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The Swan Dragon

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Posts posted by The Swan Dragon

  1. 21 minutes ago, Kobold King said:

    Meanwhile in the alternate universe where What Happened in Edmonton is a visual novel


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    No clue where this image comes from. I just thought it was funny because I'm tired. :P

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    No one will notice what font I used for my lazy edit.




    I'm both disappointed and incredibly proud.

  2. 6 minutes ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

    The ERA guard?

    That whole scene is being written out via PM.

    EDIT: Just figured out you meant the main scene.  Nvm.


    5 minutes ago, kenod said:

    That's what they meant I think, given that a new guard reply had appeared there this morning.

    Hahaha, yeah. It actually appeared there last night, technically, but y'know. Details.

  3. Just now, Kobold King said:


    It's unlikely, but all too possible. The only way to be certain would be to wear it in a museum of natural history and see if it causes any anomalous behavior from the dinosaur skeletons. Be warned! Although the essence of Lightwards may be channeled through the hat, there's no guarantee you would be able to control any manifestations of his power.

    If you begin to feel any unusual tendencies towards megalomania, ensure that you have the following staff on hand to counteract them:

    • One (1) engineering student in a paint-splattered prom dress.
    • One (1) ginger Doctor Who fan in a coat.
    • One (1) teenage girl in goth apparel.
    • One (1) hippie--the better the name, the better.
    • One (1) man who can ride a unicycle while wearing a Darth Vader mask and playing flaming bagpipes.
    • One (1) surly hunter who has killed at least one notorious criminal in his life. This is the most important ingredient and will determine success or failure in combating your symptoms.

    By keeping these individuals around you at all times your megalomania will be channeled into futile rage until relevant authorities (most likely the Reckoners) can come to deal with your situation.

    Paint-splattered engineering student? Check.

    Ginger Doctor Who fan? Check.

    Teenage girl in goth? Check.

    Hippie with a good name? Check.

    Darth Vader unicycle...? Uh. I'll ask my teachers.

    Surly hunter? Probably.

  4. 1 minute ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

    Or maybe it's drab due to the lack of Calamity. If it ever turns bright green….you should probably run. 

    Or, y'know, find the nearest museum of natural history.

  5. Just now, Kobold King said:


    A bright green bowler hat Funtimes made him. Visible in this amazing fan art by the Honor Spren.


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    The hat is a metaphor for the ever-growing and festering madness behind his outwardly deadly facade... which, in a way, makes for an effective metaphor for the RP as a whole. :P



  6. 2 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

    A....surprising percentage of the early Question threads was jokes about Lightwards’ hat. Legend has it that it was from these jokes that the OTP to end all OTPs, Lightwards/Hat, was born. 

    What type of hat?

  7. Just now, Voidus said:

    In the world of D&D there's a plane called Limbo which is representative of raw chaos and the collision of other planes of existence. Entire worlds are created and erased every time you blink, the ground beneath you can suddenly become an ocean or a pit of vipers.

    Even Limbo would refuse to put up with our insanity. :P

    Are you kidding? Limbo is just one of the worlds we've created here.

  8. 8OuS2d9KH_r3gsbWH0vK-VLPaS2TF4UYG3mEkQDiKi9XGlmh9s_CvheiQpzSjaRDHkQFhEu9BHL7CpesSobEWvx2jPY6AiNddUGFT7wlPr8YmOZTVH7M24WmRHIq39SaLGFEqqzl

    Duster blinked.  "I—look, we didn't even use the hot sauce. It went bad in 2017." 

    "And that brand was gross anyway," the girl in a pink shirt added. "Tabasco is just hot vinegar." 

    I. Wait what? 

    "Uh what," the mentalist stammered, echoing Phytomagnet's thoughts.

    Question marks popped up, before vanishing, and their eyes turned into white circles with thick back outlines. Sweat drops appeared over their foreheads and some weird cake thing showed up around the background.

    Phytomagnet started, his eyes locked onto their comical expression until it returned to normal. "Sparks! What was that face? And blast your Tabasco sauce, I don't even know who you are, slontze."

    Just then, an image returned to his mind unbidden. Many years before, back when he was just Joel, or Gilly to his friends. A trip to the Fractured States, before they were fractured. He had been about to try a burrito with some delicious maple syrup when the guide looked at him in disgust, extending a bottle of red liquid. "Tabasco. What real people put on burritos." Before Joel could grab it, a blur swept across his vision and the bottle was gone.

    "Wait. You're that epic?" he laughed, pulling himself back to the relative future. "So what's your power? Speed? I always wondered how you moved so fast. And don't worry, it's not you I'm after." Shaking his head, Phyto let out another chuckle. "I'm more curious as to how you got in here in the first place."

  9. I just had a hilarious idea for the cake scene. I'm going to have Phytomagnet have a memory of one time he went to the Fractured States, totally unrelated to Nathan, but just similar enough (i.e., involving Tabasco sauce) that he'll go nuts.

  10. 9 minutes ago, winter devotion said:

    Put it in the google doc?

    I was thinking because it's a continuation of the cake scene. I'm not sure where that ends and the doc beings. I can also check the doc to add in responses by the guards, when I get on tonight.

  11. So. Finals are done! Hooray, and yes they went well. I'm also even more relaxed because I got accepted into my #1 college.

    I'm going to be out for a few hours today, but when I get home I promise you all a Phytomagnet reply on the WHiE thread. It will be finished either tonight or tomorrow.

  12. 43 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

    I have a new characterization exercise. 

    Supposing the internet still existed in the Reckonersverse, which bizarre subreddit(s) would your character follow? Their following can be anywhere from casual to obsessive; they can be proud of their love of this subreddit or they can be ashamed of it. Point is, they like something weird and they congregate with other lovers of the same weird thing. 

    Some examples: 

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    r/birdswitharms (they photoshop arms onto birds) 
    r/ggggg (mildly obsessed with the letter G)
    r/animalswithoutnecks (ever wonder what a llama would look like without its long neck?) 
    r/notinteresting (people compete to share the most boring things) 
    r/myevilplan (sharing their evil plans) 
    r/pointlessstories (sharing pointless stories) 
    r/thomasthedankengine (remixing Thomas the Tank Engine with hip-hop) 
    r/carpetsforairports (posting pictures and facts about airport carpets) 
    r/dogtalk (people posting things like WOOF WOOF and replies like BARK BARK BARK) 


    R/epicguns ((and epic puns))

    R/trees ((I mean...it apparently is a theme of mine))

    R/sorry ((Cana-duh memes))

    R/justthingsmaplessay ((just things maples say))

    R/maplesyrup ((which could mean two very different things))

    R/fluffycats ((everyone needs some relaxation))

    I could probably come up with more.

  13. Just now, kenod said:

    I got to see it from Europe, so I actually managed to see the total eclipse.

    I did too, just didn't get anything with my phone. Because, y'know, it's a phone. And I don't have a lens accessory.

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