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The Swan Dragon

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Posts posted by The Swan Dragon

  1. It is also fine to use characters that you control, that are not POV characters. I "own" Drainer, but he'll never be a POV character and I guess if anyone wanted to include him in his story they would consult me.

    Ok. Just out of curiosity, what are Drainer's powers?  :ph34r:


    Right. For a while, Funtimes wasn't a POV character (because I was still trying to get inside her head :ph34r:). If anyone wanted to write something she did, or ask if something they wanted her to do was in character, they'd consult me on that. 



    Threre sometimes are also collabs where each player writes a couple of lines for their character and then they get posted as a larger segment to keep the post count down a bit, although I'm pretty sure that Brute was just a character he made up for that post.

    Ok. That makes sense.


    Thanks to all of you!  B)




  2. Sometimes, yes. Other times, no. 


    Players often include other players' characters in their posts to write about their actions from their own character's perspective. For example, if I write that Funtimes giggled and turned Lightwards' coffee cup into a smiley-face-shaped pillow, Kobold could then include those actions in his next post, where he writes Lightwards' thoughts on it. It's a good way for players to develop their characters and to show how they see the same events from different perspectives. 


    Other times, keeping action and reaction posts between characters separate would result in posts that are a line or two each. So players will collaborate through PMs, asking other players for their characters' reactions to their character's actions. It streamlines things and makes posts easier to read. 

    Ok. That makes a lo more sense...though I come from RP forums where we pretty much did one liners. Just...a lot of them. XD






  3. I have a question about posting on a What Happened In *Blank*. I've noticed that while people are writing from one character's viewpoint, they are still using other characters in each post, instead of it being mostly between RP'ers. How does that work? Are they (with permission) borrowing another person's character? Are they using another character of theirs? Or are they just making a temporary character for that/a few scene(s)?


    For example, Brute appearing to fight Ragnarok in Astoria.






  4. EPICS:



    Name: Arge

    Epic Name: ThunderSpear (Very epic, I know)

    Primary: Temporarily alters nearby materials in an area around him, roughly 10 m diameter (probably will need to change that though). This makes them highly conductive, and can actually increase the strength of the electrical charge going through. When combined with Secondary, explosion is bigger. Can only be used if he is angry

    Secondary #1: Can shoot a bolt of lightning, exploding on contact. Releases an electrical discharge, stunning the few people that survive the lightning and shorting out any electrical stuffz

    Secondary #2: Can create up to one indestructible spear, which he can use to channel his secondary #1 into the ground directly around him instead of launching a bolt. If he loses the spear, he can create a new one, destroying the old one

    Passive(s): Immune to electric shock (dur); if he throws his spear, it will fly back; resilient skin*

    *Bullets, swords, etc. don't hurt him. Generic explosions can cause him to stumble, but don't actually harm him. However, attacks that are more energy based can harm him, such as the gauss rifle used in Steelheart. Epic abilities that are energy based hurt him, though not as much as they would a vanilla (as in, he isn't destroyed, but will probably be pretty banged up. Same for guns of that type).

    Weakness: Hint: It has legs

    Effect of Weakness: All powers negated. No longer immune to electricity. Resilience partially negated, fully negated if weakness is exploited fully (will explain to GMs)

    Roughly middle height, around 5 ft 10.
    Long, curly rusty red hair (a very dark red, nearing brown) tied back in a ponytail. When it has been out of the ponytail for long enough, it reverts to massive ringlets (that’s just a fun fact—it’s never out for long enough :P).
    He has brown eyes, and slightly tanned skin.
    He wears a slightly green wide-brimmed hat which can be buttoned up on the side to allow for a large rifle (though he usually doesn’t like shooting. And yes, the hat is actually naturally slightly green).
    When incognito, he wears a dark, full-body trench coat. Otherwise, he wears a dark t-shirt, over which is a black jacket, and jeans.
    On his left wrist there is a watch made with a special insulated metal which resemble stainless steel.
    When he goes full epic mode, his eyes glow yellow, and he hovers in the air slightly (that is just a side effect of electrically charging the air around him—not a true power), though just an inch or two.


    Positive: When he tries, charismatic. Also highly ambitious, though that fits under both. Third is focus—if he decides he wants something, he doesn’t stop until he gets it

    Negative: In addition to typical epic corruption, he is callous, though he doesn’t intentionally kill vanillas—he just doesn’t care about them. If he is attacked with anything stronger than a rocket launcher, he gets really, as in, really, angry. Third, easily distracted unless he is in his hyperfocus mode.

    MO: Generally just floats (not literally) through an area, scoping it out for anything he wants. If he finds something he wants (assuming it is an object) he walks up and grabs it. If the person resists, he electrocutes them, then walks away. If they aren’t electrocuted, he pulls his spear out of its back sheath, then stabs them. All of this he does without showing any emotion. If the person is an epic (i.e., they didn’t die from his spear) he launches a lightning bolt at them. If they continue to say no, he goes full fight mode, takes the object, destroys the area, then leaves. If they actively resist, he reaches the fight stage sooner.

    Example for Combat (NOTE: this is from a vanilla’s perspective until the fight)

    The door to the burger house burst open, and a tall, well-tanned man walked in. “Epic,” I thought to myself. “Not again."
    He called out, “What is your best? Prepare one immediately.”

    I replied, doing my best to stay calm, “Of course. Do you mind pickles?”

    He smirked. “No.”

    “Just a few minutes then,” I said, scurrying to the kitchen.

    Suddenly, the whole room darkened. “Crud,” I said. Not aloud of course—I was technically under ShadowBreaths protection (he is going to be my next—you get a teaser here! Just remember that this is an example, and not cannon to the RP) and didn’t want to anger him.

    “What are you doing here, puny epic?” he said—already his shadows were beginning to form around him.

    “I just wanted a burger. Is that too much to ask? Oh, and I’m ThunderSpear. You would be…?” the Epic, who I now know as ThunderSpear, challenged.

    Aloud, I mused, “ThunderSpear…where have I heard that before?” One of my cooks replied, “He stopped in at StrikeBurst’s place a few weeks back. Nothing was left.” (I might make StrikeBurst as well, but she’s further out. Or he, not sure XD)

    Meanwhile, ShadowBreath was replying, “A burger…that is fine. But here, you have to pay to get one. As for my name…I AM SHADOWBREATH.”

    “Nice to meet you, Mr. Breath. Though I ask, why should I pay? Or do you have some sort of feeling for this establishment? It would be a shame if I had to destroy it.”
    “As if you could...”

    Shadows swarmed across the floor, sweeping towards ThunderSpear. ThunderSpear drew his spear and twirled it around him, small bolts of lightning striking around him, dispersing the shadows. ThunderSpear thrust his spear towards ShadowBreath, releasing a massive bolt of explosive lightning. The bolt sent ShadowBreath flying backwards, and before he could recover from the shock, ThunderSpear was on him, stabbing again and again with his spear, never giving ShadowBreath a chance to get up.
    All of a sudden, he heard a sound, barely a breath, behind him. He spun around, barely blocking the sword strike that seemed to come from no-where. With a roar, he made the entire building superconductive. He stabbed his spear into the ground, channeling a massive bold of lightning. The entire building erupted with force, as a large chunk of the nearby town blacked out—including many nearby people.
    When the dust cleared, nothing remained of ShadowBreath or the famous burger house except for a crater. ThunderSpear was gone.





    Name: Nijo


    Gender: Male


    Age: 20



    • Close-fitting black clothes (think typical Ninja)
    • Sash around his waist (for sai)
    • Slightly over average height (~5'/10")
    • Lanky (as in, thin, but not underfed. Due to high metabolism)
    • Dark brown hair, roughly shoulder length
      • ​When not wearing his head cloth, he keeps it in a ponytail
    • ​Brown eyes
    • Pale skin, but not quite pasty white


    • Bo (Japanese for pole, roughly 6' long. Prefers those made of oak, but will make do with available materials)​
    • Sai (A thin dagger with two prongs curving out from the hilt, uses two. Prefers those made of steel, but will use lesser metals if he has to)
    • Good at hand-to-hand, but not great at ground fighting


    • Fast reflexes (still human though)
    • Strong, but nothing exceptional (kicks hurt though)
    • Good at basic acrobatics, but mostly just the kind of stuff useful in staying hidden and/or getting away fast
    • Can sprint pretty well, but not super fast (human 'super'). Better at long distance running, can keep up a good lope for a long time



    As of yet, none. Will try to remember to update if he joins a group (or an epic, though that's unlikely)



    • Teaching people Karate (If anyone wants that to be a part of an RP, I can actually have him give reasonable lessons, we would need to use Google Docs for that though)
    • Finding more Martial Art masters to learn from
    • Hanging out with pretty girls (kinda a must for a single guy :P)
    • Beating up people taking advantage of less policed areas (i.e., stealing, rape, murder, etc.), though tries to avoid fighting epics


    Thanks for reading, and feel free to message me with any input on my characters.




  5. Yeah anonymous usernames are always Anonymous X (Platypus, Grizzly, I think penguin once)

    They're awesome. :P

    I've also now seen panda, some weird one that started with c, cac-something. Mine isn't anonymous though XD. If anyone is wondering, I'm Swan Dragon.

  6. Characters you plan to play as should go in the Epics of Oregon thread. Character ideas should go here, or in a Google doc that's linked to here. If someone adopts that character, they can be added to the EOO thread. 

    Ok. By "here", do you mean this thread, or this forum?






  7. Either one, though if you want people to be able to add to it, go for the doc. :)

    Ok. Working on it now, I'll make a new post for it, though people should still put the characters in the epics of oregon thread, right? Or should we make an ice cream of oregon thread? :P





    EDIT: Also, most of my character ideas are going to be the more action-packed ones, more like David than Jo Shmo. Hopefully you guys can come up with the more passive roles on your own :P

  8. If anyone wants, I've got some pretty sweet ideas for some vanillas. Should I put them here (via spoiler) or should I make a post for people to put up ideas on a google doc? I'm pretty sure I should be able to make one :P







    ((Oh, and I call being a vaninja ninja!))

  9. Answering Blaze's questions- ( I don't know how to quote)

    Look at the bottom of a comment--it has an option called "Quote". You can also multiQuote by clicking on "MultiQuote" :). Don't worry, that took me almost three hours to find, so you're not alone.

  10. If he's new to the city, then entering through a checkpoint sounds like a decent idea.

    On a little side note, if human weaponary isn't enough to kill him that means "conventional" methodes of assassination are of the table and that means he's tough enough to be considered High Epic.



    Oh. I thought that was for Resurrection/Immunity to harm/instant healing. Not for just being resistant enough to shrug off anything weaker than an energy attack :P


    Also, planning on using Beazell Checkpoint, that sound good? What should I make sure to add for him starting there? (these to Comatose and anyone else important for Corvallis)






  11. Use the map Blaze linked and ask around :)

    Thanks! (Next part to whoever knows the answer)


    What is the best way to/how do I join in? ThunderSpear is the kind of guy to just want to check the place out, see if there is anything he wants, and take it. As in, a pretty passive role until he encounters someone who stops him from taking what he wants. He also doesn't really care about vanillas, as they don't have any weapons (that he knows of) that can hurt him. He isn't a High Epic, though he does have resilient skin. Sorry if that is way too much/not really enough, if you need more clearly stated information just check out my post for him, page 12 of this question.






  12. Is there anything else about ThunderSpear (page 12) that doesn't seem right? I'm a really bad judge of when a character is ready to join in X_X


    And also, is there a specific town/city that anyone would recommend for him? I'm going to look through but opinions are appreciated!






  13. You'll have to upload it to a photoshare site first, I usually use photobucket.

    Ok. Thanks! Though that does seem kinda silly...





    EDIT: ThunderSpear updated, he now has a way to get his spear. Working on the pic thing now. Thanks to all the others who replied, I'll figure out which one works best

  14. Same as putting a picture in a post, click the picture icon, just under the smileys one, then copy in the URL. But the Shard has recently established some rules concerning sig pictures, in particular on their size so you might want to check here if you do decide you want one.

    What if I'm copying a picture from my hard drive? As in, I have no freaking idea what the URL is? :P








    EDIT: Sorry that I didn't see this, thanks Blackhoof!

  15. If it's just a rnadom spear, not really, if he has a power for it that would make more sense I suppose.


    Ok. I can add that in as a power. Secondary or passive do you think? Passive being that if he loses the spear someone, another one appears automatically (and the other disappears), or secondary being that he has to think about it.







    EDIT: Also, this isn't for this forum specifically, but how do I make it so that I can have a picture as my signature? I'm not positive I will, but it would be nice to be able to. Thanks!


    As Voidus says, we tend to keep power levels on a rule by thumb basis.


    So, what happens if his spear breaks?




    Would it be reasonable for it to not break? Or he could have a power where he makes the spear, but he can only have one at a time. Feel free to reply with any suggestions (this too all reading)


    Also, how do his powers look so far? I'm still in the very early stages, so advice helps :)






  17. Thanks for all the replies!

    Welcome to the RP, first off, the forum generally discourages double or triple posting, just edit any new stuff in to your last comment.

    On the character I honestly think a speed secondary would probably make them a bit overpowered when combined with a lightning primary like that. As long as the range isn't at Steelheart levels personally I don't see the problem with the first Secondary power of causing materials to become conductive, we do have Epics capable of terraforming or drastically changing areas, some of the most memorable scenes in the RP were just that, the Funtimes/Lightwards/Nighthound fight, the raising of the museum, the panda attacks, more recently the Arsenal/Quicksilver battle.



    Regalia, Steelheart, Obliteration and Nightwielder all had powers capable of effecting an entire city, as did Conflux arguably. Brandon even has a specific set of rules for those types of powers so I don't think they're all that rare in canon. Steel transmutation was also probably Steelhearts primary but there's not really a clear distinction between a primary and secondary, just switch the first two powers around so the lightnings the secondary and it works I'd say.

    On weaknesses yeah that has to effect everything, although the notable exception is that weaknesses don't effect the powers of large-scale effects like Nightwielders sun-blocking or Steelhearts transmutation.

    OK. What I think I will do is switch the primary and secondary, with the new primary being the transmutation. I'm not sure yet if I'll make it permanent or not; what do you think? The new secondary will be his bolt of lightning; does that one seem fine, or should I reduce it's power a bit? (Also, do you have a standard rating for strength of powers? Or should I just describe as best as I can?) The transmutation can only happen when he is angry, as I had in his original example.


    Also, just out of curiosity, how would the speed boost secondary and the lightning primary be really strong together?


    And...panda attacks? I'm starting to like this place more...


    On the secondary debate. I didn't really see anything wrong with making material conductive, except maybe that if the area is large enough he'd have a confirmed hit for everything on the ground, so I guess if you want to go with that power after all maybe do something similair to Steelhear's power where the AoE is tied to his emotions so he can't just create a kill zone at the start of the battle but his range increases together with the stress the fight puts on him.


    On his passives, is there something special about his spear or does that power work on every object he throws, could he pierce himself by accident or others on purpose or does it just kind of float back to him? What about bullets?
    I'd also appreciate a better measurment on how resiliant he is.


    On the writing itself. In case you didn't just do it for the demonstration, I would like to see you to actually spell out characters names in game/text. Shortening them in discussion is of course fine.

    Only effects his spear. It flies back to his hand, shaft-first. If it hits an obstacle, it goes around it until it reaches ThunderSpear. For resilience...let's see. Bullets, swords, etc. don't hurt him. Generic explosions can cause him to stumble, but don't actually harm him. However, attacks that are more energy based can harm him, such as the gauss rifle used in Steelheart. Epic abilities that are energy based hurt him, though not as much as they would a vanilla (as in, he isn't destroyed, but will probably be pretty banged up. Same for guns of that type). I'll add that in to his description. Was that helpful?

    For the writing, I will write out names fully while in RP. That was just for demonstration purposes.


    All right, first, I had misunderstood the secondary. I thought you were turning things to some superconductive material, as in transmutation, which is apparently incorrect. If I understand you correctly, you just meant that the materials within range would become super conductive. My apologies.




    As noted, I was under the impression that this secondary would actually transmute the matter as well, and my comments were made regarding that. No other character in canon other than Steelheart does large scale transmutation. As noted, since I misunderstood what was intended, my comments regarding the matter don't apply.

    That was my initial idea, but I realized as I was changing it to the speed boost that that didn't really make sense, and I forgot to write in that it didn't actually change the material. Thank you for looking over it, and pointing that out.


    Thanks again, to all of you! I will update the original post soon, with the tweaks to powers and descriptions.




  18. The Secondary. No one in the game has a Power like that, and the only canon one we know of is Steelheart (remember Regalia's was through active use of her main power, and not some secondary). The real reason it's OP, though, is that it's a major disruption to the game. A single use of the power would alter everything in the setting permanently, potentially ruining plot lines  in ways that render them unsalvageable. 


    Also, though, is that you can't have a weakness not negate all of your powers. You can have various degrees of your weakness do that (think of the Kool-Aid gal, whose powers were disrupted upon contact with the drink, but actively ingesting it cancelled her powers completely).

    Ok. Also, it doesn't change the appearance or properties of the area--it just makes them superconductive. I'll see about how I can rework it though.


    This doesn't work on clothes or other items someone is wearing right (secondary)?

    Nope. Just the area. 







    Thanks for all the replies! I'l start reworking his Seconday and rewrite the weakness to nullify all powers.





    Hello again! Changes are in red.

    Name: Arge

    Epic Name: ThunderSpear (Very epic, I know)

    Primary: Can shoot a bolt of lightning, exploding on contact. Releases an electrical discharge, stunning the few people that survive the lightning and shorting out any electrical stuffz

    Secondary: Increases speed to lightning fast for a short burst. From his perspective, time seems to slow down. (Just remember that this is a speed ability, not a temporal)

    Passive(s): Immune to electric shock (dur); if he throws his spear, it will fly back; resilient skin (not impervious, but more like electrically charged gauss cannon then rocket launcher)

    Weakness: Hint: It has legs

    Effect of Weakness: All powers negated. Skin still partially resilient unless a weakness is fully exploited (will be explained to GMs)


    • Roughly middle height, around 5 ft 10. Long, curly rusty red hair (a very dark red, nearing brown) tied back in a ponytail. When it has been out of the ponytail for long enough, it reverts to massive ringlets (that’s just a fun fact—it’s never out for long enough  :P).
    • He has brown eyes, and slightly tanned skin.
    • He wears a slightly green wide-brimmed hat which can be buttoned up on the side to allow for a large rifle (though he usually doesn’t like shooting. And yes, the hat is actually naturally slightly green).
    • When incognito, he wears a dark, full-body trench coat. Otherwise, he wears a dark t-shirt, over which is a black jacket, and jeans.
    • On his left wrist there is a watch made with a special insulated metal which resemble stainless steel.
    • When he goes full epic mode, his eyes glow yellow, and he hovers in the air slightly (that is just a side effect of electrically charging the air around him—not a true power), though just an inch or two.


    Positive: When he tries, charismatic. Also highly ambitious, though that fits under both. Third is focus—if he decides he wants something, he doesn’t stop until he gets it

    Negative: In addition to typical epic corruption, he is callous, though he doesn’t intentionally kill vanillas—he just doesn’t care about them. If he is attacked with anything stronger than a rocket launcher, he gets really, as in, really, angry. Third, easily distracted unless he is in his hyperfocus mode.

    MO: Generally just floats (not literally) through an area, scoping it out for anything he wants. If he finds something he wants (assuming it is an object) he walks up and grabs it. If the person resists, he electrocutes them, then walks away. If they aren’t electrocuted, he pulls his spear out of its back sheath, then stabs them. All of this he does without showing any emotion. If the person is an epic (i.e., they didn’t die from his spear) he launches a lightning bolt at them. If they continue to say no, he goes full fight mode, takes the object, destroys the area, then leaves. If they actively resist, he reaches the fight stage sooner.

    Example for Combat (NOTE: this is from a vanilla’s perspective until the fight)

    The door to the burger house burst open, and a tall, well-tanned man walked in. “Epic,” I thought to myself. “Not again.”

    He called out, “What is your best? Prepare one immediately.”

    I replied, doing my best to stay calm, “Of course. Do you mind pickles?”

    He smirked. “No.”

    “Just a few minutes then,” I said, scurrying to the kitchen.

    Suddenly, the whole room darkened. “Crud,” I said. Not aloud of course—I was technically under ShadowBreaths protection (he is going to be my next—you get a teaser here! Just remember that this is an example, and not cannon to the RP) and didn’t want to anger him.

    “What are you doing here, puny epic?” he said—already his shadows were beginning to form around him.

    “I just wanted a burger. Is that too much to ask? Oh, and I’m ThunderSpear. You would be…?” the Epic, who I now know as ThunderSpear, challenged.

    Aloud, I mused, “ThunderSpear…where have I heard that before?” One of my cooks replied, “He stopped in at StrikeBurst’s place a few weeks back. Nothing was left.” (I might make StrikeBurst as well, but she’s further out. Or he, not sure XD)


    Meanwhile, ShadowBreath was replying, “A burger…that is fine. But here, you have to pay to get one. As for my name…I AM SHADOWBREATH.”

    “Nice to meet you, Mr. Breath. Though I ask, why should I pay? Or do you have some sort of feeling for this establishment? It would be a shame if I had to destroy it.”

    “As if you could...”


    Shadows swarmed across the floor, sweeping towards ThunderSpear (TS). TS drew his spear and twirled it around him, small bolts of lightning striking around him, dispersing the shadows. TS thrust his spear towards ShadowBreath (SB—or SOB, sometimes  :P), releasing a massive bolt of explosive lightning. The bolt sent SB flying backwards, and before he could recover from the shock, TS was on him, stabbing again and again with his spear, never giving SB a chance to get up.

    All of a sudden, he heard a sound, barely a breath, behind him. He spun around, barely blocking the sword strike that seemed to come from no-where. He shot forward, time seeming to slow down around him as he sliced and diced through SB.

    The shadowed man fell to the ground in pieces.

    “I would like that burger now,” ThunderSpear said, his eyes glowing.

    “Of course. Just a moment while I prepare it.”

    Thanks for reading!



    I think that this secondary is pretty reasonable. It's just for a couple seconds, and it fits his theme. Also re-writ weakness to apply to all powers.

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