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Posts posted by Lazarus52980

  1. 18 hours ago, AquaRegia said:

      I'm also not real clear about how snapping works now, so I don't think we can rule out the idea that someone might develop latent Allomancy as an adult.

    Now that you say that, I wonder if it's possible that the more powerful you would be (the more investiture you would be capable of handling) the more that would be required to make you "snap"?  That could explain it, but I also feel like some combination of the previous suitors that told her of her shortcomings (noted in Alloy of Law), being captured by Miles, having her wedding ruined by a rusting WATERTOWER falling on it, and even Wax telling her on the train in Bands of Mourning that he'd only HAVE to be intimate with her a dozen times or so would snap anyone.  To mix a few memes: that's a lot of (emotional) damage...


    Thus, if snapping was an issue for her, I think it would have happened by now, but that's just my $0.02

  2. 13 hours ago, TheOneKEA said:

    There is a gas giant in the Threnodite system named Purity. I just checked the map in Arcanum Unbounded and verified where it was located in the system; it’s close enough to Threnody that it should be visible from that planet.

    Well, so much for my theory.  Thank you for setting me straight.

  3. I'm listening to OB part 2 via audio book and one of the characters who is lamenting about infiltrating the calligrapher’s guild curses saying “by purity's eye…”.  Purity sounds like the name of a shard to me… any chance this is a first cosmere mention of a new shard? (New to us anyway…)

  4. 9 hours ago, Naerin said:

    Perhaps I am just reading into things too much, but I think it is interesting that Szeth had neither reaction to Nightblood. There is no description of nausea, but also no description of lust or craving. Just mild curiosity. To me this speaks to Szeth's thematic arc as Truthless, someone who doesn't believe in anything anymore, and doesn't want anything, except guidance. Which gets into what everyone has already said about him using Nightblood as a moral guide, as if he can't really come back from being Truthless, and still needs some kind of external touchstone in order to go on living and making decisions about right and wrong. It should be a really fascinating dynamic to explore and I really, really hope they get a decent amount of POV time in Oathbringer. 

    IIRC, the next book is most likely going to be Szeth's book (Stones unhallowed?) so I'm guessing we won't see TOO much of his perspective until book 4.

  5. 18 minutes ago, CaptainRyan said:

    Would it be faster if I bought you a copy and shipped it? Or maybe the Kindle version? Or... I WANT TO HELP! Is there anything we can do to get you the book faster?

    I agree with CaptainRyan.  How can we assist?  I might be able to setup my Amazon account to ship to Italy...

  6. 9 minutes ago, Yata said:

    Not really, the guy could simply remove the gemstone breaking the Bond and the King can't re-summon it

    No, this isn't true.  This was something that Brandon Sanderson considered doing but did not actually write into the universe.  I even remember an interview where he mentioned that HE forgot he didn't do that and had a scene he wrote for Oathbringer that he had to re-do after a beta reader pointed this out to him.

  7. Actually, I wonder how often offspring of the two species come up?  We know from that WoB that interspecies relations can produce offspring, and I find it nearly impossible to believe that someone somewhere didn't decide that their slave could be used for more...intimate purposes.  (This happened fairly often during the slavery period in the US and I can only assume it happened elsewhere).  It's possible that breeding with humans and parshmen could only happen when the parshman were in mate form, but if not, I wonder how many of the parshman walking around now have human DNA in them...

  8. I intentionally made the title as benign as possible because I didn't want to setup a "clickbait" situation, but the more I think about it, the more I think the parshmen were actually treated just how they needed to be treated.   Now, before everyone jumps on me, please hear me out.  We know that someone somewhere "stole" their minds and made them into brain fogged obedient slaves and while I agree that is terrible, we don't know the circumstances behind it Maybe it was that or commit genocide against them and this at least allowed them to live?  I don't want to get into THAT debate right now, but I do think that once whatever was done to them was done, I don't see how the Alethi could have done too much else.  They could have treated them with more dignity than was generally done, but what else could have been done with them?  It's pretty obvious that in the state they were in they could not care for themselves in a way that would have allowed them to live.  If the Alethi had all gotten together and said "enslaving the parshmen is unfair, let's let all of them go so they can be free", I'm guessing they all would have stood around and starved to death (IIRC, that is actually mentioned in TWoK).  I can understand why they are mad now that they are back in their right mind and it might be too much to ask of them to see that they could not have been given their freedom as they were, but I can't see what else could have been done by anyone currently alive on Roshar.  


    Am I seeing this wrong? 

  9. 4 minutes ago, ChazBolt said:

    Or it could be the doors cracks between the Cognitive and Physical realms have widened now that people are starting to bond spren again. Thereby, other spren are more able to show themselves more often. It might not be a location thing. 

    That's an interesting point.  The might explain the "rare" gloom spren that showed up around Kaladin.   I guess we'll have to wait until we see  more locations in the world to see if this plays out as you propose.

  10. There seems to have been a lot of talk in the Oathbringer chapters about spren appearing in Urithiru seemingly more often than we have seen then before.  It's possible that Mr. Sanderson just wants to show us more types of spren, or wants to display the emotions of the characters through the appearance of them, but it seems to me that we see spren FAR more often in Urithiru than we've seen them other places.  Is it possible that there is some sort of spren gathering place in the cognitive realm where Urithiru stands?  What implications would that have for the people in Urithiru?  Could it mean that a listener in Urithiru (Such as Rlaine) could more easily bond a spren and change forms even when not in a highstorm?  


    Also, there is a spren city whose name escapes me.  Maybe Urithiru is at the same location, but just in the physical realm side?

  11. 22 hours ago, ProfessorMLyon said:

    Could it be that Dalinar is not Renarin's father at all? If true, could it be a factor in Shhshhh's death? Pretty long stretch I know, and definitely without any evidence. But since we know almost next to nothing about her, it is fun to speculate. 

    This is interesting to consider.  Hasn't it been said that Alethi hair always shows how much alethi blood they have?  Doesn't Adolin have more black hair than Renarin?  

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