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Posts posted by queensteph

  1. 6 hours ago, Orlok Tsubodai said:

    @queensteph, given you should now have more time, what are your thoughts on the votes for Alv last cycle? Do you think that this could indeed be the expression of Nobles disagreeing with Lemonelon's lynch on the basis I set out yesterday, confirming Drake's theory? What do you think on lynching Alv this cycle?

    ugg i have 15 min for analysis i hate myself. 

    @Orlok Tsubodai I don't really think Alv is an elim, His ramblings have to have some interpretation I'm just not sure yet what that is. Besides "tasting" meaning yes.

    Most of the votes on him last cycle seemed to be just thrown there merely because of the fact they didn't like his ramblings. I don't really know what that would have to do with Nobles? How do they fit into that situation? I'm kinda confused by what you're asking me. As for lynching Alv this cycle I don't think it's a good idea because I'm getting a village read on him.


    I am inclined to agree with Rand about the possibility of Orlok being a WGG, but I really haven't analyzed enough to have firm enough suspicions of my own. I do feel that he was quick to vote on Lemonelon and started a bandwagon and basically forcing out a claim when it was already seemed pretty obvious that they were a politician and most likely village. Jondesu not being very active but then voting on Alv last cycle also makes me suspicious. I'm going to go ahead and vote Jondesu

    I don't think I really have time to analyze Steeldancer's posts, Can someone sum up why everyone is voting on him?? I got mixed signals from reading through this cycle it was confusing. Also, I don't really understand what Manukos was trying to do, buuut it doesn't really feel evil to me.

    Sorry for not being very active this cycle either. :( I'll try to be better.

    Edit: Ninja'd by like 5 people


  2. Ug I got home and caught up on the thread JUST 3 MINUTES AFTER IT WAS CLOSED. I was mad and may have spouted off hatred for Elenion in the heat of the moment. :P

    (sorry Len I don't actually hate you) OR DO I??

    I was suspicious that Lemon was a village politician in their replies to being questioned so I wasn't surprised when they claimed. I figured the misunderstandings were just from the lack of inexperience (since I'm the queen of misunderstandings), and felt inclined to trust them. I didn't have any major suspicions yet as to who the elims might be, but I felt Drake may have just been going along with Alvron's madness charade in order to still look active by contributing to the thread. I still sort of feel this way but then he did add in his opinions and they were my exacts thoughts on the reasoning behind DA's murder (i.e. being that he was probably active in the Noble doc and an Elim!Noble figured out who he was). That doesn't confirm or deny anything, just personally it made me less suspicious of him since our thoughts on the matter lined up.

    That's all of what I wanted to say before the last cycle ended but I didn't get the chance since I thought it was ending at 4:30 when it ended at like 4:16 or something. :( 

    I'll be active more now since I'm home. 



  3. Hey sorry!! I forgot to get on yesterday I was busy all day. I'll still be relatively busy until tomorrow night.

    I don't really think anything has happened much yet (besides a Noble being killed ??? what's that about) that I need to say anything about.

    If you need my input on anything before tomorrow night just tag me. I'll do my best to contribute a lot more starting tomorrow! :D

  4. 4 minutes ago, Paranoid King said:

    Say, why aren't the university people voting on each other? If they did, a single skindancer might not end up the only one there. (Which would mean that they could destroy all the fields without any resistance.)

    Do votes not work or something? Is everyone there staying at the pony? You could still try to vote on them, right?

    Me and Cluny are the only ones there and we are both Masters so votes do nothing. 

    I wasn't at the H&F. and @Cluny the Scourge yes would it show up if it was blocked by Fae Lore

    Edit bc ninjad by cluny:: wait who else is at the Uni?? Straw?

  5. 23 minutes ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

    @queensteph I bought a gram for aman two cycles before he was killed. I couldn't pass it until the next turn so I waited and then put in the order on the next turn. I was also in Imre that turn and it said that there was still another gram available. Then the turn that Aman turned up as dead I wasn't in Imre so I don't know when the gram was bought. I am in Imre again this turn and the gram is gone.

    two cycles? or do you mean two turns

    either way yeah I don't have one and didn't purchase it for anyone either.

  6. 32 minutes ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

    @Cluny the Scourge bodyguards are 24.5 talents rn. I'm in Imre almost every turn lol...nothing else to do when i'm not at the uni. If you stayed somewhere cheaper and went to Imre than you could buy grams, bodyguards, and bloodless. Just sayin ...it seems like a better trade.

    @queensteph I wasn't actually in Imre last turn for once. There was still a gram left when I was there last. So if you didn't buy it then someone else did. Or you're faking :P I'm glad you think I'm village, but I still suspect you. sorry!

    I put in the request the same turn that you bought it, and at the beginning of the next turn it said that I failed to purchase the gram. Which I don't understand because I had enough money for it and none of my other actions were blocked.  So someone would've had to specifically had to block that with Nahlrout. The only one who I told that I was purchasing the Gram was Burnt, but I don't think she would do that. but maybe? @Burnt Spaghetti Did you block me from buying it?

    Also @Cluny the Scourge Either way if you are evil it still would've said that you didn't steal anything because you were BLOCKED BY MY FAE LORE. :ph34r:

  7. Sorry for double post.

    But if anyone is interested, I used Fae Lore on Cluny last cycle and wasn't pickpocketed. So either he decided not to pickpocket me this turn or it was blocked from my Fae Lore.

    Was anyone pickpocketed by Cluny this turn? It'd be useful to know. If anyone was then he is village. (just a thief :P)

    Edit: Sorry I meant two turns ago. I didn't put in actions this last turn lol.

  8. 49 minutes ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

    If you do want to kill me than you can but I would ask that you make the greatest effort to go after steph when I'm gone.

    Also bear in mind that the elims might actually go after orlok or Cluny since they are the only ones who can kill her when she's not in imre. She's basically safe staying there and letting the other elim send out the sabotage or assassins. Whenever she does finally go to imre she will have a huge pile of money to spend on protection and assassins. 

    @OrlokTsubodai and @Cluny the Scourge make sure you protect yourself well, if you can. Remember what happened to aman. He was at the uni and was attacked by an assassin...so he was either in imre or killed by someone at the uni. He was also saying that he thought steph and straw looked suspicious. He was also one of the last people who could attack steph at the university.

    He was actually most likely in Imre since he literally said he was sending an assassin on me? Honestly I somehow believe BR is village even though the Fae Lore came back as positive. I wasn't at the Uni both turns last cycle so anyone could've sent the assassin on me idk who it was but I'm assuming Aman since he said he was going to. I was going to buy a gram since things were looking bad for me but BR got to it first. *totes not because I wasn't sent the Imre info in the beginning* :P

    The only person I ever have sent an assassin on was Stick because I believed she or BR were evil. With Cluny pulling to kill me I really think he's an elim since with me gone it will be hard to get to him. If you're going to use all of your resources to kill someone at the Uni please use them on Cluny. If he's not bad then it's either Straw or BR. or someone who is insane ? is it possible that there are no sane skindancers left?

  9. I also forgot the cycle was ending and was busy with the same things as BR :P

    I didn't put in orders either. @BrightnessRadiant what about Cluny as far as suspicions? I think he evil. Aman was still at the Uni so I'm guessing Cluny killed him since me and him are the only ones there still right? And it wasn't me so. Actually wait I think Aman was in Imre bc he said he was sending an Assassin on me so nvm idk. I'll try to post more tomorrow i am dead.


  10. I used Fae Lore on BR and Straw. And I also used Omen Recognition on Sticks attack last time so that double clears Burnt if anyone wanted it lol I just had an extra action period so I was like why not. (It also clears me too since I attacked Stick but you'll just have to believe me or not on that :P). Would anyone mind coming forward as to who attacked people? I didn't attack anyone this past turn. 

  11. 4 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

    I don't see why not. It's not like the assassin is expelled. I know my Assassin will work, at least.

    Why do you think this? Like, the write up implies that it was an Assassin who attacked Brightness.


    T6M2 : El said 

    Clarifications: Brightness Radiant was attacked by the eliminators last turn. I should’ve shown that more clearly as a sabotage, and didn’t. 

    Also I really feel like Cluny is evil and we should kill him (revenge for my 4 talents? :P) If you guys do kill me then please go after Cluny once I'm gone. 

  12. well i know the elim is either brightness, cluny, or straw (since fae lore was used on all of them and there was no sabotage) and my bets on BR or Cluny. Obviously I don't think you should kill me but hey at least I'd be confirmed good, but i'd rather have that happen at the end of the game with me still alive. :P I won't be mad if you kill me though because I can see how I look suspicious but I'll still be a lil annoyed. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Amanuensis said:

    Hm. I reread the write up from the attack on Stick and it was just an Assassin who attacked her. No Sabotage that turn. Sooo, I dunno. I don't think anyone else was involved.

    I didn't think anyone else was either. That's why I went ahead and accused BR because I thought that she was the only one involved according to the writeup. But Elbereth said she wasn't going to say whether or not the writeup told how many times people were attacked because she wasn't sure if she's always written it accurately for that.

    But BR was sabotaged that turn and she had protection against it. so idk why the Elims would attack one of their own unless the action was redirected or something.

  14. 14 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

    I would say it because I wanted to tease BR :P and because I wanted to see how she would react, especially because her sudden suspicion of me is a relatively large red flag.

    Also can you explain what the Skindancer(s) could really do to stop my kill? Buy protection? We can already assume that they're doing that regardless of what I say. I'm pretty sure there's no one left with the ability to roleblock villagers, so it's not like they could stop my assassin in it's tracks.

    I am honestly considering attacking BR instead, though >> I keep going back and forth which one of the sisters I think is more likely the Skindancer, and BR's posts this turn give me the impression that she's been waiting on me to die. Like, a turn ago she was openly talking about getting me protection, and now suddenly she thinks I'm lying about being a homeless, helpless old woman. Feels a bit weird to me.

    I will add though that I liked one of your posts the previous turn, I think it was. Gave me a pretty good villager vibe. So I don't really suspect you as much, and as I've said before, one of Steph or BR absolutely has to be a Skindancer, so killing anyone else before the two of them is just a really, really bad idea. We need to focus our resources on removing one of them ASAP. So I honestly think everyone who can should agree to attack one, and then the other if they prove to be village.

    Okay so, let's say that Brightness sent an Assassin onto Stick, a Skindancer sabotaged Stick, and Steph put in the order "I want to investigate the assassin contract on Stick from the previous turn." Would she receive the ping?

    @queensteph, how did you word your OR order?

    1. Brightness was sabotaged that turn, not Stick.

    2. I just asked to research the event of the attack on stick.

    9 hours ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

    Okay I just realized the simplest way to decide that situation would have been to ask stick if she was attacked more than once...cuz wouldn't she have been able to answer that? Because if she had a gram or a bodyguard it would tell her how many uses she had left. I wonder why stick never said anything about that? :(

    Ugh if she was hit only once than it would be obvious if me or steph was lying. But if it was more than we could both be possible villagers. Well I know I am. And I thought steph was too but now I can't decide.

    Also @Amanuensis you could just call me paranoid lol...technically I bought a gram for you last turn but I couldn't pass it until this turn. But now I'm just trying to make sure that I really trust the person I pass it to. :P 

    I lit asked her that in PMs and then said that I did in the thread and she still never responded? remember she just posted in thread asking El if the writeup would clarify how many times someone was attacked. and then she said that she didn't tell me because I could be "trying to figure out how much protection she had so i could kill her" which I literally said to her in PM that that was the reason I asked her in PM so it'd be more safe. So it seemed weird and fishy to me that she said that in thread like it was a realization she had come to as an ulterior motive for me even though I'm the one who said it originally. Sorry you were innocent Stick but I really believed you were evil.

    Also, I sent an Assassin on Stick last turn and I also used Fae Lore on BR, Cluny, and Stick. I'm pretty much convinced at this point that Cluny is evil. BR seems innocent to me just based on all of her posts in contrast to when she was an Elim before. I realize if BR is proven innocent then it's gonna be bad for me but hey I'm a trusting person what can I say.:P (sorry for not being on til now i was busy and then asleep)

  15. When you use Omen Recognition then the way it's stated in PMs is that Skindancers were involved. that's why I was thinking that. But ug okay so does that mean that BR is evil?? (assuming I'm not) The only other way is that someone else attacked Stick that night and never mentioned it. 

  16. @BrightnessRadiant The reason I never mentioned it was because I didn't want you to have a headsup and get more protection. I didn't just keep it to myself though, I told Burnt.

    I couldn't figure out a way that you could be innocent until I realized the "event" of the attack on stick involved you and Stick. So then I was like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Because I had been suspicious of Stick for a while and never even suspected you until my Omen Recognition came up positive. And judging by your reaction to the info I feel like you are probably village since if I was in your position I'd probably be suspicious of me to for accusing you of being Elim when you know you're not. But it did come up positive and I haven't lied about anything.

    I really feel like Stick is the Elim. Judging by the way BR reacted to my info I feel like she is innocent. I don't really know how to get people to trust me? I don't really think I've done anything to incriminate myself so feel free to analyze everything I've said. I'm really just trying to do my best here. If I was evil, why would I go through the trouble of framing BR when I could've just killed her? By setting her up to be killed, once she was dead and confirmed good them ALL of the suspicion would fall on me. So, no I'm not trying to frame BR I just legitimately thought she was evil because I couldn't see a way around it. But now that I realized that Stick is probably the evil one then my suspicions on BR are lowered. 

    Also, I think Brightness asked me why I didn't vote on Cluny last cycle? I didn't because just having 2 votes on someone is enough to get them expelled so I didn't see how it mattered if I put in a vote too.

    I would gladly have you guys kill me to prove my innocence but I don't really think that's the best thing right now since we need all the alive Students we can get.

    I think it'd be best to kill Stick this turn and if she shows up innocent then you could kill us? If Stick is an Elim I think it would clear me and BR.

    (I'll try to be active but it's my mom's bday so)

  17. Two turns ago I used Omen Recognition on the attack against Stick, which Brightness admitted to sending an assassin on him, and it turned up as Skindancer Activity. 

    The Skindancer's sabatoge that round was on Brightness, so I'm a bit thrown for a loop. 

    But I don't believe that anyone else attacked Stick so I have a ton of suspicion towards Brightness. I was pretty positive she was an Elim since learning that Stick's attack was caused by Fae. So I had Burnt send an assassin on Brightness. (since I wasn't in Imre) I didn't mention it in the thread last turn because I didn't want BR to have a headsup that she would be attacked, but she bought a gram anyways. I also PM'd Stick to find out whether she even had enough protection the turn she was attacked to even protect against 2 attacks, but she didn't respond with the code I gave for her to use in thread (since she can't respond in PMs) and only asked Elbereth in thread if the writeup would clarify on how many times someone was attacked.

    I feel that possibly Brightness and Cluny are working together in this.

    I used Fae Lore on BR this turn and so if their sabatoge was blocked because of it then it'd be easy for her to rush in and just attribute it on her own Fae Lore. It would mean sacrificing Cluny but then it would basically clear her and she could continue on doing her evilness and possibly win the game for her team. And she may have actually blocked Straw but he hasn't been active I don't think so if she was lying I doubt he'd see it anyways. (Is he insane ? I can't remember rn)

    Can anyone make any more sense from this information than I have???

  18. Hurray! Great job on getting HH!!! :lol:

    10 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

    Steph have you scanned everyone yet? Everyone active, at least. 

    Yes!! This turn was the last one I needed to research so perfect timing for the question.

    Eol was elevated twice in Artificery so that could explain why the sabotage was blocked.

  19. 3 minutes ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

    Suuuuuuuuuuuure you did :P

    Yeah I knew you said that but I wanted GM confirmation ;)

    I totally don't suspect you :ph34r: jk I suspect everyone haha

    If I was lying you'd know by next turn when I was elevated to Master which would totally make me look evil since I'd be caught in a lie. So there. :P

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