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Everything posted by Skitter

  1. I've been listening to Hozier's debut album for nearly 8 months now. Even after I enjoy other songs, I just go right back to it. It's incredible.
  2. Odium came to my house and drank my milk straight out of the carton. He's so rude.
  3. I think Mistborn being a completed trilogy all by itself definitely helps it's case for being the foray into Sanderson. I know the chronologically it's not the first via the Cosmere but it's still super newbie friendly. Although this is admittedly my opinion having not read Warbreaker yet. I don't even know the premise haha
  4. You have my preemptive condolences haha. It's brutal on one's emotions. The only place I found some solace was the subreddit /r/parahumans. It's a pretty active community and the members are super nice!
  5. Duly noted. Admittedly I wasn't wild about Elantris but I'm interested in the premise of something entirely different on the same planet.
  6. What???????? Oh my goddddddd. That's the best news. I have the next three days off so I know what I'm doing. I still wanna buy it to have a physical copy but for now I will definitely read it. Thank you so much!!
  7. Same with me! Kiki's Delivery Service was the first anime I ever watched, I was like 10. Changed my life hah. Warbreaker, The Emperor's Soul, Sixth of Dusk and Shadows of Silence in the Forest of Hell are the only Cosmere works I haven't read. I'm planning on picking up Warbreaker as soon as I get paid. Honestly Sanderson's name being attached to anything grabs my attention. He is far and away my favorite author. I wanna start reading the Reckoners as well.
  8. It's amazing and long as hell and an emotional Rollercoaster. The first few arcs are kind of rough writing wise but once he finds his place it's incredible. Thank you for the welcome!!! As for my favorite, I think it's the original Mistborn. Like most people it was my first foray into the Cosmere and it just captured me. Although it's hard to not also say Stormlight Archive because man do I love extremely long fantasy books. What about you??
  9. Hi everybody! (hi doctor nick!) I've been lurking around for a few months, reading up on all the amazing theories and subtle easter-eggs throughout The Cosmere books but now seems a good a time as any to make one of these threads. So hey, I'm Skitter, a 23 year old female from Southern California and I'm super excited to get to know you guys! My username/handle comes from the webserial Worm by Wildbow and you all should go read it and be as emotionally devastated as me. Cool
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