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Posts posted by Clockwork

  1. Look, I'm running on not a lot of sleep here, so I'm just going to be blunt: When I said to keep his kill count under ten, I did not mean "Please argue this point until I relent." I meant "Keep it under ten." Yes, many Epics are fragile, and yes, many Epics can be killed with a bullet to the head. But they aren't. They have powers that allow them to skirt, slip, and cheat death to terrorize the populace another day. And even if it weren't for their powers, look at the infrastructure of cities like Newcago. Technically, David could have just shot Curveball anytime he wanted; Curveball had lame powers and he was a lousy shot. But when Epics are in charge, killing Epics carries serious consequences. This is why the Reckoners cherry-picked the Epics they were going to kill and then got the heck out of Dodge: Because they knew they'd only have time for one, maybe two, and they wanted to make those kills count. I feel like giving a character 32 confirmed Epic kills diminishes the significance of killing an Epic, and I don't want to argue this further. 

    Four High Epics and 6 Normal Epics.


    Blackhoof- OK, I'll put him on hold, but I think I modified his powers to avoid true necromancy. He could change and animate a grain of rice if he wanted to.

  2. Normal Epics aren't hard to kill exept when their with High Epics. For a normal Epic, you just shoot it in the head. Like a normal person. Most people are just scared that a High Epic will come and kill them if they kill a normal Epic. But I'll lower in some.


    4 High Epics

    28 Normal Epics

  3. I've changed the profile. Lich doesn't technically resurrect anyone anymore. And Kyordu only has one epic tech, and it doesn't come from Oregon. In fact, he killed someone to get it.


    Is there any other feedback?

  4. Not sure how well either of those will work, resurrecting others is explicitly non-canonical, Lightwards already existed by the time that was noticed but I don't know that adding a second necromancer is a good idea. Particularly one that is themselves undead since I'm not entirely sure that's something that's actually possible. Not many Epics have physically altered bodies and in particular becoming undead raises the problem that if he was dead he couldn't use his power to bring himself back.

    For the other Motivators are still tricky territory, but especially self-made Epic tech. It's borderline impossible to integrate into canon.


    1. OK, it's not really resurrecting them. They can improvise on their orders, or find the best way to do something, and that is really the only way they can use their intelligence. I'm pretty certain true resurrection requires full mental capacities, the stopping of decay, and return of memories.

    2. I am sorry, I did not know there was another necromancer.

    3. I will edit so his power marks one to become undead when they are killed. Therefore, he died, but he had marked himself to become undead.

    4. I will get rid of the first two. He can only see an epic's powers. Not their weaknesses. And he bought it, I guess.

  5. I have two new characters I wanted to introduce in my next post in Corvallis, but they need smoothing out. The first one is an undead epic, the second is a genius epic hunter.

    Epic Name: Lich
    Real Name: Sceit (Pronounced Syeet- Last Name Unknown)
    Age: Unknown

    Primary Power:
    Can freeze water or water vapor into his hand, and can then manipulate it. He can also move it at high speeds. He can manipulate it in about a 20 ft. radius.

    Secondary Power:
    He can animate calcium carbonate and control it with his mind. He has animated his own skeleton and strengthened it. His flesh was burned off after that in a fire.

    Tertiary Power:
    He is able to change matter into calcium phosphate, or bone. This is hard to do, and prefers to simply strengthen and reinforce a person's skeleton.

    Prime Invincibility:
    When in danger, thick walls of unnatural ice surround him. This ice melts at command, but is harder than almost all metals and can support several tons of pressure.

    Usually cloaked in a large black cloak, underneath he is a skeleton with glowing blood-red eyes.

    Modus Operandi:
    Usually only kills when he is attacked or one of his undead are destroyed. If one is destroyed on purpose by someone else, he will hunt them without rest (literally. He does not require rest or sustainance.)


    Name: Kyordu Jarnot
    Age: 23

    Not really “powers” per say, but he is insanely intelligent. More so than his brother. He tends to move from one small town to the next, killing the weakest epics and then wiping the rest of them out.

    White, blue eyes, brown hair, constantly looks like he’s bored and doesn’t care about you or isn’t impressed.

    Modus Operandi:
    He tends to move from one small town to the next, killing the weakest epics and then wiping the rest of them out.
    Currently moving to Corvallis, as he heard his brother is there. Plans to kill him out of Revenge for the rest of their family.

  6. Draws Shadowrage, destroyer of the Honorless.


    *lashes Warriormark to the ceiling*

    *Strange colorful circle starts fading*

    *Rage Mode Activated*

    What ARE you? *cowering behind random couch in the middle of the room*


    *Promptly attacks Warriormark*

    *Breaths run out before he reaches Warriormark*


  7. OK. My people's technology is mostly in the medieval stages, except for pyrotechnics. They have almost modern explosives/fiery weapons, including gunpowder, gasoline, napalm, and small amounts of nitro glycerine (extremely rare because of the danger it poses to the person making it, only used on Mikill Einn- about a liter a year is made.)


    Also, by enchanted, I mean that a wizard actually set a constant spell on it. Is this allowed?

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