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Posts posted by Ruro272

  1. Hey guys, good catch. I do not think what you're reading into is actually what Brandon meant. these are mostly from memory and hastily scratched notes so some of my own word choice is in there. I'll edit my original post to remove the "other" so we don't look too much into it.

    Thanks for keeping me honest, and sorry for the confusion.

  2. If I remember your outfit like I think you do, you were actually really good! Honestly I would not have ever guessed who you were, but it was still a good cosplay costume! Next time make sure you ask questions--it took me a while to get over my nervestoo but he's actually very easy to talk to and he really appreciates GOOD well thought out questions.

  3. There were others of us there! I was just too nervous to ask Brandon questions. I think if I hadn't also been cosplaying that weekend, I would have been less self-conscious about it. I had a list, but they all went out of my head when the actual opportunity arose, so I'm glad you were able to get your questions answered. I heard some of the responses you got after the Social Hour, and am looking forward to catching what I may have missed! 


    Funny that you saw me lol, you should have spoken up!!!  Who were you cosplaying as???


    Btw I made my thread in this forum :)

  4. I would love a cookie. And well damnation, I'll just make the thread in both the signings and Cosmere theories forums... I spose I might get in trouble with the admins but I'm excited enough to actually have some unique tidbits that I'll risk it haha.

  5. I wasn't able to make it to his Social Hour, but I went to all his other panels. I asked the question after his GoH Interview. I would love to see the Social Hour, though. I wish I could have been there.

    Well you didn't miss all that much, trust me. Only two of us 17th-Sharder types and neither of us actually have account here (til I made one today lol). I'll post my stuff tomorrow. It's pretty juicy actually, I think.

  6. Hey ROCkUGuys, did you go to his Minicon social hour as well?  I stuck around until after mostly everyone left and it was just me, a ~13 y/o kid, and a few other people, and the kid and I were the only ones to ask him any detailed Cosmere questions!  I'm going to be posting the brief Q&A tomorrow, but man it would have been nice to have had a few other Cosmere theorists in the mix!  

  7. Hi all, my name is Ruro272.  I'm a huge fan of Sanderson's works, specifically the Cosmere-related ones.  I started reading Way of Kings a couple years after its release then moved on to the Mistborn trilogy, then WoR, Warbreaker, and finally Elantris/Emperor's Soul.


    After reading WoR I suddenly had this need to look up questions and theories that I had, which led me to Theoryland and this site.  My guilty pleasure is reading the Q&A sessions that people have with Brandon at cons and book signings--I love the little Cosmere tidbits he gives and how they slowly add up to real theories.  


    I've been reading the 17th Shard for a long time but am only making an account now because I finally have something unique to contribute.  Brandon came to Minneapolis MN this last weekend for MiniCon, which was basically in my backyard, so I had several opportunities to meet and ask him questions, which I'd like to add to the WoB knowledge base!  


    So..... nice to meet everyone, and if anybody can point me to where I can post the Cosmere-related answers I gathered last weekend I'd appreciate it!

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