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Posts posted by Screwloose

  1. In a flash of green light Screwloose appears, smirking, and looks around. "So it was you Dark Alley "Scientists" I heard after all. Excellent, i've been meaning to try out some anti  Hemalurgist weaponry. I'm sure you'll understand as fellow researchers."


    What appears to be an anti tank rifle appears in Screwlooses hands, gravatonics glowing along its sides. Several piles of scrap metal (I'm assuming scrap since this is the roughs) have strips missing and one of Screwloose's pouches appears to be depleted.


    "Now beginning field test no. 1, whos first?"


    Epicness: 10%

  2. A light from the console in the corner caught Screwloose's attention. One of the tracking devices he'd slipped onto various pack members had been picked up well outside it's usual range.


    "Who on earth decided to travel all the way to the roughs?" *Checks whos transmitter it is* "Of course, its Winter, why would I ever think otherwise."


    Screwloose operated the console, activating the trackers sound function. Fighting could be heard along with a few familiar voices, Winters among them.


    "I wondered what was so important that she left her pack alone." Screwloose grinned "Still that does sound like fun, and it would be a shame to let such a useful research opportunity go to waste."


    Screwloose got up and began filling pouches with gunpowder, Silver and Aluminum ingots and assorted other materials and components. From his safe he took two transport devices and a metal cylinder attached to a motivator. After leaving a note in the main cavern notifying the rest of the pack what was going on he left the cave. A few minutes later a large explosion could be heard from outside.

  3. Current Name: Screwloose


    Gender: Male


    Original (if any) name: Michael Wulfe (Huh, fancy that)


    Faction: Pack of the Cosmere


    Position: Delta/ Technical Consultant (unofficial)


    Backstory and History: Little is known about who Screwloose was before becoming an epic other than the fact he gained a great deal of engineering and design expertise from somewhere, with many theorizing he worked as a weapons designer. He was first spotted in Newcago rambling escaping and doves and underwent his rending shortly after. The rending itself was not particularly notable and he quickly disappeared for a number of months before briefly reappearing in Dark Ally territory. Since leaving the DA he has joined up with the Pack of the Cosmere although as of yet has not accepted wolf form.



    Powers: Epic powers: Matter reassembly- Screwloose can instantaneously reconstruct any object he wants so long as he understands the objects construction fully and has the materials within a certain radius (believed to be around 50 feet maximum). He commonly uses this ability to create weapons or when building objects he may not have the correct tools for.

    The archive: Screwloose can perfectly recall the construction of any object that he has either built or disassembled including exact measurements. It is unknown whether this is truly an epic ability or one he had prior to becoming an epic. Does not work on wood or living tissue.


    Non Epic Abilities: Worldhopping- Screwloose has been seen using a strange device to perform a variant of worldhopping, appearing in a flash of green light. Currently the device appears to be one use only.


    Weapon(s) of Choice: Generally whatever is needed for the task at hand as Screwloose has a vast knowledge of various weapons. Most often he defaults to a handgun or an oversized rifle.


    Likes: His goggles, building things, people who create things, Jerky, Guns, new technology, Wolves apparently.


    Dislikes: People with too much power, other Epics, Doves, Sawdust, his eyes.


    Foreshadowing, foreshadowing everywhere.

  4. Screwloose smiled and hit eject on the CCTV recorder. He boxed  the disk with footage of the the panda and dark alley lackey sneaking about and rose from his seat, striding from his lab to deposit it in a box marked "For Winter's attention". 


    "I knew installing better security measures was a good idea. Even wolf-kind can't see everything at once, but a few cameras and a recording system can pretty much cover the entire forest."

  5. Major Firefight spoilers below.


    So now that firefights out we know that calamity is supposedly an Epic. So I guess the question know is how did he get his powers and why is he giving them to others?

  6. Screwloose walked out from a sideroom, examining a clipboard of blueprints. "Ah excellent, you must be the new lab assisant.. Did I ask for a lab assistant? No matter, I could use one"

    Looking up from the clipboard Screwloose raises an eybrow at Twilight. "Aaand you've already managed to transform yourself into a pony. We'll have to have a discussion about lab safety, clearly."

    Winters shouting could be heard outside. Screwloose looked towards the cavern entrance quizzically. "And it looks like you've managed to set the wolf girl off. Honestly they could've sent me an assistant with some common sense. Better leave her to work it out I guess." And with that Screwloose turned back towards the alcove containing his workshop.

  7. "Screwloose, a minor Epic, you'll excuse me if I don't bow and scrape. My power is matter reassembly. I can instantly recreate any mechanical object so long as I understand its construction and have the materials at hand."

    With a flash of green light a steel handgun appeared in Screwloose's hand. Several metal objects writhing the cave now have chunks missing.

    For a moment Screwloose looks tempted to use the weapon before setting it off to one side. When he speaks again his voice seems more strained

    "Useful if I need a weapon quickly, although the side effects mean it's only really useful in a fight."

  8. "Essentially construction materials, metals, plastics and such. Doesn't matter about the form they're in, just no wood or MDF. That should be a fairly easy request for someone of her standing. Secure a deal with her and I'll supply you with any tech you need, and judging by your mistakes in the alley, you'll need it, wolf or not."

  9. "First, the ability to join your group as an observer, after seeing what you did to our reptilian friend" *nod towards silver Dragon/white moonlight* "I'm very interested in what you are trying to create here. Secondly, and the reason I came here in the first place, I want access to the resources of Elsa Steelheart. I know you two are on good terms so this shouldn't be too difficult, I require a reliable source of materials and have no wish to involve myself in the politics of a court full of epics. Those are my conditions for joining you."

  10. "Ahem" *Waves* "Yeah, still here. As much as i'd like to study the Dragon... wolf thing, I would kind of like to discuss matters. Any clue on when your other self will be availible? I mean, the last I saw of her was her getting pounced upon by DA goons before I grabbed this"


    The inventor produces Winter's phone again.


    "Of course, if she is still captive, that would make my plans... Difficult to say the least. So I guess I could help you out until I can talk to her properly. For a price of course."

  11. In the confusion following Winter's capture few noticed, and fewer cared about, the appearance of a figure in the robes and mask of an acolyte. The figure strode towards the scene, nodding towards the ally members still lurking around.


    "I didn't expect her to move quite so soon... Still, it was a boring party anyway, even if there were a few potential resources about." 


    From the gutter a dim light glows, the figure stoops to retrieve the object emitting the light.


    "What do we have here? Looks like she tried to send something. Oh this is veeerry interesting. It would be a shame to leave such a useful piece of leverage behind"


    The figure turns, removing the phones battery before pocketing it and striding from the scene.

  12. The Inventor sat in a corner, unnoticed by the crowds, an untouched plate of conical cookies by his side. He observed the gathering through the tinted lenses of his goggles- in a place like this proper eye protection was a must, and he didn't want to gain a new 'gift', not yet anyway. As he sat he scribbled in a notepad, muttering to himself. "She'll have to be watched, don't want to get shunted out of another world quite so soon. Sigh. At least this place makes for some interesting research opportunities."

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