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The Swan Dragon

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Posts posted by The Swan Dragon

  1. Not sure I have any parties he can join at the moment.  Based on the trouble he's causing, I'd assume he needs a visit from one of Buttercup's agents (since Buttercup is busy with Argon at the moment).  Does anyone have suggestions for who can accost ThunderSpear?

    "Does anyone have any suggestions for who can accost ThunderSpear?"


    Now that is why I love this forum XD.

  2. Alright, so I was just reading through the Google Spreadsheet and past posts here, and I have absolutely no effin' idea what my plan was. I'll keep working on it, but I'm not sure how far out it would be. Only thing I can think of for people can do is once they have a post up, fill in that 'square' on the spreadsheet with a color so that the next person knows to move on. 

  3. I got a rudimentary spreadsheet up, let me know what people think. Still working on it.


    If you want, I can take a bit of time to make it a bit more clear what is going on. I'm pretty good with organizing information. It will have to be individually updated by each person initially, because it will be bigger the way I have in mind and I don't know everyone who is active or who is next in any thread. I should have time Tuesday (tomorrow for me) and definitely will have time Thursday.

  4. Yeah activity really died down over time. I guess lots of activity is easier when it is only a few people with a few characters at a time, who can post one after the other quickly.

    Very true. A couple friends and I have easily topped 200 posts in less than a month on a different forum. Though those were, on average, shorter posts.

  5. My replies will be in bold within your comment, because I'm way too phreakin' exhausted after that bike ride to separate them into different quotes.

    Okay, so. Feedback.

    Firstly -and this is strictly a personal things- I disliked the color coding. Now, I will grant that is subjective, and I understand why it happen's; the collab is, effectively, a series of posts done at once rather than a sequence of replies. Separating them out into base replies makes sense, and makes it easier to comment on.

    (And it gives each person "their" credit).

    It's not a style I, personally, am enamoured with, but it's a necessary evil, so whatev's.

    Understandable...maybe in the future people could make the post in a collab, then post each one individually (In order)? That would be something to ask Twi about.

    As for the content itself, bare in mind I am divorcing it from any context. I know nothing about Corvalis, or these characters. I am basing it solely off what you've presented us with.

    So, with that in mind.
    This is a fight scene. And I will applaud you both for avoiding the trap I fall into, where I narrate every action my character takes and pad my posts out. By contrast, this was a very quick-paced action scene.

    However, I would add that it doesn't leave much to get my teeth into. There is characterisation -I'll address that in a minute- but what it ultimately is is a (functional) action scene. Possibly a bit too quick, but not bad.

    Good to know. The main reason for being quick is that if the fight part took longer, it would seem more odd that ThunderSpear didn't seriously hurt Drainer--and Mestiv needed him for more stuff later.

    Of the two characters, Drainer is (in my mind) more interesting. Part of that comes from the fact that he is in a position if weakness, and traditional narratives have conditioned us to root for the underdog. If I was going to point out something Mestiv did which you did not, it would be the working of character background into the scene. Drainer makes reference to his servants laughing behind his back; it's a very human concern, which immediately makes us emphasize with him.

    Again, I'm not criticising ThunderSpear. There are hints of characterisation in your segments. His possessiveness, for instance, doesn't appear to stem solely from an "I'm an epic, I do what I want!" place, which raises curiosity...

     There could be something about that... :ph34r:

    But, ultimately, we aren't allowed to see much of ThunderSpear. Which works fine as a certain character type but, when commenting on this one, specific post, it makes it difficult to analyze him. Right now, he appears very much as the Steelheart to Trainer's David, with all the good and bad things that implies (effective villain vs distance and mystery).

    That's something I can definitely work on. Part of that is that I haven't fully fleshed out his backstory, but I'm on break now, so I should have time to work on that.

    ...but, again. Random thoughts, based on ONE POST. Which is hardly conclusive evidence.

    In other news, I might tinker with LT some if you don't mind. :ph34r:

    Feel free.

    Thanks for the feedback, which is pho sho nice to have.




  6. Alright...this is really random, just kinda threw it together. It's probably pretty effed up, but please enjoy...


    May I present...LOVE TRIANGLE


    Name: Loa

    Epic Name: Love Triangle

    Primary: Has to power to create a Love Triangle. What this means is that either
    A. A third person is introduced into a relationship, with one of the people already in liking them AS WELL
    B. Three people start liking each other (either A <3 B <3 C <3 A, or A likes B and C, B likes A and C, and C likes A and B)
    C. Two people both start going after one person

    Secondary: Can cause three people in a relationship to lose all feeling for each other

    Passive: Everyone within a radius is influenced to like her

    Weakness: Pure, raw hate directed at her

    Weakness Effect: All current love triangles she created fall apart

    Appearance: Very chic, long brown hair, T-shirt, short jacket, either jeans or a medium length shirt (IDK fashion, feel free to tell me what chic actually is right now). Has a triangle pendant around her neck

    Personality: Very bubbly, infectious personality in addition to her passive. Gives everyone the once-over.

    MO: Sets up in an area, goes to all the parties, setting up random love triangles to mess with people.

    Doesn’t fight…no combat XD. Only possibility is manipulating the people attacking her to start ‘going after’ each other *wink wink*

    THIS IS REALLY RANDOM XD I’m not planning on actually using this,

    Feel free to yell about how terrible this is/how foncusing it is. IDK what the heck I was trying to do...

  7. I liked it. Nothing groundbreaking to be fair but it did a good job of setting up characters and powers. Now, two tiny things are that it wasn't really clear what became out of the necklace after Drainer was electrocuted and the layout of the Drainer segment ending with "It was time to run, before the other Epic noticed that he’s still alive." followed by a Thunderspear segment set before that and it's just him leaving is a bit awkward.

    No one's stopping you from making Love Triangle but I wouldn't say that you have to feel obligated to it either.

    Drainer still has the necklace, and I could move that around. It was there because he was writing out the whole Drainer part, and there wasn't really a good place to move it around within. I could stick it at the beginning of Drainer's last part, but it still would be a bit weird. Love Triangle is on the way!

  8. ...Am I the only one who thinks "Love Triangle" would be a great name for an epic?


    damnation, I still have to make a Salem post or two, but now I'm trying to come up with an epic that that name works for. And since Sentry is Epic!Starlight Glimmer, I'm thinking Love Triangle would be epic!Cadance and urgh. You guys

    Give me three hours (I'm busy af) and I'll have a rough draft.

  9. Hurray, my first collab post is up :) Hope you like it. I've revealed Drainer secondary power in it and updated his profile in the Epics of Oregon thread. I guess now he'll go back to being secondary/supporting character for Argon and Summer plotlines :)


    Idea for following ThunderSpear story: Someone notices the fight, reports it to city authorities and... poor Buttercup has another Epic to deal with!

    I'd say I'm sorry, Buttercup, but I'd be lying.

  10. ((Collab between Mestiv and Weirdpersonx.))


    "I think you have something that belongs to me!" Drainer stated, trying to look as intimidating as he could while catching his breath.


    ThunderSpear looked down. “Are you implying something with that statement? Perhaps...that it still belongs to you?”


    “Sparks yes! I’m implying something! I’m an Epic, a citizen of this city and I demand you give me my property back!” Drainer grabbed this man’s arm and tried to drain his life away. However, nothing happened. He stepped back in fear, realizing that he got too sure of himself while living in a house full of Vanillas. He was facing an Epic, and that made his primary power useless.


    ThunderSpear raised an eyebrow. “An Epic, you say? And what is it that is still supposedly yours, which you used to own?”


    “This piece of jewelry!” Drainer pointed to the diamond necklace that was still hanging from his interlocutors spear. “You broke into my house and took it from there! I’ll forget about that sword you broke, as long as you’d give it back to me.” Drainer tried to sound as confident as he could. All he knew about the person standing before him, was that he broke his doors and a sword, a replica, sure, but still. Better try to resolve this peacefully.


    “Oh, this bauble?” ThunderSpear raised his, well, Spear, and admired the diamonds. “I’m almost completely sure whoever sold them to you is a fake--they don’t exactly look real. But that is unimportant.” He set the butt of the spear down, and focused his full attention on the smaller man--though he seemed taller than ThunderSpear had initially realized. “What is important is that you claim to still have rights regarding the necklace. It is mine now. If you continue to pester me, I will blast you.” He regarded the Epic. “I doubt you could walk after a direct hit.”


    Only if you manage to hit me with anything you hit people with. Drainer thought as he quickly took a knife from its sheath attached to his belt and stabbed the man in front of him, aiming for his left eye. The taller Epic didn’t have time to react as the blade hit him in the face. However, instead of slicing the flesh it just slid away, as if it hit a stone statue. Drainer lost his balance and dropped the knife, surprised that his attack didn’t work.


    ThunderSpear didn’t even bother blocking the weak stab with a knife. Instead, he lashed out, grabbing the man’s shirt, picking him up and holding him in the air. “A knife? A knife?! I’m disappointed. I would have thought at least a gun. But I guess that’s out of your budget.” He tossed Drainer to the side. “Now get out of my sight, you pathetic excuse for an epic.”


    Drainer rolled on the ground a dozen feet away from ThunderSpear. Still disoriented, he stood up, surprised that the stronger Epic didn’t hurt him in any way. Sparks, he’s too strong and I can’t hurt him, he thought, but maybe at least I’ll be able to take back what’s mine and retreat… Yes, that would allow me to show my servants that I’m not as weak as they think. Without thinking twice, he rushed toward his opponent and grabbed the necklace that was still hanging on the spear. The thin metal chain snapped easily and Drainer was about to start running away…


    ThunderSpear turned in surprise when the weakling not only disobeyed his order, but actually charged him. He raised his spear, then pulled back in shock as the necklace was snapped. Idiot, he muttered to himself, not sure who he was talking about. With barely a thought, he pointed his spear and launched a bolt of lightning at the running epic.


    The pain struck unexpectedly. In a fraction of a second Drainer felt like if his whole body was burning with agony. The lightning sent him flying toward, making him land on his face, but he didn’t feel that. The moment he was hit, his secondary power initiated, using the life energy of Vanillas he had taken into regenerating his body. He didn’t have much energy stored, one year of life from Summer, a couple of months from his previous victims. It was enough to let him survive the electrocution, but left him heavily burned and barely conscious on the ground.


    Luckily, the brief fight had caught the attention of some Vanillas. Drainer landed next to a bystander, a roughly 30 year old man, who was now looking with shock at Drainer’s smoking body.


    “Help me…” Drainer managed to croak, hoping that the man will come closer… close enough to grab him. Unfortunately, citizens of Corvallis knew, what’s the best course of action in case of Epics fighting. It’s to run for you life as fast as you can. The unsuspecting Vanilla made a grave mistake however and ran too close to Drainer. The Epic managed to reach out and touch the ankle of his victim just for a second, but it was enough. Draining someone for such a short time didn’t help with healing, but it caused the runner to collapse in shock.


    The Vanilla tried to crawl away from Drainer, fighting the slowly receding numbness and weakness, however the Epic was faster. With the last bits of his strength Drainer managed to leap closer the man and fully grab his leg. He instantly felt the rejuvenating energy of someone else’s life rushing under his skin, healing all the damage caused by lightning.


    After a few seconds Drainer was fully healed and still had some energy left in reserves. The unlucky Vanilla was laid on the ground, his body looking like a mummified version of himself. Drainer could see that his eyes were still moving, he was trying to say something, but as a result of such fast draining, the internal organs, skin and even bones were literally falling apart with every move he tried to make. Drainer looked away, not wanting to witness the horror his powers caused. It was time to run, before the other Epic noticed that he’s still alive.


    After firing the lightning, ThunderSpear watched the other man’s body fly, then turned away. Silly fool. They don’t understand that they should just give me what I want. It’s not like any of them can actually stop me… He sighed, then walked away.

  11. This is incorrect.

    The post containing nighthounds death will be the first post to single handedly break the entire upvote system. the poster will suddenly find themself with a new rank: pwner of nighthound

    On a slightly related note, you are only 4 reputation away from the perfect number.


    Also...is reputation the number of upvotes? I haven't been able to figure that out.

  12. Just an update on the Drainer and ThunderSpear, we're currently in a Google Doc and working on that. Not sure exactly when it will be done but it is coming along nicely. Lot's of fun stuff for sure.

  13. They don't use signals at all, the server can just read the data stored locally wherever it happens to be.

    Obviously conjecture but it would explain quite a bit.

    That would make sense. As per usual, breaks normal physics (the question would still remain: How is the data read?) but hey--these people can effin' throw fireballs and alter dimensions and teleport--who are we to call them abnormal?

  14. Motivators couldn't be mass-produced, though. Knighthawk was one of a handful in the world who even knew how to make them, and he had a backorder list several months or years deep. The only exception was the mobiles, which weren't motivators but based on one. 

    I just wonder...what epic would he have gotten the connection Motivator for the mobiles from? Because they were technically part of a motivator, just didn't need the flesh inside--it was that kind of power. But what power would that be using? Someone should make a epic for that XD (just within here though, it would have to stay in this post unless we didn't explain where the idea was from.)

  15. Doubtlessly, that's why he created Trumpeter. He saw our alternate version of 2016 and then incorporated that into his view of humanity.

    you forgot the [/'spoiler] minus the '

  16. Epic name: None

    Real name: Unknown

    Primary power: Mental distraction - a combination of the ability of grey men from the wheel of time and Kuroko from Kuroko's basket (If you've seen it). Essentially giving him the ability to distract the gaze of others and cause himself to never be noticed. Extremely alert and perceptive people can notice him if he's doing something he shouldn't so he couldn't just walk between two guards who are supposed to refuse entry to everyone or run at you with a knife but most of the time he's completely invisible and the second he steps into a crowd no one could spot him.

    Secondary power: Flesh manipulation - can manipulate any flesh he touches, deforming it as desired. Though he can't alter the properties of the flesh in any way.

    Tertiary power: Corpse possession - Can manipulate the flesh of one dead body without touching it, he can also extend his primary power to this body, causing it to go unnoticed so long as he's not using the power on himself but cannot use his secondary with it. His power puts some strain on the body and when he is finished with it they typically burst into an explosion of viscera.


    MO: Has killed in a dozen different ways, he typically avoids repetition, coming up with a new method of murder for each job. The only similarities between his victims are that someone else close to them typically vanishes at around the same time, a guard, servant, family member or a lower Epic. He conducts meetings by proxy, using a handily obtained corpse to speak for him while he simply sits unobserved nearby.

    Weakness: Popularity, more specifically having a large group of people all watching him. The more people who are specifically looking for him the weaker his ability to distract them becomes. If enough people notice him he loses his ability to manipulate flesh or corpses too.

    Gray men...YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (continue exclamation points x 1000 or so.)








    No one at my school has ever heard of that freaking series...I need someone to geek out with...

  17. In the spirit of St. Patrick's Day, I am giving everyone who posted today a little green arrow.


    Oops. First time I've ever hit my quota. I'll get you tommorow, Blackhoof.

    Eh, happy Irish Holiday Day. [insert insanely happy leprechaun picture here to offset my bad mood]

  18. He's still in his house, probably reporting the theft to authorities, as he himself isn't well suited to track or fight any Epic. Also, time in Corvallis moves pretty slow, so he didn't really have time to do much.

    Ah, ok. Should I just let ThunderSpear wander for a few days then? Who else would be good to steal from?

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