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Posts posted by SnakeBlood

  1. Response to Feather:


    Kelsier, didn't believe in an afterlife before, I don't see a reason for him to believe in it now.  Especially since everyone admits it might just be oblivion.   You're topic wasn't about these other things, primary point being mad at him for not going Beyond.  Saying that that is selfish and dumb is what I have the most issues with.  In fact sticking around's not really a decision, since he's already stabilized himself in the cognitive realm.  Now, I don't know how any of the mechanics work there, so I don't know how he would go about getting unstuck, but it would involve a conscious decision. How exactly is sticking around selfish?  It doesn't do anything bad, and it give him the opportunity to do good things.  I would probably make a similar decision in that scenario, and I do believe in an afterlife.


    You don't need a selfless reason to keep on living.  If you're dead you can't do any good, that's kind of a given.  He doesn't need to think "I need to stay alive so I can do this important thing", it can be "I need to stay alive so I can be alive and do things.  Oh look, I can do this important thing now".


    I never really got the vibe that Kelsier was doing it all for revenge.  It felt like he viewed TLR more as a force rather than a person.  I got the sense that he cared more about, what Vin said, proving something.


    Vin is a great influence on Kelsier.


    Kell did intentionally lay the seeds for a religion to grow up around him.  But it's not like it was tangential to his plans, it was kind of a key point to it all.  Using this was the best way he could come up with to free the people


    About him co-opting Spook.  Everybody needs a hobby.  We saw that he did a fine job running the empire, there were problems, but I don't think they were because he was distracted.  Sometimes a guy just needs to go to his garage on Saturdays and work on his artificial host body to unwind.  (He did complain about the normalcy).  Seriously though, messing with Hemalurgy is probably not the best idea, but it's not inherently bad.  Based, on the timeline, it doesn't seem like he and Spook were working on it for very long.


    Looking back on the epilogue, it seems Spook's grown more of a backbone.  He's not letting Kelsier push him around for his own goals, instead Kelsier's offering him intriguing possibilities, such as immortality.  Perhaps their both foolish for messing around with this stuff.  But Spook's not being tricked or pressured into getting inolved with the foolishness.


    There's also some more information I found on this whole scenario in the epilogue.  Kell says he wants to "unravel the mysteries of the universe" and that it is "vital".  But why is he doing this?  It's not just for fun or to solve a puzzle.  This is what he told Spook, "Ignorance almost lost us everything, I'm not going to let that happen again."  Kelsier knows that there's bigger threats out there and he wants to be prepared for them.  There you have it, a good reason for him to stick around and 'meddle' with everything.


    EDIT: Sorry, one more thing.  I can't find anything about Vin and Elend not wanting Kelsier to stick around.



    Well, this went on longer than I was expecting.

    Perrty much this, I don't think Feather is treating death with the weight it deserves.

  2. Yeah, I was pretty shocked by that. Had to assume that it would be done in a painless manner, and that it would be voluntary(but Marasi did use the terminology "round up", so probably not). About the creature falling from the void. Don't know if I should put spoilers, so gonna err on the side of caution

    I don't think it's a voidbringer, even though the word void was dropped pretty blatantly. Possibly just a new Parshendi form, not of Odium.

    The exact quote is


    Not that he was a fool. No, the book was full of insight. Disturbing insight. The Lord Mistborn advocated gathering the Metalborn who were elderly or terminally ill, then asking them to sacrifice themselves to make these… spikes, which could in turn be used to create individuals of great power.

    I don't know about you but that sounds like voluntary to me, and were did you get the term "round up".

  3. It's a logical conclusion, but not necessarily the case.  The timing *could* just be coincidence.  Or it could be that with Wax actively getting involved with the Set, that was a cue to Marsh that indicated that he'd be open to investigating.


    But yeah, I'm not big on the coincidence angle, either.  The Universe (i.e. Brandon) is not that lazy.  I wouldn't be surprised if we eventually find out that the Bloody Tan stuff and the Set stuff is related.


    I wouldn't be surprised if Tan worked for the Set.

  4. I think, of all people, that Marsh would be the last one to want Hemalurgy brought back.  He is sort of the epitome of personal experience with how much it sucks.




    I think there's sufficient evidence in how completely bonkers Tan was to suggest that someone's been messing with his head.  So, even with Tan gone, we still have the question of what rolled his marbles all over the floor.


    And thanks. :)  I've seen a lot of back-and-forth about which way the Set is going, but it's always seemed to me that they're the kind of powerful group who is going to explore multiple options to get what they want.


    You have to remember the context Wax stop investigating Tan after he dead and Marsh only intervened when Wax found out about the Set. Now I'm not saying Tan has nothing to do with Hemalurgy but he is not the reason Marsh got involved.

  5. Am I missing something here? This doesn't seem like a very obvious logical conclusion to me.


    Sorry I didn't explain that vary well. Kaymyth is correct.


    Marsh gave Marasi the book (to give to Wax) specifically because he "wanted him to be informed".  Whether that traces back to the Set or some of the stuff that Bloody Tan was up to (or both) is up for debate.


    Personally, my theories about the Set involve them taking a two-pronged approach.  They might be trying to breed a Mistborn AND experimenting with Hemalurgy independently of each other.  If you have a goal in mind, and more than one way to explore achieving it, it makes sense that you'd explore both routes and divide your eggs up amongst different baskets.


    Given that Bloody Tan has been dead for months and Wax just found out about the Set I think it's obvious who it traces back to.


    I like theory on what you think the Set is doing.

  6. Based on the fact that Marsh gave Wax that book we can assume The Set know about Hemalurgy.


    Now the Set are a smart group, if they just wanted to make Inquisitors they could have just spiked any misting or ferring and be done with it. So why kidnap those specific women?


    Simple, the Set are going to turn those poor women into Inquisitors.


    Why you ask? Well it's as Marasi and Wax feared, they will be used for "breeding" but not for an army like they suspected.


    The Women will be be used to breed the second Lord Ruler.

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