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Child Bahkbar

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Blog Comments posted by Child Bahkbar

  1. Thank you for putting up with me, and for taking the time to read and comment. It's been good fun so far.

    Yeah, it must be pretty hysterical reading some of my assumptions when you know exactly what's going on. Heck, once I'm done with the book, I'll probably have a laugh or two at how far off base some of my guesses were...unless they turn out to be spot on...

  2. I suppose that may be a decent reason not to tell Ham, but Elend is a different matter. Sure, besides perhaps setting his mind at ease, the information wouldn't be of much use to him, but the implications of keeping so much from him... If she can't trust him with even a bit of sensitive information, why are they even together in the first place? How can there really be a relationship with no trust?

    Besides, as long as Elend doesn't know how exactly the metal is actually made, I see no harm in telling him.

  3. Well, to be fair, Tindwyl didn't meet with Elend until after Vin left, so she must have been at least a bit wary. Plus, she did leave right after Vin showed up.

    Also, I don't think Tyndwyl necessarily has any problems with Vin as a person. As a potential queen on the other hand...

    Your explanation for Vin's attitude makes sense, I guess, but she must be able to see that Tindwyl's harsh training methods have been doing Elend heaps of good so far.

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