomancers I assume the at least one of those spikes were atium because of ruin upgrading the inquisitors.

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