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Status Updates posted by WayneSpren

  1. :o When did Stormlight 3 get to 78 percent?!

  2. I am truth less!

    1. Silverblade5


      That's a lie! This can't be true, for if it was, you would still have truth.

  3. Yay! I'm a highprince!

    Submit now or be destroyed.

  4. Just funded Mistborn House War!!

  5. I! GOT! WHITE SAND!!!

    1. WayneSpren




      (That was quick)

  6. ...When you realize there's no Scadrian Waffle Cook PoV character...

  7. Woke up this morning and was like "whuhh? I'm a worldbringer!"

    ...What's a worldbringer?

  8. Looove the new site update! Thanks, Chaos!

  9. I have reached full feruchemist! Time to start tapping Wakefulness...

  10. I have reached the conclusion that Stick is in fact Hoid in disguise.

    1. KnightRadiant


      Hmm... interesting theory. ;)

  11. I have finally decided that cheese on ice cream is not a good idea.

    1. WayneSpren


      It took elaborate testing to reach this conclusion.

    2. Zathoth


      I once put that curry sauce you get with chicken Mcnuggets on vanilla ice cream. Was actually pretty good.

    3. Citadel16




      what made you try this formula?

  12. I'm a full shardbearer! Fear me!

    1. Kaymyth


      Nope! I'm a Voidbringer, I fear nothing!

      ...except sunshine and rainbows.

    2. WayneSpren


      Nobody likes my ultimate power. I'm gonna be WayneSpren again.

  13. Before, I was WayneSpren. Now, I am WayneStick!

  14. Tryin' to use more fancier words. Hello! I am here to frabjudigate your jikilickiligy!

  15. I read Calamity!! It's amazing! Like a potato in a minefield, or a koala.

    1. Orlion Blight

      Orlion Blight

      Is it like a koala dropping into a crate of Coca-Cola?

  16. Just finished Bands of Mourning for the second time and Secret History for the third.

    1. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      I haven't actually read Bands of Mourning yet.

    2. WayneSpren


      For shame!

      Just kidding. I have WAY too much time on my hands.

  17. Reading Bands of Mourning. I suddenly like Steris.

  18. I am back to the Shard!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mashadar Mistborn

      Mashadar Mistborn

      Glad to have you back. :)

    3. Ookla the Absent

      Ookla the Absent

      So... the story from your point of view?

    4. WayneSpren


      In one sentence: siblings should never be allowed to use your account. Ever.

  19. I'm an Atium Misting! Too bad Elend burned it all. But hey, the fourth Wax & Wayne book is titled "The Lost Metal", after all.

  20. I made 700 posts! That puts me in the top 100 posters! Yaaay me!

  21. I'm not Wyrn anymore. I'm a spinner. What is that, anyway?

  22. I am Wyrn! All bwo to me! Wahahahaha...

    1. Kaymyth


      How, exactly, does one "bwo"?

    2. WayneSpren


      By rearranging the letters in the word "bow".

  23. I've reached 750 rep! 3/4 to 1000!

  24. I am an Elantrian.

    1. WayneSpren


      ...I have AonDor?

    2. WayneSpren


      It sucks to be the least loved magic system :(

    3. Slowswift


      I love it! And I'd love it even more if I could actually draw a straight line for once. :P

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