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Posts posted by Clockwork

  1. In the spirit of St. Patrick's Day, I am giving everyone who posted today a little green arrow.


    Oops. First time I've ever hit my quota. I'll get you tommorow, Blackhoof.

  2. Vampires never made any appearances in the original series, so we never got an idea of how they worked. But I think it was always assumed that they're close to their classical portrayal—not sparkly, weak to garlic and wooden stakes, not sparkly, pale, drink blood, not sparkly, somewhat sinister, and not sparkly.

    One or two appeared at Slughorn's Christmas Party.


    and do they burn in sunlight?

    I think I'll go by the assumption they do burn in direct sunlight. The site I looked at simply said they couldn't do out during the day.


    Otherwise, here's his profile;


         Name: Chas End

         Age: 11, first-year

         House: Hufflepuff

         Blood Status: (Mostly) Pureblood

         Appearance: Very pale, with pure white straight hair, and black eyes.

         Other: He tends to sleep through classes he doesn’t care about. He even struggles to stay awake during the ones he does like. He is irritable and grumpy all times except for dinner and right before bed, when the sun goes down. His most preferred class is Care of Magical Creatures, and Astronomy is a close second. He does well in Defense Against the Dark Arts and Potions. He’s a vampire, so he wears gloves, a cowl and a mask that covers the lower portion of his face during the day.

  3. I am 14 turning 15, I'm in Year 9 and people think I'm 18

    I suspect it's the wispy beard and the moustache

    what were you reading? Zac Power?

    I... don't understand what you mean.

    Most people think I'm older too... but my reason is I stand half a foot above everyone other than my dad and history teacher.

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