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Kaladin al'Thor

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Posts posted by Kaladin al'Thor

  1. 21 hours ago, StormingTexan said:

    @Herowannabe and @Kaladin al'Thor Oh man so glad someone else likes the Bobiverse! I am about to re-listen all of those. Have you guys checked out the Expeditionary Force series? They are great audio books and I think you would like them if you like Bobiverse. They are narrated by the great R.C. Bray. I typically switch back and forth between Sci-Fi and Fantasy too much of one genre wears me out. 


    My wife and I were deciding between the Dungeonborn books and Expeditionary Force and went with Dungeonborn. We should finish this week and move on to Expeditionary Froce. Glad to see you like it! I am excited to get into it.

    Powder Mage is also on my list to read soon. I hope to get to it after I finish what's out so far in the Lightbringer series. Probably in a week or two.

  2. Black Prism by Brent Weeks - I thought this book was solid, but I haven't started book 2 yet.

    The Shadow of What Was Lost by James Islington - I am almost finished with book 1 of this series and I am really enjoying it this far! I will be moving right into book 2 and the last book is supposed to come out next February.  Also, Michael Kramer narrates the audiobooks so it feels like another Sanderson book to me almost.

    Riyria Revelations series by Michael J. Sullivan - I really enjoyed  this series a lot and love the character growth with the main characters throughout the series.

    The Legends of the First Empire by Michael J. Sullivan - Pretty enjoyable series though it is not completed yet, Only 2 books have been released out of 6.

    I second the recommendation above for Ready Player One and the Bobiverse. Both are so entertaining to read! If you are into audiobooks, both have a great narrator.

    If you play DnD at all, I would recommend The Land Founding and Dungeonborn. Its like a narrative of a campaign and both are really fun.

    I also enjoy the King Killer Chronicles by Patrick Rothfus, but it's hard for me to recommend the series with book 3's release nowhere in sight.


    Anyways, there's some recommendations from a random stranger who loves reading/listening to the fantasy genre!

  3. Quote


    Dalinar leaped for the edge of the wall and grabbed a rope ladder to swing down. The ropes, of course, immediately snapped, sending him toppling to the ground. He struck with a crash of Plate on stone. It didn’t hurt, but his pride took a serious blow. Above, Sadeas looked at him over the edge. Dalinar could practically hear his voice.

    Always rushing into things. Take some time to think once in a while, won’t you?

    That had been a flat-out greenvine mistake. Dalinar growled and climbed to his feet, searching for his hammer. Storms! He’d bent the handle in his fall. How had he done that? It wasn’t made of the same strange metal as Blades and Plate, but it was still good steel.

    Soldiers guarding the catapults swarmed toward him while the shadows of boulders passed overhead. Dalinar set his jaw, the Thrill saturating him, and reached for a stout wooden door set into the wall nearby. He ripped it free, the hinges popping, and stumbled. It came off more easily than he’d expected.

    There was more to this armor than he’d ever imagined. Maybe he wasn’t any better with the Plate than some old gaffer, but he would change that. At that moment, he determined that he’d never be surprised again. He’d wear this Plate morning and night—he’d sleep in the storming stuff—until he was more comfortable in it than out.


    I am listening to WoK for the hundredth time and I love the call back to his bit. What seemed to me to be just a throw away line to me was connected in a cool way two books later.



    ...and while the king and Sadeas looked regal in their armor, somehow Dalinar managed to look like a soldier. To him, the Plate was not an ornament. It was a tool. He never seemed to be surprised by the strength or speed the armor lent him. It was as if, for Dalinar Kholin, wearing his Plate was his natural state— it was the times without that were abnormal. Perhaps that was one reason he’d earned the reputation of being one of the greatest warriors and generals who ever lived.

    Brandon Sanderson. The Way of Kings (Kindle Locations 3306-3309). Tom Doherty Associates.



  4. I would like to point out that Kaladin doesn't really fit the Windrunners, himself (that is, not throughout the entire story). He has to grow as a person and internalize the ideals before he can truly achieve Radiancy. Sometimes, as with parts of his arc in WoR, his behavior is directly in opposition to the ideals he should be following as a Windrunner. That direct opposition to the ideals is a part of his character development. So when one finds Adolin behaving in ways that seem wrong for any order in particular, that could just as well be evidence for him eventually joining that order as evidence against.

    I disagree.. I am re-listening to WoK right now and so far in every flashback he has brought up wanting to protect people. "What about the third group, the group that kills to protect." Every flashback of Kaladin's talks about protecting at one point.


    Also, he is a squad leader at earlier than 19. Having been in the Marines myself, it shows that he is a very dedicated and skilled leader to be squad leader in his first enlistment. He wants to lead because he has no confidence in the capabilities of other men. He leads to protect. Aside from that, all other squad leaders that we have seen have been older men I'm pretty sure.


    You can say that he didn't fit the third ideal of the windrunners when he was younger, but that is where he has grown. He has always fit the characteristics of the Windrunners IMO.

  5. I kinda see Dolph Lundgren (or some other big, beefy body builder type) as Rock. My problem is the way Michael Kramer reads Rock is with a kind of Pacific Islander accent (which given the language of the Horneaters, which sounds a little Hawaiian, makes sense). So we'd have to find a tall, bulky, pale skinned actor (like Lundgren) who can do an Islander accent.


    Or you know... The Rock!


    It's too bad that Sadeas couldn't smeeeelllll what Rock was cookin! All that chull dung must have been bad for his stomach.. and his breath! Okay I will stop indulging my 10 year old WWF fan inner self..

  6. I don't think you can take Adolin trying to concede a duel as proof against, especially since that quote seems to be describing personality. In the same duel Adolin was able to overcome overwhelming odds. Once he realized they wern't playing around his attitude changed, he cod have fought through to concede but he didnt. In that duel he displayed skill and resourcefulness also, two attributes the Stonewardens were known for.

     All I am saying is if you look at his actions, it is not stubborness that fuels him like I would expect from a Stoneward. In that example, he didnt stay in the fight because he was stubbornly trying to prove something or he irashionably thought he could win. He stayed in the fight to protect Renarin. Because he loves his brother.


    What actions of Adolin's are driven by stubborness?


    Edit - double post from hours ago somehow....

  7. @Lookalike

    All I am saying is if you look at his actions, it is not stubbornness that fuels him like we would expect from a Stormward. In that example, he didn't stay on the fight because we was stubbornly trying to prove something out he irrationally thought he could win. He stayed in the fight to protect Renarin. Because he loves his brother.

    What actions of Adolin's have ever been driven by stubbornness?

  8. I am firmly in the Adolin reviving his blade and becaoming an Edgedancer camp. I was the one who saw how mischieviously Brandon looked at me when I asked him about Adolins blade!


    I do not agree with you thinking that he fits the Stormward's better than the Edgedancer's.


    I have been trying to write down and explain this and doing a porr job. I will leave that for Maxal :D who is much better than I am at putting this argument into words and since Adolin is mentioned, will definitley reply to your post. 


    I do want to address one thing though. Why I dont think that Adolin has the stubborness needed to be a Stoneward.


    Now, as each order was thus matched to the nature and temperament of the Herald it named patron, there was none more archetypal of this than the Stonewards, who followed after Talenelat'Elin, Stonesinew, Herald of War: they thought it a point of virtue to exemplify resolve, strength, and dependability. Alas, they took less care for imprudent practice of their stubbornness, even in the face of proven error.


    During Adolin's last duel, he started off great but was shortly overwhelmed and was trying to give the sign to forefit the duel. Does that sound like someone who "matched the nature and temperament of the Herald it named patron(Telenalat'Elin)" who took, what was it, 4500(or 3500?) years to break under torture in Damnation and bring another Desolation?


    After many re reads I have firmly decided that Adolin fits best as an Edgedancer. Just my opinion I guess, but still..

  9. So during Talns POV in the interludes of WoR, he ends it by saying "How long has it been.", like 20 times in a row(now every time i read that phrase, Michael Kramers voice pops into my head). Now as I reread Brandon's books, I notice he does usethat phrase.. A LOT! I swear that phrase is used by every single POV character at some point, most of them mulitiple times.

  10. I think I am the opposite, ranking the sequels higher than the original because it gives more me insight to where the story is going and to how it will conclude. Mistborn for example, I would say TFE is the best book of the trilogy as far as the book alone goes. The pacing was the best, The characters interested me more and made me feel lots of different emotions. But the conclusion to the 3 book arc was so well done imo, that adds to the greatness of the book. So yea..


    I really need to get on to reading his short fiction that I havent read, I am surprised to see see so many of his works above Shadows for Silence, I thought that was such a fun read, especially with the insight into the cognitive and spiritual realm.


    I don't blame you for hesitating getting into WoT. The only reason I did was because after reading Mistborn and WoK, I decided I wanted to read all of his published novels... Luckily I was only working 20 hours a week and was not in school at the time(man I miss having so much downtime) and I was able to read the entire series in 2 1/2 months. Feel fortunate you didnt have to wait years between books because I can see why some people feel bitter about certain books because of that.


    Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I really enjoy hearing other peoples perspective in regards to Brandon's work. Now I am even more anxious to read Alcatraz, Legion, and his other short fiction!

  11. I used to participate in a forum for fantasy writers, and one member there posted a thread about how Brandon was the worst writer, ever. A bunch of us jumped on him, of course. You can't say someone is objectively the worst  writer so he ended up backing down and saying that he just subjectively didn't like Brandon's works.


    And I have heard other people who say things like Brandon tells rather than shows too much, or it feels like you're reading through a video game tutorial.


    I guess it just doesn't work for everyone.

    Well I am glad that it works for me!!!

  12. For real! I have a grand total of two people.


    You know what's funny, is a few weeks after i posted this topic, we figured out that Sirce Luckweilder was one of my 20 people and we didnt realize who each other was :D haha!


    Sorry for bringing this old topic back but I wanted to let you know how it worked out.


    So he did end up finishing Mistborn. He did not love it it but he did think that the story was interesting and entertaining. He still had his issues with Brandon as a writer repeating information that he thought was unnecessary(thats prolly because he has a crazy memory so things the typical reeader needs repeated, he doesnt and finds it annoying). Part of it was how I presented the books and Brandon as an author. I did over hype it I guess, it didnt meet his expecations of what he thought it would be because of my passion for it.  He thought that Well was only filler. It could of been done in a few chapters he said.. which I find ridiculous! part of reading the book attaches you to characters and forming connection and love for them so when they bite the dust, you feel it! And he still has his complaints about the characters being cartoonish and also the tell instead of show way they're thining is presented.


    Anyways, I let a couple months pass and didnt talk to him about it. Then I had WoK returned to me from another co-worker(im up to 27 people introduced now :D ), sitting on my desk. And I thought, what the heck, I'll ask him if he wants to try it. So he said sure and took it home. He finished it in two days and I brought him WoR which he also finished in two days! He did still find similar issues and additional problems, but he enjoyed it way more than mistborn and will continue to follow the series over the years.


    He will probably never read another Sanderson book that is not part of the SA, but hey at least it wasnt a total failure! And who knows, maybe SA will make him more passionate and branch out to other Sanderson books.

  13. I don't have confirmation of this, but I believe Relis ran out on the duel because Shallan/Pattern was messing with his head.

    Relis ran out on the duel because he heard the dead spren screaming in his head talking about its death or accusing him of killing it. the line in the book goes something like "I did not kill you!!" then he runs out of the arena.

  14. Spoiler



    Also When Szeth is killed he is freed and can now live a new life. I dont know the exact quote but Darkness says something like "I waited until you were dead to revive you. Had I waited seconds longer it could have been too late. Now all ties, physical and spiritual are broken." So Szeth is freed from his sins and does not need to let them weigh him down. Death is my life. He can now live thatnks to him dying. Sorry, I am having real trouble wording this.

  15. I thought it would be fun to jot down the order of my favorite Sanderson books (Cosmere and non-Cosmere) with a little blurb of why I order them the way I do. I would love to hear your thoughts and how you would rank them as well! I will start at the bottom and work my way up.


    Ranking these is waaaay harder than I thought it was going to be. I love them all so much!!!!


    It is also crazy to think that in 10 years, Brandon has written so much! The 19 books I have read and love, plus those I have not had the opportunity to read. Alcatraz, Legion, Infinity Blade, Sixth of Dusk. Not to mention all his unpublished works that are available and short fiction on his site!


    Sorry it ended up being a little long.. I wouldn't be surprised if no one read it.. I mean who cares about some crazy guys thoughts, haha :)


    #19 – Towers of Midnight


    I loved the Wheel of Time! I did not start them until A Memory of light was out so I did not have the disappointment that some do after waiting years and years for Jordan to put out a book and have nothing happen (book 10). Since I was able to read every book from 1-14 with no breaks, I love them all!


    #18The Gathering Storm


    I did enjoy this one more that Towers because I feel like it got WoT out of a slump that RJ was in with nothing going on. I know he was heading back on track with 11 but Sanderson sped it up a ton and got things going!


    #17 The Well of Ascension


    It was very interesting to see what happened with my favorite characters (at that point) after they had won the huge battle. It is not often you get to see how main characters change due to having a completely different set of responsibilities being placed on their shoulders. I did feel like this book had a little filler and is just a bridge between books 1 and 3 though. Still very enjoyable!


    #16 – Elantris


    I read Elantris after finishing the Mistborn Series and Way of Kings. Had I read Elantris first, I think I may have enjoyed it more. I do love the book, especially Hrathen! But I feel like Brandon improves as an author with every book.


    #15 – Warbreaker (spoilers)


    Not many books give me big surprise (even Brandon’s). The twist at the end of this book with bluefingers and with Vasher both caught me off guard. It was refreshing not to have been able to predict this until it happened!


    #14 – Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell


    This is the first novella I have ever read. It is fantastic! It came out at a time that I didn’t have much to satisfy my Sanderson fix other than listening to WoR over and over on Audiobook. It was such a fun read and I loved that I was able to finish it in a few hours! I really enjoyed what was going on in this world and cannot wait to learn more about it! I hope it is not the last we see of Silence or her girls!


    #13 – Steelheart


    This was a change of pace for me. After reading all of Brandon’s fantasy novels, this one had a completely different feel. It was an easy read compared to Way of Kings (which is not a tough read, but still). David’s metaphors!!!


    #12 – The Rithmatist


    This was the first YA book of Brandon’s that I read. I was a huge fan of the magic system and it was refreshing to get the protagonist who is just a regular guy. I enjoy looking at the maps of the US as they are in this alternate universe.


    #11 – Perfect State


    I got so much enjoyment out of this book! I read it during lunch at work and I actually took an hour of personal time to finish it! Then I got home and read it out loud to my wife. We both really loved it and hope Brandon does something more with this. That ending!!!!


    #10 – Shadows of Self


    I just finished this book a few days ago so it is a lot fresher in my mind than the others. As far as the book goes, I really enjoyed it. As far as my Cosmere obsession goes, I LOVED IT! I dunno, I just feel like we got so much more than I was expecting from this book! It was not as light and fun as Alloy of Law, but it is a very good read, I cannot wait until January. I called the ending very early on in the book though. Prediction seems to be a curse of mine.


    #9 – Mistborn: The Final Empire


    My first Sanderson book… I had no idea a magic system could be so complex and precise! I instantly fell in love with the characters, setting, magic, world, characters, magic, villains, characters, magic, story, characters, magic, characters… Kelsier was my new favorite character from anything, fiction or non-fiction. Book, TV show, movie. Didn’t matter because Kel blew them all away!


    #8 – A Memory of Light


    I loved loved loved this book! It would be higher on the list but it is just getting so hard to determine an order from here! I do have some complaints, Padan Fain?? What was that about!! I know even Brandon regrets how he handled that.  Thought Brandon came up with some truly unique ways to use the magic system(of course he did, its Brandon, the master of magic systems). Also the way the girls acted at the end. And Edgwene! Ughh! So much awesome!


    #7 – Hero of Ages


    The way this closed the series was perfect! Perfect! This is what the standard for a series finisher should be. I literally laid in bed thinking about the ending for 4 hours after I finished it.. The way everything turned out just blew my mind!


    #6 – Alloy of Law


    I had no idea what to expect when I picked this up at the library. I didn’t even know it took place on Scadrial. Hearing from Sazed again made me squeal like a girl! I just love how entertaining and easy this book is. It is, imo, his funniest overall book he has published. Wayne makes me laugh so hard nonstop! It is so cool to see how alomancy and feruchemy have evolved and I cannot wait to see where they go in the future! Plus the creepy things that are going on with Hemulargy with SoS!


    #5 – Firefight


    Everything I loved about Steelheart was magnified in Firefight! I love the faster pace easy read! If someone does not make these into movies before I die, I will…die… Seriously, everything gets better! Everything is awesome! Oblivion! The ending! Prof!!!!! David’s metaphors! Megan!!! I cannot wait for Calamity (especially after reading the sample chapter)!


    #4 – Emperor’s Soul


    You may be surprised to see this so high on the list, especially considering where Elantris is. But this novella is just fantastic! I love the insight into how the Cosmere works. The spiritual and cognitive realms. It is such a simple quick story, but the characters are very interesting. It is very cool to see the manipulation of the cognitive realm through stamps (am I way off on that assumption?). Can stamps be made anywhere in the Cosmere? So many cool possibilities!


    #3 – White Sand


    Since Firefight came out, all I have had for my Sanderson fix is WoK and WoR rereads. Until finally I got my White Sand from team Sanderson! Luckily it came on a Saturday so I finished it in a day! I love the people and the world and the magic system! I won’t say much about it because I don’t know what is allowed, but it is amazing! And it is awesome to finally know who Khriss is!! But seriously, I am so excited for the graphic novel! I have never read one before but I need more of this story! In any format! Also, I heard there is a place where this is discussed. Can I please be invited? I would love to hear other people’s thoughts on it! (If anyone even reads this far I will be surprised)


    #2 – The Way of Kings


    OMG! Before I read this book, I had no idea how much I loved to read. I read plenty sure. But this book blew my freaking mind! It was so amazing! The world was so creative and original! I loved the characters! The flashbacks were such perfectly placed. Everything going on in this world was just so interesting! Kaladin soundly kicked Kelsier out of his spot as my favorite character of all time to the point where my first Son will be named Kaladin. The first half of this book is pretty slow, but it is so interesting! But at page 600 it just takes off! The last 200 pages are the best 200 pages of any book. Ever! The climax is just top notch!


    #1 – Words of Radiance


    WoK may have the best 200 pages ever, but this book overall edges it out of the top spot. After reading WoK, I never thought I would enjoy a book more. How wrong I was. WoR surpasses it in almost every way! It has so many little easter-eggs, I find a new one almost every time I reread! There is just so much happening in the Cosmere that we don’t know about and Stormlight gives us hints, its awesome! I swear I need to analyze every single word because nothing is just casually put in to these books. I am dying waiting for the third book! No other series will ever take hold of me the way Stormlight archive has. I have listened to WoK 23 times and WoR 49 times (just finished it this morning again actually)… I am obsessed… Don’t judge…



    Anyways, those are my thoughts. I have no idea why anyone would read all that, but I would be interested to hear what you all would rank the books. I love Brandon’s books so much! I cannot wait to see where the future takes us!

  16. Yes but if Adolin revives if Blade, then it can't be linked to any oath... If he gained a spren through natural way, I could be incline to consider the theory, but it does not appear as if he will. I sincerely doubt reviving the Blade will have anything to do with any boon or curse. For one, Adolin did not even own his Blade at the time, he was just a kid. How could the Nightwatcher possibly ingrained a mechanism enabling both Kholin boys to be Radiants via an impossible, heavily twisted way, involving a Shardblade Adolin had not even gained yet?

    Unless you are suggesting winning this particular Shardblade was a ploy from the beginning, but that seems far-fetched.

    Just had a thought, maybe Adolin will be exiled next book(I know that's a popular theory). But, after learning a little bit of the nature of dead spren from our four radiants, he seeks the old magic. I can see it. After learning that the blade that he respects and has formed a relationship of sorts is semi dead because of some fools broken oaths, he seeks the old magic and asks the nightwatcher to help him revive it. Sorry if that's off topic.

    I am fairly certain that either through wob or in the text somewhere, it has been confirmed that Dalinar left to see the nightwatcher shortly after nearly murdering gavilar. I doubt he would have gone to seek the old magic to do it for him (he's the blackthorn and belives his sword is the reason alethkar is united, more so than anything Gavilar did). I think that is the point he realizes he needs to change.

    I will research this more later when I'm not on my phone.

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