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Posts posted by Aoibheann

  1. If Maya is revived, it will be because of the bond with Adolin.  Already we've seen her protect him.  Anyone who would swap their sword for a "better" sword doesn't respect their blade enough.  

    There are multiple orders open to most, it depends on which spren you attract most strongly.  If you can reawaken a blade it will be because you have won the spren's trust. Thus it will be for an order you are compatible with.

  2. I don't think Elhokar has to step down.  Dalinar has realized his task is larger than Alethkar.  I believe Elhokar needs to step up as King, and Dalinar needs to be above the Kings of the world, coordinating them.

    Maybe being obedient means listening to Dalinar, but also being a leader, which for Elhokar is a brave thing to do.

  3. The name of the book, Oathbringer, being the same as the shardblade Dalinar held seems entirely too coincidental. 


    In one of the previously released flashbacks we find out the sword was also held by Sunmaker (led fight against ardents during Heirocracy).  

    The epigraphs for the first few chapters seem to indicate the 'person' who wrote the book unexpectedly survived.  What if Tanavast managed to trap himself in a shardblade?  (I have no idea how he'd write a book...)


  4. Quote

    While this does make sense on it's own, you're missing one key point: Soulcasters (the people) use Shadesmar to Soulcast objects, and as they use it more and more, they grow closer to Shadesmar and start to become like the object they Soulcast. It's speculated that this is because, unlike Elsecallers or Lightweavers, they have no spren blocking the negative effects of Soulcastigng on their spiritweb.

     I didn't miss that point.  I'm trying to point out that it seems Kaza is being pulled into Shadesmar as she approaches Akinah.  This is unusual.  Something about the place pulled her (further?) toward Shadesmar.  

  5. I had some impressions while reading the interlude transcript:

     - Kaza does not go too shadesmar while soulcasting,

    - recently, she's been glimpsing Shadesmar,

    - she assumes this means she is closer to death.

    - as she approaches Akinah she starts to see Shadesmar and has to crawl through/past it.

    Seems likely Akinah is a perpendicularity with access to Shadesmar; Through Shadesmar to other worlds.

  6. Wait - 10,000 year timeline + Roshar in the middle + 4,500 years since the last desolation = all desolations happened in a 500 year period? give or take???

    Even if the desolations happened in, say, 2,000 years  (still the middle-ish) and there were "only" 40 of them.  That's killing most people off every 50 years.  Once in every two generations or so.  

  7. Darkness/Nale refers to Ishar in Edgedancer a great deal.  It really makes me question what he's been doing and who he's really aligned with. Emphasis mine


    "Unfortunately, no," Darkness said.  "I once thought as you, but Ishar made the truth clear to me.  If the bonds between men and spren are reignited, then men will naturally discover the greater power of the oaths.  Without Honor to regulate this, there is a small chance that what comes next will allow the Voidbringers to again make the jump between worlds.  That would cause a Desolation, and even a small chance that the world will bedestroyed is a risk that we cannot take.  Absolute fidelity to the mission Ishar gave us - the greater law of protecting Roshar - is required."


    "A fluke," Darkness said, his voice firm.  " I contacted Ishar, and he assured me it is so.  What you saw are a few listeners who remain from the old days, ones free to use the old forms.  They summoned a cluster of Voidspren.  We've found remnants of them on Roshar before, hiding."


    "The Voidbringers have not returned," Darkness said firmly.  "Ishar has promised it, and he will not lie.  We must do our duty..."


    Then [Darkness] slumped to his knees.  "Storms. Jezrien ... Ishar ... It is true.  I've failed."


    Seems to me like Ishar has instructed Nale and the Skybreakers to kill all other surgebinders.  Worse, it wasn't a one time thing, He's been instructing Darkness all along and is a desolation denier even now. 

  8. I think Eshonai was bonded to a spren - the cometlike spren she swats at in WOR.  The stormspren have pushed it out. 

    However... we don't know what happens during the highstorm/everstorm event at the end of WOR with her at the bottom of the chasm?  Assuming her "cometlike" spren is hanging around during the highstorm - if the stormspren gives up on her to find a parshman? She could be a new woman. 

  9. I read that.  


    Adolin felt a panic rising.  He looked toward the highjudge.  She could call this on her own, if she felt it had gone too far.  

      She sat imperiously in her seat, watching him.  Adolin thought he saw something behind her calm expression.  They got to her,  he thought.   With a bribe, perhaps.

     - Words of Radiance, page 663


    I believe Adolin thinks she is too slow to react, but I think he's wrong.  He is interpreting her as being bought off, but she believes that the rules must be followed.  In fact, her comments to Dalinar come after Adolin's assumption.  

  10. Brightlady Istow, highjudge of the dueling ground loves the law.  She is so focused on the law and the rules she is not willing to stop Adolin's duel with Relis and friends.  Though she has enough compassion she tried to make sure Adolin knew what he was getting into. 



    "I've told you, Prince Relis," Istow said from behind.  "Prince Adolin didn't break any - "

    - Words of Radiance, page 622 



    The highjudge lingered, regarding Adolin.  "You realize what you have done."

      "I know the dueling conventions quite well.  Yes.  I'm aware."

    She sighed, but nodded, walking out.

    - Words of Radiance, page 622



    Brightness Istow was a tall, greying woman who sat with hands in her lap, watching the duel.  She did not turn as Dalinar stepped up beside her.

      "It is time to end this, Istow," Dalinar said.  "Call the fight.  Award the victory to Relis and his team."

      The woman kept her eyes forward, watching the duel.

      "Did you hear me?" Dalinar demanded.

      She said nothing.

      "Fine," he said.  "I'll end it then."

      "I am highprince here, Dalinar, " the woman said.  "in this arena, my word is the only law, granted me by the authority of the King."  She turned to him.  " Your son has no surrendered and he is not incapacitated.  The terms of the duel have not been met, and I will not end it until they have been.  Have you no respect for the law?

    - Words of Radiance, page 663


    I can think of no other characters who fit the traits the Highspren are presumably looking for more than Istow.  I have no idea how that fits with Nalan's plans.

  11. I think Brandon has told us how the Oathgates are locked.  It struck like lightning this weekend on my re-read.


    After the Radiants stopped using the Oathgates, the purpose of the plateaus was eventually forgotten and the plateaus (except on the Shattered Plains) were built upon.  There are many people and buildings to move, requiring an astronomical (if not infinite) amount of Stormlight. 


    The locking is not intentional.
    Check out these quotes: 

    Outside the Circle of Memories, they entered one of the covered walkways between monastery buildings,  a light rain sprinkling the rooftops.  The last leg of the walkways, the sunwalk, gave a wonderful view of Kholinar - at least on a clear day.  Evan today, Lhan could see much of the city, as both the temple and the high palace occupied a flat-topped hill.

    - Words of Radiance, page 893



    Now that he saw those pillars from this perspective, he recognized that there was one of them in Kholinar.  It made up the dais upon which the palace and royal temple had been built.  Shallan suspected that Jasnah had tried to open the Oathgate there; the woman;s notes said that Oathgates to each of the cities were locked tight.

    - Words of Radiance, page 1070



    The plateau hadn't contained the portal.  

    The plateau was the portal.

    - Words of Radiance, page 1039



    ..., activating the Oathgate took a great deal of Stormlight, depending on how many people were brought.  Lighting the lamps in the room at the center of the Oathgate was merely the minimum amount needed to start the device - bringing many people partially drained the infused gemstones they carried as well.  

    - Words of Radiance, page 1074



    In addition, the travel through the Oathgate had not been as cheap as Shallan had first assumed.  Somehow, the trip had drained the majority of the gemstones held by the men and women on the plateau - including Navani's fabrials, cluteched in the hands of engineers and scholars.

      They had run a few tests.  The more people you moved, the more Light was required.  

    - Words of Radiance, page 1048


    Shallan has been mostly moving people from the warcamps, we don't know how physical matter affects the amount of Light needed.  It's possible that physical matter is unimportant, only the number of "conscious" minds impact Light needs.  We may see what happens if/when the palace in Kohlinar is emptied of people.  


    A co-worker of mine pointed out: The Everstorm may take care of these "locks" by scouring the plateaus clear of buildings; inadvertently helping via destruction.



  12. This thread got me thinking.  We need to look at the Chapter Headings.  Chapter 40, "Palona" has Kalak and Vedel as the Heralds.  This is the first chapter where Sebarial's actual organization is revealed and Palona is introduced.


    This doesn't hold for Chapter 86, "Patterns of Light", but there are some many things going on in that chapter... (I think the Heralds are for Kaladin and Szeth).  

  13. I wonder if a question about Tarah would be answered in the question period at the end of the WoK reread?

    Asking "Who is Tarah?" would probably get RAFO'd. Other possible questions:

    was Tarah a lighteyes or darkeyes?

    was Tarah someone Kaladin could/should have saved?

    Other questions?

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