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Posts posted by Relytdragon

  1. There was a plot to destroy Adonalsium, which failed. (source)


    There was a weapon built by the opposition of Adonalsium. (source)


    My guess is there was another plot which did succeed with this 'weapon', but I'm not sure. I get the feeling it might be involved in destroying Odium. It'd be hard to justify plot-wise that in-world that you just found this ancient artifact which kills gods. Brandon is typically a step above conveniences like that.

    I thank you, i did not know about those bits of information, I will continue to think on this, and revise my ideas in the cosmere.  

  2. Um... That is implied already. Splintered shards aren't a new topic in the Cosmere, and it's happened before. Plus, it was said that Tanavast was 'killed' by Odium, meaning that this is indeed true.

    Edit: My original post wasn't very diplomatic. I would like to apologize to Relytdragon and anyone else who saw that post. I will keep in mind what happened here next time I consider posting something like that. Again, I'm sorry any of you had to see that.

    Thank you for alerting me to how negative that sounded. I didn't realize it was so rude until I took a second look.

    Hey, its alright, i forgot about posting that thing there, and i know halfshard personally, and sometimes me and him say things in a way that sound diffrent than we mean it.  

  3. Storms, the ideas people come up with, think something up that includes cremlings


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