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Posts posted by ZeldaDad

  1. So the following contains Cosmere-wide spoilers so I'll hide it just to be safe.


    I know that humans in the Cosmere originate from Yolen, and I know that Preservation and Ruin specifically created their own humans, but what I don't know is how the rest of the humans got to the other planets. Was there a mass immigration in the super distant past from Yolen to other worlds, or did the other Shardholders also create sentient life? I've just only ever seen a WoB on this about Scardians and nothing else. I'd be super happy with sources on any answers if possible. Thanks.


    *Edit*, I meant to post this in the Cosmere Theories board but did it here by accident.

  2. I'm definitely in the feruchemy camp for my current real life settings. I work and office job, 40 hours sitting and doing easy easy work that requires very little focus or thought. Ideal for storing any sensory attribute, speed, mental speed, even health. I could stand to feel crappy for a while just sitting at a desk in exchange for more health later. Also storing a lot of health would be a convincing way to get a day off if you really needed.

    Storing weight would also be less disorienting while sitting as would speed, though my typing would suffer. My job requires no strength at all so that's a check. With my shift being 8pm-6am wakefulness storage would be a great way to sleep on those annoyingly bright days and I could tap it on especially slow shifts to avoid falling asleep mid-call (yes I've done that).

    Now bendalloy is extremely appealing to me. I find eating on a regular basis to be very tedious and I just don't care for it. I would love to have one daily feast of all my required calories and then be done with it, bendalloy on a slow tap throughout the day as needed. It's like a dream come true for me.

    So yeah. Feruchemy is my jam.

  3. Yes I believe odium's extra power comes from the fact that he doesn't invest very much in things, and is thus able to be slightly more powerful than other shards it takes on. Except harmony, who odium is rightfully afraid of.


    I'm blanking. How do we know Odium is afraid of Harmony? WoB or part of a book?

  4. BoM spoiler:

    I believe she put her brain in her leg to allow for extra protection, since everyone aims for the head

    It would rob him of portions of his soul. The aspect that was stolen would depend on the type of blessing created. For example, a blessing of presence would steal his cognitive functions. Because that portion of his soul was already taken, another matching blessing could not be taken from him as well, even if he did survive the physical process. On top of that, his soul would be incredibly damaged, to the point where even Harmony might not be able to help him.


    Ok I wondered if that was the case. Thanks.

  5. @zelda dad i think this might be the one your thinking of    INTERVIEW: Mar 8th, 2014

    Does Shardplate use a spren?
    That's a RAFO.
    but there is a slightly more recent QUESTION that may be RELEVANT 
    My question was about Shards actually. So at the end of Words of Radiance Syl is turning into a Shardblade as well as other different weapons. And Kaladin has a whole bunch of Windspren around him. And I am wondering if that is a precursor to Shardplate?
    I think you are a very smart man and you are asking wise questions.
    hope these help



    That's exactly what I was thinking of, yes. Thank you.

  6. There was a WoB in response to asking if shardplate is spren-related but I can't remember where I saw it. For all I know it could have been a RAFO. I just remember seeing it somewhere. I'll edit if I find it, but does anyone else have it's source?

  7. I think it's the fact that I sorta view the entire process of mistwraith digestion as being a single-stage stomach. I would be just as disturbed by human oral sex if saliva were as caustic as stomach acid. (And I've always pictured kandra as being able to digest matter really really quickly.)


    I suppose this is all just from my own personal assumptions about how mistwraiths/kandra work. So I guess it may very well just be me then....


    Carry on!


    Haha, well... if they can't control the digestion then yes that does seem pretty dangerous lol. I assume they have control over it though or they'd never be able to make prolonged contact with a human, which it seems likely they would have had to especially back in tFE when they made a career of impersonating real people in their real lives.

  8. They're not genderless.  Really, one of the big dividing lines between kandra and koloss is that kandra are spiked mistwraiths, while koloss come from straight human stock.  So the kandra were actually mucked with on a genetic level before they ever gained sentience via hemalurgy.


    Right ok. Just trying to get my story straight lol. Thanks.

  9. Well, Empire koloss were all male . . .

    But yeah, Harmony.


    Weren't they genderless though? I at least don't think they were all male since any human could be turned into one. Seems unlikely they'd only choose men.


    But this is getting off topic I guess. From what I've read in other forums, kandra seem to be able to manipulate their bodies on a cellular level. It seems possible that, if one were skilled enough, they could create the means to procreate. Is the question just whether the mix of kandra/human dna would be viable?

  10. Modern koloss are a true-breeding species capable of sexual reproduction.

    Koloss-bloods are generally just assumed to be spikeless children of true koloss, I believe.


    Which is what I assumed, though I don't remember that ever being mentioned directly but I could just be forgetting it. Did Harmony make this change? Because I was pretty sure they weren't able to breed in tFE times.

  11. Exactly. I thought about that, too. But yeah, came to the same conclusion. Because this seems like an alternate timeline that Sanderson spent a lot of time on directly after writing the first trilogy, then touched it up, before releasing. That definitely sounds like an easy continuity error to make. Also, an easy one to smooth over with some simple things like you just said. We've all seen crazier things happen, in the cosmere. I also went back and read the chapter of BoM where Allik describes The Sovereign to Marasi and I'm just like "Yep, yep. That was clearly Kelsier". Cause I mean there was like a whole paragraph where Wax and Marasi argued about Allik's story, since he claimed The Sovereign appeared to them some 10 yrs after when they figured Harmony came to be. And of course they thought Allik was referring to the LR. Who they knew to be dead.


    Yes Definitely. I knew pretty quickly it wasn't TLR and I thought for a while it was Spook until it both turned out that the timeline didn't fit and that Secret History was about Kel. I'm 99% sure the Sovereign is somehow Kel, however he got back into the Physical realm.

  12. I see this as a very obvious answer, that no one has put forward yet. But isn't it entirely possible that he chooses Marsh(his brother, Ironeyes, Death) as his new body? He got a sword through the neck from Elend(right before Vin defeated Ruin) possibly killing him. This would explain how in the vision from the coppermind, Wax sees regularly with one eye, and with the spike on the other eye. So, since it is a memory made by Kelsier, who is using Marsh's physical body, he would simply see normally, on the side that Marsh is missing an eye/spike but still, allomantically(like Marsh)on the other side, given that he is using Marsh's hemalurgically infused body. As for the scars, well ever since Kelsier refused to die, and started hanging with Leras(Preservation)... He first mentioned being able to see his own body(scars and all), even his clothes, just as he remembered them, as he kept is Spiritual and Cognitive self, and lost only his Physical being. Leras explains that that is how it will be, from now on, since he can't get his body back. Explaining why he sees the scars, when he looks at his own arms, but still sees partially through a hemalurgic spike, pierced in the body he uses that Spook helped him take: Marsh's. EVEN FURTHERMORE... The part that really convinces me, is that in the copper mind memory viewed by wax, the people dying are Malwish. Then Kelsier, in Marsh's body, told the old women to 'Survive', and then hypothetically proceeded to help the Malwish not only recover from extinction, but shared with them the technological advances he was able to discover concerning Allomancy, Feruchemy, and Hemalurgy. Concordently: in Bands of Mourning, you see evidence of this with the Malwish and their advanced, flying warships, different metallic medallions(similar to fabrials from Stormlight), a Malwish ancient temple sporting technologically advanced traps and Allomantic switches/locks, an unexpected DOUBLE DECOY of the Bands of Mourning(a stunt that only one as smartass and beguiling as Kelsier himself, could think up...remember the guy who always said 'There's always another secret'?...the exact same line that Waxillium heard right before dying, down in the cave next to the second decoy?)..and to finish it all off: a freaking STATUE built by the ancient Malwish depicting Kelsier, as they saw him: IN MARSH'S BODY with one hemalurgic spike in his head. Exactly how marsh looked when he died and the exact same image on the coin/copper mind that Wax drew Kelsier s memory from, at the end of BoM......how'd I do? I know, thanks. I could write this stuff.

    The problem with this, which was mentioned earlier though whether it was in this thread or the other one on the same topic I'm not sure, is that Marasi has seen Marsh/Ironeyes in Alloy and he was described as having both eyes spiked at the time. The question I posed to this was, could he have still only had one spike at the time of saving the Malwish people, and only later replaced it? If so then yes I definitely think Kel could be using Marsh's body, whether Marsh is still in it part-time or not. 

  13. Interesting idea. I suppose it should be theoretically possible? We'd probably need more details on why the shattering happened in such specific aspects (i.e. why weren't there more or less detailed aspects already, why the 16). I'd also wonder if inherent power of each shard plays into it. Like, the shards broken into their minimum amounts of power at the Shattering without becoming Splintered. So maybe a shard (of the original 16, so not including Harmony obviously since it's 2) doesn't have the capacity to break down further without Splintering. I don't know.

  14. Just one tidbit related to why it couldn't be Marsh because he's described as having two spikes. Do we have any idea when he replaced his second eye-spike? Could he have left it out for a while/couldn't find access to one for a while so, at the time, he only had one? This is not to comment on whether it would me Marsh or Kel driving Marsh's body, just wondering if that opens up the possibility of it being Marsh's body again.

  15. All I have to add is that we know Spook lived longer than normal as he's casually been mentioned to have ruled for over a century, so either Kel and he really did spike him enough to give him immortality, or something else happened, i.e. Spook gave Kel his body as he was dying, using a spike/spikes of Identity/Connection, etc to get Kel's shadow in Spooks body. But then I guess Kel would have a dying body on his hands.... Alright faulty line of logic, but it was mentioned more than once toward the end of Secret History that Kel was surprised by the level of Connection between the two so I'm optimistic about something involving Spook, whether they share the body or it's something else.


    Some good ideas on here. I just finished the novella like 8 minutes ago so I'm still processing. Just wanted to throw in the Connection bit that stood out to me.


    Edit: I see the problems with this now relating to the timeline mentioned in the other thread about this topic. Not sure exactly what I think now, but I really think it's Kel somehow.

  16. Brandon has said Hoid will be a main character in the 4th era mistborn trilogy. I sincerely hope he's not an antagonist, but it is entirely possible. It's also possible he will be a Kelsier type figure, by that I mean he could be either protagonist or antagonist, depending on how you look at it.


    Sorry but, do you have a source on this? Somehow it's the first I've heard of it and I'd love to see where it came from.


    I agree with the thought process being passed around that basically no, Hoid's not evil, but very very well may be the antagonist. As already mentioned, he's outright said he'll do whatever it takes to reach his goals and since no one knows what those goals are, things could really go either way. It's rare that people see their own goals as villainous.

  17. I know I heard Brandon talk about the Cosmere movie rights as an entire unit in one of his signings but I can't find it now. It was in the context of how Marvel/DC/etc are connected universes and how that's big in Hollywood right now and he mentioned that he sold the entire Cosmere tv/movie rights (minus one series I believe) to someone but he couldn't say who specifically. I just want to know if anyone has a source on that because I want to hear the wording again. It would have been on a Shadows of Self tour I believe. Definitely recent. And yes I've done my best to look for myself for mention of this on here and outside of the forums but I came up dry. Thanks guys.

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