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Everything posted by SteelSlinger

  1. Yeah that is. I guess I was confused at how if the chasm was what broke the Aons, then why would drawing a line representing the chasm in a different place beside the aforementioned chasm restore the magic.
  2. But I thought there was already a chasm created by the reode which broke the city map and that's why none of the Aons worked.
  3. i just read Elantris for the first time and I was looking for a new book. I was trying to decide between the Emperors Soul and The Alloy of Law. I read the Mistborn trilogy before Elantris. All of that preface to ask, without too many spoilers, are the Emperor's Soul and Elantris in the same storyline?
  4. Thanks for the replies guys. I just finished Elantris in a week! Keeping eye out for Hoid but didn't see anything. Maybe I'm not sneaky enough. Good book though. spoiler question: Can anyone explain why digging the line in the ground fixed the map. Was there a break in the city wall he connected?
  5. Awesome! Thanks for the advice. It will be a good reminder to always check for the auto-correct demons.
  6. Hi all, My name is Brandon and I just recently started reading more fantasy. I randomly picked book one of the storm light archive as I had never heard of Sanderson but saw he was very popular. Well since the beginning of the year I've read the first two books of the stormlight archive and the entire mistborn trilogy. Loving these books and I cannot get enough. I started the Allow of Law last night and that lead me to finding this forum to get to know of Sanderson's work and find some answers to many questions. This leads me to the story behind my post title. I thought a cool user name for the forums would be steelslinger as a play on gunslinger and Wax's steel pushing abilities. Unfortunately I did not double-check my name after I entered it and the nasty auto-correct demons changed my name to steels linger, which is not only nonsense, but makes me sounds like I'm a thief that doesn't know when to leave. Any chance an admin could use some magic to change my name? Anyway, looking forward to sharing adventures with you all and hope to be posting on a regular basis. Lastly, one question; what other books is Hoid in? The Stormlight Archives are my first encounter with him and I've read in other posts that he's a recurring character in the universe. (Which is freaking awesome.)
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