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Posts posted by Lilamal

  1. Kaladin Vs. Vin. Both at full power, namely Vin is using the mists and is not going to disappear, Kaladin is a full Knight Radiant and has spoken all the Words, and each of them knows the things the other can do.


    Edit: OK, no mists for Vin. That's just broken. And no atium. Kaladin needs to have a chance.

  2. Well, even if Hoid is trying to fix Adonalsium, who do you think will actually hold Adonalsium? Hoid himself, Sazed, or one of the other Shards/Slivers? Or will Adonalsium even need to be held? He could become sentient as soon as all the pieces are assembled.

  3. Read this quote, then think about what it could mean.



    If Sazed were to die, would he drop the Shards Ruin and Preservation, or would he drop the Shard Harmony?

    Excellent question. The shards are now intermingled, and would take effort to split apart. He would drop Harmony. (This is what Odium feared would happen, by the way.)

    Could this mean that if one person held all of the shards, Adonalsium would merge back into one piece? That might also be why Odium is Splintering Shards. To make it harder to collect all the pieces. Anyone else get the feeling that we're going to see a story where somebody is trying to reform Adonalsium?

  4. But that would mean that multiple people could hold the same Shard! Wait a minute, maybe that's what happened to Adonalsium! There are multiple people holding different parts of His power, so He spit into multiple pieces! Or something like that...

  5. What was the Lord Ruler? He wasn't a Sliver, because someone else still held the Shards, but He could use their power. How is that possible? Plus, as a side question, was Vin whatever he was for the time she held the power? She only became a Sliver when Leras died, so what would it make her and Rashek if they used the power while he was still alive?

  6. I've been thinking that there should be a forum for Brandon's unpublished books, so that the people who have gotten a hold of them can discuss them. There would be no guarantee that they would stay the same, because Brandon can still edit them, but we should have a specified place to post theories about certain books so that we don't spoil them for everyone else when we discuss them in other forums. Can one of the staff or administrators for the 'Shard make a forum under Cosmere Books called Unpublished Books, for books like White sand and the Aether of Night, and another one with the same title under Non-Cosmere Books, for books that don't fit into the Cosmere or Short Stories. Add a few sub-forums and it would work just fine. It's just a suggestion, but I think that it would be a great thing to add and I'm sure that there are other sharders that would agree. However, this does not mean that we should post copies of the books on the Shard or send them to other people, because Brandon has specifically said that he does not want people to give out the books that he shared with us in good faith. Nobody would want to break his trust.

  7. I just saw someone mention MeLaan in Mistborn, and it said outright that she was over 600 years old. that would match up with her being from the time of the Final Empire, and if you think hard, I'm sure you can remember that MeLaan was a female 5th generation kandra that TenSoon talked to during the time he was in a cage in the kandra homeland. Maybe, just maybe, she's the kandra worldhopper?

  8. It would be different than on Nalthis. You know when someone dies to transport people to a different place? I think that that is what happens when they give away their "Breath." This is a quote from the end of page 575 to the beginning of page 576.


    Hrathen stood next to Dilaf, remaining perfectly still as instructed. They stood in a circle - fifty Dakhor, Sarene, and Hrathen, with one solitary monk in the center. The Dakhor raised their hands, and the men on either side of Hrathen placed a hand on his shoulder. His heart began to pound as the monks began to glow, the bone inscriptions beneath their skin shining. There was a bone jarring sensation, and Kae vanished around them.

    They reappeared in an unfamiliar city. The houses lining the street were tall and connected, rather than separated and squat like those of Kae. They had arrived in Teod.

    The group still stood in a circle, but Hrathen did not fail to notice that the man in the center was missing. Hrathen shuddered, images from his youth returning. The monk in the center had been fuel, his flesh and soul burned away - a sacrifice in return for the instantaneous transportation to Teod.

  9. Or at least something similar. There would be two major differences I can think of right now:

    1. Giving away your breath in Elantris would kill you instead of turning you into a Drab

    2. Breath affects people instead of  inanimate objects


    Someone (I think it was Vasher) said that Awakening bones did strange things to them, and I remember a WoB where Brandon said something similar as well

  10. So I was reading Elantris for the 17th time (No, it's not a joke. It's ironic, but it's not a joke) and I had a brilliant theory pop into my head. Are the Dakhor monks using a kind of twisted Awakening? Awakening bones does "strange things" to them apparently, so it could be possible. It would not be the same though, or it couldn't be used on living people. That could be why the people who give away their "Breath" in Elantris die and they don't in Warbreaker. Thoughts?

  11. Discuss the Honorblades to your heart's content here. I'll start this thread off with a question: Honorblades are not supposed to scream when Radients touch them, and Kaladin didn't hear screams when he grabbed Szeth's, so why did Dalinar hear screams from Taln's Blade when he bonded the Stormfather?

  12. His weakness is his partner. He can only be hurt when protecting another person, and he keeps someone with him so that life doesn't get boring. By the way, Stormgate, you forgot that he has the power to enchant paper to be able to show whatever the holder wants it to.


    PS, Seriously? No one commented on the pun? I know for a fact David would be proud of that one, and we are discussing cheese David's father in the Reckoners forum!

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