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Truthwatcher Ferring

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Posts posted by Truthwatcher Ferring

  1. My talent would be making people think that I care about whatever they're talking about. Seriously, it's ridiculous. Every time I get into a conversation with someone they seem to dump piles of irrelevant info on me because they finally have someone to listen to them. 


    I guess it would be useful for interrogations or distractions.

  2. I'm not sure if this is important but I've noticed that aluminum has only been confirmed to actually stop end positive magic systems.


    End Positive Magic Systems:

    In allomancy aluminum destroys metals and cannot be pushed or pulled with iron or steel. It also can protect a person from emotional allomancy.

    In Forgery (another end positive magic) Ralkalest (which has be theorized to be aluminum) cannot be forged with a soul-stamp.


    End Neutral:

    In Feruchemy aluminum can be used to store identity (although we've never seen it used).


    End Negative:

    In Hemalurgy aluminum can steal allomantic enhancement powers.




    Does anyone have an explanation to this?

  3. This is interesting. I like the idea of making the powers of the plants related to natural selection and evolution. For example: attractor plants attract water or nutrients to them while repellent plants push away pests or other competing plants. Time plants could accelerate time to finish their growth cycle in a day and then slow time and be dormant for the rest of the year (this would make them difficult to find and cultivate, supporting your desire to make it rare). Space plants might teleport around for safety.

    What I'm trying to say is you should give your magic a Why? Why would these plants bother cultivating their unique magical powers?

    I like the star/constellation idea. That sounds very fun.

  4. Thank you for taking an interest Curiosity and pir2h!


    This is how I originally intended empathy and trust particles to work:

    Empathy is what actually allows you to feel what others are feeling but it does not necessarily make you want to assist them.

    Trust doesn't allow you to better understand their emotions, it is the force that compels you to respond to those emotions (but not necessarily in good ways).

    So in response to your comment:

    Empathy is the force that "imprints" emotions onto others or shares them and it works both ways (effecting everyone equally is one of the core principles of my magic system.)

    But everything is open to change.


    I hadn't originally intended for this to be a cosmere magic system (although I drew heavy inspiration from Brandon's books).

  5. I personally like the idea of the magic being more subtle. So you wouldn't wish for a new car and have one suddenly appear in your driveway, you'd discover you won the car in a lottery or something like that. This supports the idea that you don't want most people to know about your magic.


    If the magic comes from an intelligent being:

    Does the entity or force that allows these exchanges actively try to twist your words against you like some genies do?

    Does the force perfer specific people or certain kinds of people?

    Does it enjoy granting magically gifts or does it find the task bothersome?

    If it finds the task bothersome, would it start asking for more in exchange for it's help after every wish?


    How does someone make the exchange? Do they chant, say a spell, or just think about it?

  6. So I'm not sure if someone has had this theory before but here goes.

    I was reading "The Nature of Copper" and I came across this:


    "Bronze is a pushing metal, sure, so it allows you to sense what you would not have been able to otherwise. But wait, when you think about it, how is that really pushing anything? So I propose that all humans have some innate ability to sense investiture and bronze pushes that to a point of being actually useful and noticeable."

    -lord Claincy Ffnord


    I think this makes sense so I started thinking about how individuals with hemalurgic spikes have "open minds" that are easier to influence and control. This seems to indicate that people have innate mental defenses that can protect them from allomancy (and other types of mental control like Ruin's). So I was thinking that Copper (an internal pulling metal) might pull those defenses up making their pulses harder to "hear" with bronze as well as defending against emotional pushes and pulls. 


    Problem: Copper is an internal metal and this would involve also pulling on the defenses of those around you.

    Proposed Solution: Copper already influences something outside the allomancer. It protects allomancers in a cloud around the smoker (If it didn't it would be much less useful. I guess it would still protect the user from emotional allomancy though). I have no idea how this works because it's an internal metal but it does.


    Side Note: If people have internal mental defenses that protect them, could you steal this with a hemalurgic spike and spike yourself to protect yourself from outside control. This could negate that weakness in hemalurgy (being controlled by emotional allomancy), although since getting another spike would itself make you easier to control it might take a lot of spikes, do nothing, or actually be harmful.


    -Also, since burning copper defends against all but the most powerful emotional allomancers, could you protect your mind from being taken over by burning it (if you were hemalurgiclly spiked and needed that protection)?


    Feel free to destroy my argument with logic or WoB.

  7. First of all I wrote this entire comment and then my mobile device reloaded my page so I had to write it again >:(. So I'm a little mad but I love that you responded.

    Thank you for your ideas and comments!

    On Motion:

    Yes, it would be delightfully dangerous in untrained hands.

    On Time:

    Yes, your perception would speed up so everything would seem to be in slow motion.

    On Awareness:

    I think you're right. It would make more sense if it enhanced all senses (Plus kinesthesis would be fun to explore in a fight). But, I'd like my characters to be able to use the power without extreme discomfort (Pain or bladder related). How about this; Awareness enhances your senses and your ability to handle the information like Atium, at least to an extent (I am completely stealing this idea. I have no regrets). Eventually the senses would overwhelm you but, you would still be able to use the power. Am I being too nice to my characters? Do you think I should keep the limitation? (It could certainly provide some comic relief (Pun intended (Yes I put parenthesis inside each other.)))

    On Gravity:

    You're right. You probably couldn't use it to walk on walls :(. I guess if you had 2 gravity attractors you could flatten and destroy something in between them.

    On Conduction:

    A foolish attracter could shatter all their bones. I think I'll leave that limitation in. Commence evil laughter..

    I was thinking that an attracter could could have power over mental particles (meaning they could control mental and social particles since social particles are combinations of mental particles), physical particles (physical and force), or mental and physical particles (physical, mental and connection but not social or force).

    Thanks again for your help!

  8. Thank you! I really appreciate the comment.



    Here are some examples for what each particle can do:


    Mental Particles are fairly basic (And I think I might change them so feel free to give ideas.). They intensify the amounts of each specific emotion everyone in the area feels. Because the attractor is at the center of the mass of particles they often gain great self control as they practice their powers (making everyone around you terrified is of limited use if you're wetting your pants). Mental particles take some skill to manipulate subtly. Any apprentice attracter can overwhelm those around them with emotion put using the power to manipulate others to do what you want is more difficult. 


    Physical Particles are also basic.

    Motion particles intensify kinetic energy. Ex. If you throw a rock at someone and attract this, the rock will accelerate and hit with much more force. This is generally the most useful physical particle.

    Heat intensifies well, heat. Other than keeping yourself warm it has limited use because attracting too much will cause you to burst into flames (I guess it would be useful for suicide bombings).

    Light intensifies light around you. Since there will always be some small amount of light even if you can't see it you can use it to light your way anywhere. You can also use it to blind attackers.

    Sound makes everything louder. It's pretty simple.


    Connection particles are more useful.

    Time particles speed up your awareness of time (basically giving you all the time you need to aim or make a decision). This doesn't make your body any faster, just your mind.

    Awareness enhances your physical senses (Sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell, and balance. Not pain) It basically has the same effect as allomantic tin.

    Chance is based on the theory that a collective human subconscious manipulates events to cause coincidences. This is the force that orchestrates you meeting a coworker on your vacation to Hawaii. Attracting this makes totally unlikely coincidences much more likely. This can result in good results, bad results, or both. For example: this may allow you to trip, thus accidentally dodging an arrow to the heart only to be helped to your feet to the son of a man whose father you killed who then recognizes you because you have 6 fingers on one hand who then proceeds to stab you.

    Intuition is someone's sense of the future. This particles effects aren't nearly as effective (at least in the short term) as atium but they can defiantly help in a fight. However this particle is focused on emotional events, both in the immediate and distant future. However, in this universe, the future isn't set in stone so you may have the intuition that this women in front of you is who you're going to marry only to be killed by a runaway horse because you stopped walking.


    Force Particles are particularly fun.

    Gravity particles can be used to run up walls (if the wall has enough mass) or if you suck at sports you can make a baseball attracted to your body (if baseballs existed in my universe). 

    Friction can be used climb up walls or help things remain in place (I guess you could trip people with it).

    Conduction makes energy run through objects faster. It can help you absorb the heat of the fire (boring). It can also make objects more translucent (allowing them to conduct light), help kinetic energy run through an object more easily, thus destroying it (very fun), or allow you to hear perfectly through a wall.

    ---Conduction can be combined with physical particles to focus the effects (only effecting light, sound, motion, or heat)


    Social particles are also very useful.

    Insight enhances your ability to sense what people are thinking (I'm basing this on the show Lie To Me if you've seen it). Empathy allows you to more easily feel what other people are feeling. Trust is the sense that compels others to act on your feelings (Like when you see your friend crying and go to comfort them). Will is the ability to force others to agree with and act on your words and opinions. (You've probably known people have such strong charisma that others natural deferred to them. Think of it like that.)


    One more thing I forgot to say in the first comment:


    Some percentage of particles cling to objects and people even after they leave the bubble. So you can effect yourself without effecting others (it's just not nearly as powerful).




    Nothing is set in stone.

  9. I'd guess that once an object is destroyed (with what constitutes being destroyed depending on it's cognitive aspect and the human ideal) the breath probably just leaves as if the object has died.

    I think if you burned an awakened object it would simply lose it's breath.

  10. Ideas for your magic system:

    Copper is a great conductor of energy (both thermal and electrical) so perhaps this metal could have to do with the movement of energy. A copper magic user might be able to use the heat in the air around themselves to light something on fire or redirect the kinetic energy of a physical blow. You could limit this system by having the energy that is redirected pass through their bodies causing some form of permanent damage if you attempt something too extreme. Perhaps these magic users could do one great spell and then die immediately after. Your understanding of the science and flow of energy could give you greater power.

    Iron is a magnetic metal and in folklore is sometimes related to sensing energy or pathfinding. I think it could be cool if iron magic users could see energy fields. This would allow them to sense objects through walls of see the energy of living beings (it could be very difficult to hide from them). I'm kind of imagining them as hunters or scouts (maybe assassins). Maybe they could even sense weakness or sickness in the body or sense people's emotions.

  11. Basically my magic system involves Attractors, my magic users, who are able to magically bring together groups of natural particles. These particles intensify the attributes that they are named for.

    There are 2 basic types of particles, Mental and Physical, and 3 types that are made from a combination of these more basic types. Physical and Physical make Force (Having to do with the interactions between physical objects), Mental and Mental make Social (Having to do with the interactions between minds), and Mental and Physical make Connection (Having to do with the connection between the mind and the world).


    -Mental: having to do with the mind

    ---Sadness, Fear, Anger, and Joy


    -Physical: having to do with the actual physical world

    ---Heat, Light, Motion, and Sound


    -Connection: having to do with the connection between the mind and the world

    ---Time (specifically your awareness of time), Awareness (the senses), Chance (the likelihood that coincidences will happen. Good and/or Bad), and Intuition (Our sense of the future)


    -Force: having to do with the connection between physical objects

    ---Gravity, Friction, Conduction (the movement of energy through matter), and Cohesion (force that holds thing together)

    -----(Note: The Particle of gravity effects the objects in the particle mass most powerfully, although anything in this mass is slightly more attracted to the earth. This means that a Gravity attracter could walk up a cliffside by causing the gravity between it and him/her to increase.)


    -Social: having to do with the connection between people

    ---Empathy (ability to know what someone is feeling), Trust (making people act based on your feelings), Insight (ability to know what someone is thinking), and Will (ability to make people do what you want)



    Attracting these particles intensifies the attributes for everything and everyone around you. For example: If you attract empathy everyone in your immediate area will be better able to tell what others are feeling (Although since the Attractor is in the center of the mass of particles they are affected most)


    These particles naturally dissipate and an attractor cannot make them do so faster. Groups of attractors can also effect others without effecting themselves by standing apart from each other and pulling particles into a group between themselves.

    Attractors aren't born with the power to attract it comes from first attracting into themselves the raw energy of the universe (a process that usually only happens once). It always occurs when the soon to be attractor has an open mind, when they're sleeping. 


    I'm thinking about having each Attractor having power over one group or having power over one particle out of each group.



    Please tell me what you think! I'd love some advice!



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