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Status Updates posted by CarolaDavar

  1. Isn't Brandon Sanderson just the coolest guy

  2. Art is awesome. Who like to draw?

    1. Citadel16


      I do! but whether I am any good depends on the day, the character, the food Im eating, and the people watching me...

    2. CarolaDavar


      Ah, yes. Me too

  3. I got the new covers for Alcatraz!! It is amazing!

  4. I just got the rank "hazekiller" o.o

  5. 100 UPVOTES!!!!!

    1. WayneSpren


      Congratulations! Have a Light Alley cookie!

    2. CarolaDavar


      Yay, it is a welcome cookie

  6. I got my sketchbook signed by Brandon Sanderson! I also got it signed by his illustrater, Isaac Stewart

  7. Is anyone going to the Bands of Morning midnight release? I'll be there! I want to know who else will be, so i might be able to recognize them.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. CarolaDavar


      Ah. Do you know who else may be at The Release party?

    3. Mistrunner


      I will be there. In spirit.

      In reality I will be about a thousand miles away.

      Ah, geography.

    4. CarolaDavar


      Darn, it makes me sad. That why I hate studying geography. My mind says, if you don't study it, it doesn't work in a certainew way. Though, in reality, geography can suck

  8. that moment when you attempt to hi five your touch-screen computer, and end up upvoting something instead

    1. KaIadin


      Uhh, why would you hi-five your monitor?

    2. CarolaDavar


      Because I wish I could hi five people through the screen....

    3. KaIadin
  9. I wish I could draw realistically so I could draw a Shardblade

    1. KaIadin


      I'm so sharp, you can just draw me.

  10. 0.0 i just looked at the Reckoners RP. i now have a character named Shattershot.

  11. 0.0 I just looked at the Reckoners RP

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kaymyth


      Ahahahaha! I've been on the forum for over a year, and even I haven't dared do that. XD

    3. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      Come to the Reckoners RP. We have Funtimes, dinosaurs, and McMuffin Epics! All of it can be yours for the low low price of your sanity!

    4. CarolaDavar


      I've made a character!

  12. I've decided that home made root beer is the best

    1. Citadel16


      is there any real argument? :)

    2. CarolaDavar


      That's... true I guess

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