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Everything posted by loremaster12

  1. Ok, I've come up with a theory, as to how calamities gifting powers work, which could explain why most epic powers cannot be explained with laws of physics. He doesn't choose what powers he gives people. He chooses people who have inner most desires that would require super human abilities and/or view themselves as being more than human. He infuses these people with his raw energy and the powers they develop are based on these desires and self images.
  2. As for his weakness, I'm not positive but I think it may have something to do with ice or intense cold, just as night wielder was weakened by sunlight. If obliteration unleashes heat everywhere there can't be an ice age with everything scorched and melted. That's probably why he melted whole cities, he was trying to destroy all the ice and to prevent any from harming him. He tries to prevent an apocalypse brought upon by an ice age, by causing an apocalypse by fire. His self claim to be a horse man of the apocalypse probably resulted from this train of thought, as well as his adopted title of obliteration. Claiming that all men have the dark seeds of epics and are worthy of destruction is how his mind rationalizes what he has done.
  3. Obliteration didn't die at the end of firefight, he teleported away. Like most epics he was motivated by his fears, and his lack of knowledge of how to overcome them. His emotional state of mind, which was strongly influenced by the biblical scriptures, lead him to believe that he was one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, given the destruction his powers could unleash. Like most epics he could not see himself as being a being of evil, so he rationalized his actions by claiming all men, including humans had always had the potential to be epics and therefore were worthy of death. When David revealed to obliteration the truth of his nightmares helping obliteration to realize the means to cure his insanity caused by calamities influenced, he left in search of a means to regain his sanity.
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