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Everything posted by Kaymyth

  1. This is the theory that was put forth in the book. But Marsh giving them the book on Hemalurgy at the end opens up a lot more questions that this doesn't cover. Thus all the speculation.
  2. That doesn't necessarily preclude him being an electrum Misting, though. I've heard some theories about how he might be a Slider, but mostly that gets debunked by the idea that Wax would have recognized a speed bubble. Electrum, though - that's a real possibility.
  3. That depends on how you define balance. Remember, neither Ruin nor Preservation are inherently "good" or "evil", so a balance between the two doesn't necessarily mean a balance between moral points of view. Perhaps proper equlibrium between Preservation and Ruin is the natural decay of things, dying of old age, etc. By that definition, murdering someone in their prime, stealing food from growing children, etc. would be the sorts of acts that would defy the balance. While we would view those acts of evil, it's not their inherent evilness that creates the problem.
  4. Yes, this. Metal pierced into someone's body does not hemalurgy make; it has to be used to kill someone/take their Investiture/steal a piece of their soul before it can gain a hemalurgic charge. Miles pierced his skin with his metalminds to A ) make them difficult/impossible to Steelpush/Ironpull them, and B ) to make them accessible for compound burning.
  5. Or was being influenced by the same force that was messing with Miles.
  6. It's a logical conclusion, but not necessarily the case. The timing *could* just be coincidence. Or it could be that with Wax actively getting involved with the Set, that was a cue to Marsh that indicated that he'd be open to investigating. But yeah, I'm not big on the coincidence angle, either. The Universe (i.e. Brandon) is not that lazy. I wouldn't be surprised if we eventually find out that the Bloody Tan stuff and the Set stuff is related.
  7. I think, of all people, that Marsh would be the last one to want Hemalurgy brought back. He is sort of the epitome of personal experience with how much it sucks. I think there's sufficient evidence in how completely bonkers Tan was to suggest that someone's been messing with his head. So, even with Tan gone, we still have the question of what rolled his marbles all over the floor. And thanks. I've seen a lot of back-and-forth about which way the Set is going, but it's always seemed to me that they're the kind of powerful group who is going to explore multiple options to get what they want.
  8. Marsh gave Marasi the book (to give to Wax) specifically because he "wanted him to be informed". Whether that traces back to the Set or some of the stuff that Bloody Tan was up to (or both) is up for debate. Personally, my theories about the Set involve them taking a two-pronged approach. They might be trying to breed a Mistborn AND experimenting with Hemalurgy independently of each other. If you have a goal in mind, and more than one way to explore achieving it, it makes sense that you'd explore both routes and divide your eggs up amongst different baskets.
  9. I wouldn't object to cadmium. You can do some really stupid-entertaining things with cadmium from a narrative standpoint. But the bendalloy symbol looks cooler.
  10. I usually have some level of lucid control; often, when something happens that I don't like, I'll go, "Oh, hey-all, no," and actually rewind the dream to fix it. It's so casual now that sometimes when I'm awake and I screw something up, I'll think momentarily, "Rewind? No? Dangit, this is real life, so no." I have had the rare fully lucid dream, but they usually only kick in after I've hit my minimum sleep threshold. I find that the closer I am to wakefulness, the easier it is to lucidify things. There was one time that I had a flying lucid dream and I thought, "Eh, I'm already flying, why not have wings?" And so I shapeshifted myself into a dragon. That was cool.
  11. Eh. Wasn't malatium already done the first time they did dice? I'd like something else from a metal that does more interesting things. Remember, kids, a vote for bendalloy is a vote for temporal distortions! And who doesn't love temporal distortions?
  12. And we JUST hit it. Turned over right before my eyes. ....and it dropped back down again? It's going BACKWARDS now. I blame Ruin.
  13. We're now less than $600 to the third exclusive die. We're gonna make it! I do. Not for any particularly logical reason, or to fill out any quadrants, but just because I think that bendalloy is cool. YMMV
  14. Heck, it was only 3 days ago that I was vocally expressing doubt that we'd hit the gold/atium level. You are not alone. I am quite gleeful over having to eat those words, though.
  15. It's especially egregious with AoL, though, given how much shorter it is than the other Mistborn books. 95,000 words just isn't enough.
  16. I think it's quite possible, even probable. As long as Miles had been keeping the compounding going, his body had very likely become dependent on it. There's going to be a profound difference between the effects of going on a compounding drag and keeping the compounding going permanently. If you run it for a few hours, you're just going to need a recovery phase. But if you run it for days, weeks, months at a time, that's setting yourself up for some profound changes in your physiology. Compound gold for too long, and your immune system forgets how to work on its own. Compound bendalloy for too long, maybe your digestive system stops working.
  17. I've kind of figured for a while that the reason stopping a long compounding string can be dangerous is because of pewter-drag-esque effects. It would likely vary depending on what metal you're compounding, but gold would be right up there with pewter in terms of how hard it can be on the body. If this is true, then recovering from a compounding drag may well be similar to how you do it with pewter; tap the metal at a moderate-to-light degree until your body recovers enough to maintain itself.
  18. Ooh. Nice catch. Lerasium must have some kind of Feruchemical property; that's what I'd lay money on TLR doing with it.
  19. That's OK. I didn't really feel that bad about it. Though, um....where does Kobold King come into this? Am I missing an in-joke because I haven't read All The Things?
  20. Well, at least you missed the second one. I can feel less bad now about corrupting young minds.
  21. Gosh, you guys. Allowing me to profit over a bad joke that I didn't even try to resist making. I mean, it was bad enough that even Wayne might have brought the hammer down...
  22. Well, the origin story goes that Ruin and Preservation worked together to make the humans on Scadrial, and that they have just a touch more Preservation in them than Ruin. As Allomancy is Preservation's power, I suspect that's where the baseline potential comes from.
  23. You pretty much, ahem, hit the nail on the head.
  24. From what I understand of steelpushes and ironpulls, it isn't that mass increases the force, it's that if you push or pull on something that has more mass than you do, you will wind up being the thing that moves rather than the anchor. So, to take your example, Vin could very well be pushing with more strength/force than Kelsier does, but because she's lighter, she winds up moving herself instead of him.
  25. It all fits, though. The Triforces of Power, Wisdom, and Courage? Those sound like Shardic intents to me. So there you have it: Hyrule is a Shardworld.
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