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Aiel Heart

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  1. YES cookie I need to read more books by Brandon. Hopefully I find the time soon... there's always so many books to read!
  2. Diluded blood is probably the answer to both the mistings and ferrers being "rare". They were already seeing the effects of it in the old days, and this is generations later. Though let's note that at the end Marasi makes this sound common compared to what the masked people (can't remember their name at the moment) have
  3. Didn't read the whole thread as I'm binge-skimming as much as possible before I pass out, but this. It's so Kelsier Need to read the novella still
  4. I finished the book and my last thought was "O.O Kelsier?!?!!?" I truly fell in love with Steris during the last scene of Shadow of Self. I have continued to love her in this book. She and Wax are wonderful together. Totally called that Marasi was going to end up with the "random male character" to suddenly show up when everyone else was paired off (not official yet but still...) Grah I need to do a reread now to try to figure out everything!
  5. I'm popping over here to say hello. I just finished the Bands of Mourning and found I needed someone to nerd out about it with. And while many who are on Dragonmount (the Wheel of Time fan site that I claim as my internet "home") are also Brandon Sanderson fans, I figured I'd probably be able to find more discussions concerning everything here. So here I am! I'll probably end up hanging around a bit to peruse theories and such
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