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Everything posted by Prasanna

  1. @Morsk,@happyman are right. Now that I had time to think about it , your guys comments make me realise of the narrow view that I had about some characters in the WOT. I wrote the post as soon as I read the book. Another thing, it has always deeply disturbed me, I mean the characterization of women in the books. And note, I read the books soon out of school and it took a long time to get over my prejudice of women. I thought it was only me who was disturbed by the people in wheel of time. However, inspite of it, I read through all the 11 books in a single stretch. It really screwed my semester GPA though. I need a help though guys. The books I read were small indian editions and they were really a pain for the eye. I am not sure which hardcover edition to buy for my library. There is a 1990 edition, 2011 edition and then there is some graphic novel editions, Which editions do you guys think I should go with. The problem is all the bookshops have only the small edition that I read for the first 11 books. There is also some library binding edition. Which one should I go with.Please refer me a big book atleast 8" height. Please help guys.
  2. Sorry for the late reply, Yes, it was also Polgara's choice. I forgot that part. The more I think about, I believe its like you said. Fantasy stories are always not about the end but about the imagination and the parts It can take us through,though it always leads to a predictable end.
  3. Hi Everyone, Just completed AMOL and thought I would share my views on the same and I wanted to know your thoughts about my questions. First and foremost , kudos to Brandon Sanderson for the job well done. Please note, my question may sound prickly but they stem from the highest regard I have for Sanderson and the epic scale that Robert Jordan created. 1) My only question is this. How could have Robert Jordan or Brandon Sanderson or any one else could not have seen this. The climax is 90% similar to David Eddings Belgariad Series.I have been keeping tabs on amazon for some reader to point it out in his reviews but no one has said anything. Am I imagining things or AWOT has finally confounded me ? In AMOL, The war was never about the Dark one but about the choice the dragon reborn takes. That much is made clear in the end. The Dark Lord also is incapable of defending himself once the Dragon Reborn makes the choice. This is what Belgarion(Belgariad Series) goes through. He has to make a choice whether to accept Torak(The Evil God) or not. It is all about choice. The only difference I see in the ending between the two series , is the epic scale that Robert Jordan involved(and more characters naturally). To tell the truth, I kind of feel cheated. The Dark Lord is compared to Darkness while The Creator is compared to Light. So the true power must equal to the one power. They should each balance each other out. Its again all about choice. So the only way to bind the true power(and hence the dark one) is to balance it with the one power which is distributed across humans. So the dragon Reborn should have been able to stem the true power(Dark Lord) by flowing the one power towards it and balancing it, thereby removing the ability to channel among humans. Also if the book is to end the way I said, then the climax will be similar to the Mistborn Series where the preservance and Ruin are fought, the way preservance is outmatched by Ruin because Preservance has weakened itself by spreading among humans to give them the ability to make a choice. May be I am really confused. Either way I feel cheated by the ending. Or may be I have read too many books. Please let me know your thoughts on this or where I went wrong. Please note, I am asking this question after being awake the entire night and completing AMOL for straight 12 hours. I am sure I am not coherent and I am rambling. If so, please bear with me. I hope you guys could get my point though. I have to tell you that The Last Battle was amazing and I accept that It was very well thought out and written in an awesome way, but it is the ending that troubles me. And finally I am happy the AWOT is done. PS: Waiting for backlash from you guys.
  4. Hi, Who Is Harmony ? (Is it Sazed and is he a god?) In the 18th Chapter, Where Wax is wounded, a voice speaks to him(is it harmony) asking him whether he is divine ? If it is harmony speaking to Wax , then why he is asking if Wax is divine ? I don't understand this part. Ironeyes who speaks to Marasi in the epilogue asking her to give a book to Wax, is it Marsh ? (if its Marsh, I thought he was dead in Mistorn Trilogy 3). Guys, please reply to my questions. It is giving me headache.
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